Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1108: Candlelight

In a word, a few words, Ben Hain immediately calmed down and no longer struggled, he was kept in the box honestly, and then sent to the cargo train to the state of Ambilo.

In the underground world of the empire, there is such a word widely spread-Death is not as fond of you as Mr. Du Lin's greetings.

Once upon a time, the greeting from Mr. Du Lin is like a mantra that can take people's lives anytime, anywhere. As long as you hear this sentence, you will soon face death and no one can escape!

Ben Benhain also knew something about "Mr. Durin's Greetings" and those poor people who were hurt by the spell and died.

So he closed his mouth obediently so that Mr. Du Lin would hate him and not say hello to him.

The slightly bumpy train is like a tireless babysitter. It pushes the cradle all the time, making the baby in the cradle drowsy.

Benhain insisted on holding his head for more than an hour. With the help of his prone position at this time, he finally couldn't resist the mental exhaustion after being frightened and fell into a lethargy.

他 When he woke up, the box used to transport him was slowly being opened, and then two powerful arms pulled him out of the box.

The slightly dim light bulb swayed slightly in the ventilated room. It was used to focus the lamp cap like a dipper to restrict the range of light. There was a blurry figure between light and darkness.

A top hat, elegant clothes, a pair of dark brown leather shoes, a person sitting in the shadows, can not see his appearance, can only see two bright eyes, is watching him with playful eyes .

Ben Hain stunned for a moment, a little awkward, breathing a little faster, "Sorry ... I want to go to the bathroom."

The man nodded, and two young men drove him to the room. Except for the door, he discovered that this should be the west. The rolling mountain shadows in the night tore the sky into irregular jagged shapes. .

舒适 Comfortable factors are hidden in the fresh air, which is imperceptible in the imperial capital and elsewhere in the empire.

After a cold wind blew, Ben Hain stunned, and then resolved one of the three most urgent things in the knowledge of the two young people, urinating.

The sound of gurgling water cleared his confused head a lot, and not even that slightly cool wind blew him up.

When he returned to the room, the figure sitting at the junction of light and shadow stretched out a hand, pierced the boundary of silence and appeared in the light. He made an inviting gesture, and someone took it behind him. He leaned the chair against the bend of Ben Hain's legs, and the sudden heavy pressure on his shoulders forced him to sit on the chair with an unbalanced butt.

No one spoke, and the atmosphere in the room was a bit surprised. Ben Hain tore his neckline. The depressed atmosphere made him feel very difficult to breathe. The fitted shirt neckline was like a rope at this time, which made him panic. .

After about two or three minutes, the people in the shadows laughed a little, then shook their heads, "Mr. Benhain, I watched you for a while, but I didn't find out from you that you had let People are investigating my courage, and I am very surprised, who gave you the courage to make you take responsibility that you didn't need you to bear? "

Ben Hain touched his pocket, took out a pack of cigarettes, and took out a spot. His fingers holding the cigarette trembled slightly, as if the lost man in the desert, who was about to dehydrate, met the oasis, and sucked sharply After a couple of coughs, he said in a trembling voice, "I ... I don't quite understand what you mean."

The man in the shadow denied his answer with a very powerful voice, "No, you know!"

当然 "Of course, I am a reasonable person, and I will let you know that the situation you are facing comes from yourself."

A man walked out of the darkness, standing on the edge of the light. The dividing line between light and darkness shifted back and forth on his face. At the moment when the light suddenly appeared, Ben Hain's cigarette rolled down from his fingers, carrying some Mars Landed on the ground.

Dufo, yes, the person standing out is Dufo, Benhain's heart trembled, his face became pale, sweat quickly squeezed out of the pores at a visible speed, and water droplets formed on the surface of the skin. The adjacent water droplets gather together and slowly slide down along the lines of the skin.

The order to investigate Dufo was issued by Bowers. Bowers knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to personally ask the General Administration of Investigation to conduct an illegal investigation of Dulin. This required an intermediary to relay the news.

So obviously there is no better person than Ben Hain. Although it seems that most people will know that the ultimate messenger is Bowers once it is revealed, it is actually not that simple.

First of all, if the matter was given the highest order by Bowers, and transmitted through Ben Hain, and then someone else contacted the Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Investigation may not be selling this face.

No one can always give instructions from Bowers. Those in the know who are in the investigation must save it. In order to elute their responsibilities when necessary, they need to have a person who is capable enough to block them. disaster.

Bowworth is too heavy, and he can only be pushed to the stage by uninformed people in the investigation bureau, which is inappropriate.

If the person pushing it is too light, it will also have the same effect, so Ben Hain is the most suitable.

He is the child of his former wife and brother, who can tell everyone who is behind the scenes, and if he can't drag him in, he is obviously the most suitable person.

Second, if something really happened, Bowers could clearly cut off the relationship with Ben Hain, even though they were relatives.

Ben Hain will also cooperate very well in making the confession "I dominate this matter, and I have used people's misunderstandings on the relationship between me and Mr. Bowworth", no matter how we judge him in the end, with Bowers outside Support him, and the prison disaster will not turn into a real disaster.

Of course, all of this is based on the premise that the final result is determined through judicial procedures. It is not in their consideration to "please" people such as Du Lin to return directly.

After all, this behavior is almost the same as directly turning his face. Neither Ben Hain nor Bowers thought that Dulin would do this. He was still an important member of the New Empire Party in general, and he would not be so stupid.

All intelligent creatures will prepare a plan for themselves and imagine that this plan is absolutely no problem at the time of formulation.

The lions always think that the herds of companions will provide delicious food for themselves. The coyotes in the wild always think that they can capture the lost animals. Even the falcons who soar the sky feel that they can eat a rabbit every day. .

However, the result is that most of the time, the plan is not really realized.

At this time, Ben Hain's inner world was filled with strong anxiety, and he smoked another cigarette. The lighter in his hand also seemed to be ineffective because of his master's fear, and he did not hit it for several consecutive times.

Batu Buddha came to him, took out his own lighter, and hit it all at once.

The beacon flickered slightly in the room where the air leaked. Ben Hain covered the wind with his hands, lit the cigarette, and said thank you.

I once again smoked two cigarettes severely. Ben Hain had realized the reality and talked paralyzed in a chair, so it was more comfortable.

Here is the west, the state of Abilúo, and the chassis of Doolin. He has been arrested without even knowing that Bowers was.

Whether he wants to resist or to resist Dulin in other ways, he is tantamount to seeking his own way.

死 Isn't it normal for one or two people to die in this wilderness, just like some tourists disappear into the mountains every year? There are too many irresistible factors. Someone has to be the focus of bad luck in the newspaper, doesn't it?

The tremor in his body subsided a little, looked up at Du Lin, and lowered his head again.

Even though Du Lin always hides himself behind the shadows, the moment the Buddha appears, he knows that the fuzzy figure behind the shadows must be Du Lin!

"I ...", since the resistance was worthless, then cooperation might not be alive. He opened his mouth and spoke the first syllable, and his inner struggle interrupted his next words.

However, when a person makes a decision, everything, such as conscience, ethics, morality, etc., is not a constraint that prevents him from fulfilling the decision. "I asked the people in the Bureau of Investigation to follow Mr. Dover. Mr. found some evidence that could be used. "

Du Lin spread her hands behind the shadow and shrugged her shoulders. "Look, this is not difficult. I am a very good listener and sometimes ask questions."

那么 "Mr. Ben Hain, why are you so interested in Mr. Dofo next to me?"

以 "So much so that you need to resort to forces you can't reach yourself ~ ~ to investigate Mr. Dofo."

"Ah ...", Doolin seemed to be thinking of something, "I forgot to tell you, this is very bad news. The three senior agents you commissioned had a car accident while tracking Mr. Dufo. All have been killed, this is really a great loss for the empire! "

His tone was accompanied by a hint of irony, "Because of your reasons, the empire lost three good agents loyal to the country and the people."

"I ... I don't know ... it will happen!", Du Lin's words made Ben Hain stupefied, and the three lives disappeared in this way, but the other side could use such a tone to ridicule the dead, no matter which three did What ever happened.

I can also see that there is absolutely no slight exaggeration of Du Lin's fierceness and his name in the dark world. This is a ruthless black wolf!

"Human death is like a blown out candlelight, then Mr. Benhain, your little candle ... will it go out?"

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