Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1109: Live advertisement

Ben Hain smiled awkwardly so he would not let his candle light go out. For the first time, he felt that life was so precious.

Before that, he never imagined that he would face such a moment one day, even though at that time, Bowers was only the party whip of the New Party, and his power was not as great as it is now. He was already alive and interesting.

But now, instead, he started to feel uneasy. Looking back on the past half year, with the beginning of the promotion of the new party leader by Bowers, his life has entered another stage.

A variety of temptations are coming, good, good, and good.

He only has no bad things. Everyone respects him, is willing to provide him with various conveniences, and is willing to fill his anonymous account. He feels like a "key figure" in a high society.

什么 If you want to gain something, you must give it away. There is no gain for no reason, no effort for no reason.

He gained great benefits from the promotion of Bowers, and therefore had to bear some responsibilities that were not lost to him, and the responsibility was too heavy for him to bear.

Du Lin's meaning is very obvious, Ben Hain thinks that Du Lin already knows the truth, but he wants him to say it himself.

He never had any contradictions with Dufo, and he would definitely not be bored to send someone to investigate Dufo. These are the ideas of Bowers, trying to grasp the evidence of Dufo's crime, and then using Dufo to restrain Doolin.

I just didn't think that Du Lin's decision came so fast that he didn't react to it.

He squinted and watched that the cigarette in his hand had been exhausted, and sweat covered his clothes, and the wind that penetrated through the gap in the house made him cold all over the body. He swallowed and began to tell the truth.

No one can make a choice between life and death that is not good for himself. Instinct is the only force that can restrain reason.

"Last time Mr. Du Lin's problems between you and my uncle made him very angry. He thought that we could reach some consensus with you in another relatively less direct way."

Ben Hain glanced at Dufo and continued, "We all know recently that the Hometown Association is restructuring and Mr. Dufo has left you. I think this is an opportunity, so I proposed to my uncle, maybe We can use Mr. Dover's position beside you as a buffer between the two positions between you and my uncle, so that some issues can be handled relatively well. "

Du Lin nodded his head, he followed his fingers, clasped his ten fingers, and his elbows rested on the armrests on both sides of the chair. In other words, did you initiate and conduct the investigation of Dufo? "

"Yes, I brought it up and executed it myself." Although Ben Hain decided to tell most things, he still concealed the most important part.

When he protects Boworth, he is protecting himself. He is not sure whether there is a tape recorder in this room, and whether Doolin's grasp of his confession will cause huge trouble to Boworth. He will not confess to Bowers until the power appears.

He even prepared himself to face something that might be scary, but as long as he doesn't die, he won't say the most critical words.

Bawworth carries not only everything of his current family, but also everything of the Ben Hain family. Their civilian origins are too competitive in this society.

Without the support of a powerful powerhouse like Bowers, maybe they are not much better than the ordinary working class.

Lack of sufficient creativity and perseverance, destined that their ability can only be shown in the aspect of relying on other people's lives, which is also the situation that most of the middle and lower classes are facing.

The solidified class is guarding against the latecomers. They have used every means to reduce the area under their feet. Even if so, many people will come in every year, and they rob places. They can only erect more solid walls and try their best. Possible blocking everything.

的 The ladder to heaven is not faith and piety, but money and power. This is exactly what the middle and lower levels lack and need most.

"It seems that Mr. Ben Hain is unwilling to cooperate ...", Du Lin touched the stubble on his chin.

Instead, Ben Benha calmed down from time to time. He also smiled, "I'm just telling the truth."

Du Lin couldn't help but applaud a few times, "I admire your courage when facing danger, and I also believe that you are a wise man ..." He paused here, obviously, he was thinking about how to deal with Hain, Ben Hain started to get nervous again, uneasy.

The acceleration of the heartbeat makes him dry and dry. This is a normal phenomenon. When humans notice a huge danger, adrenaline is secreted. The strong power injected into the heart will speed up the metabolism, which will make all organs of the body, including muscles. The oxygen content of the tissue increases, gaining more power.

Dry mouth is just a humble complication.

Actually, Doolin did not intend to kill Ben Hain. When he asked Savey to capture Ben Hain, he had not considered killing this person.

First of all, Ben Hain has a certain social influence, and it is the social influence in the imperial capital. Killing him will inevitably make Bowers angry, and it will also shake the whole society.

He is not as influential as most of the people that Du Lin had killed before. There is not much influence, and there is not much visibility. Even if he disappears, no one will run for them.

But Ben Hain is different. He has handled too much dirty work for Bowers, and helped him do many private things. He has mastered the "dark side" of Bowers.

Once Ben Hain disappears, in addition to Bowers, those who have made a deal with Bowers will become panic-stricken, and these people will explore everything in the mist to find the truth.

Du Lin is not afraid of these people's exploration, but their exploration will obviously be a trouble. When they find that their opponent may be Du Lin, they will face two choices.

First, when you do n’t know what to do, you give up trying to find out the truth, then pretend that you have n’t done anything, live in anxiety, and watch out for possible bombs that explode at any time and kill yourself.

Twenty-two, united with other "victims", including Bowers, formed a group that existed due to Doolin, and then concentrated their efforts against Doolin.

Either is not the best result, because they will eventually face each other and stand on opposite sides.

Moreover, Du Lin couldn't guarantee that the crazy old man of Bowers would still have a trace of reason in his rage. He would definitely do something unexpected, and maybe even make everything public, just to make Du Lin unlucky.

In addition, it is Kubal who is sitting in the prime minister's position, not Magus. There are certain things that Kubar may not be willing to help him to suppress.

Although Magus had always advertised his absolute justice, he was honestly partial to Du Lin, who had killed the Guartt treason in order to solve the final problem, and Magus helped him. Squeezed down.

库 Kubal may not necessarily do that. If the old party can take over the governor of a new party directly after taking office, this will be inspiring to all the old party forces, and it will also improve the cohesion of the old party.

Coupled with the imminent development of Ambiloo, Dulin also needs to maintain a positive image of Ambiloo and himself in terms of social orientation, so that people will have a good impression on Ambiloo and promote local economic construction.

Comprehensive reasons, so Ben Hain will not die, but he must pay the price, he will become a notice board, warning everyone, do not come to provoke Du Lin.

In this way, you can damage Poworth's decentness at some level, let him know that if you do something, you will be grasped, and also let more people understand that he and Poworth are not friends.

This is very important. In the political arena, one can be mediocre and have no ability, but his position must be accurate.

Well, Ben Hain ’s ending is obvious. He will survive, but he will be ashamed, and it will become a scandal. He will also embarrass Baobos by the way, and suppress Baobos on the top of the Empire Tower. Department.

Thinking of this, Du Lin stood up, and Ben Hain, who had been slumped in a chair, wanted to stand up, but he put a hand behind his shoulder and hugged him firmly on the chair.

His breathing became rapid and unstable, and the restlessness disturbed the heartbeat for a few beats, and the desire to vomit rose instantly, and he resisted.

Du Lin tidy up his clothes ~ ~ Rao the lights and walk outside, "Mr. Benhain, I wish you a pleasant holiday!"

Benhain breathed a sigh of relief, his tight body relaxed, and he vomited out suddenly, but he didn't feel uncomfortable because of it, instead he vomited while laughing.

He already understands his ending, so he will cooperate with Du Lin very well. Du Lin wants to set him up as a "model", and then he makes this model shining with gold.

The next morning, the Green Field Daily, which has the largest circulation in Ambilo, reported a ridiculous news. A celestial enthusiast came to Ambilo to set off on his own, and ran around the city naked in the capital for a week. Some funny words were tattooed on the body.

Several photos showed the streaking man in front of people's eyes, with the words "Don't come to mess with me" on the front of his body, and the words "I will beat your ass" on the back, making people feel ridiculous At the same time, there is something inexplicable.

This newspaper appeared on Bowers's desk the next morning.

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