Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1142: Still untitled

"You must not guess, someone asked me to send you a message."

Ba Dufo entered the door with a bag of fruit in his hand and glanced at Du Lin who was lying on the bed pretending to be unconscious, but was so bored that Du Lin was about to die and said something he had never expected.

Dufo went to the side of the pool while cleaning the fruits that he bought back, and continued to say, "That person said that your injury is very serious. The current domestic medical methods cannot have a better effect on your situation, so your Your wife has decided to send you 'go abroad'. I heard that the medical methods in some foreign countries are more sophisticated and can make you wake up as soon as possible. "

He said that at this time, the expression of Du Buddha was slightly strange. He put the fruit on a plate and sent it to the coffee table, then took one of them and took a sip.

After a squeaky crackling sound, the fruit was missing a large piece, and he continued to chew as he chewed. "That person also said that if you have any needs ..."

Du Lin turned up sharply and sat up, twisting his neck with a smile. "He said yes, let Ophelia come over, and let everyone prepare for our trip abroad."

Batu Buddha nodded his head, "How many people are there?"

"The more, the better!"

Dulin did not ask who told him to pass the word, because when he heard the second sentence, he was sure that this man was definitely Magus.

At present, some chaos in the empire is still expected by Du Lin. The gods of these goddesses are showing flaws. The more people they contact, the more social activists they contact. The more.

Some of these social activists may be their own people, but more of them are ordinary people. These people have been looking at money all their lives. As long as they give money, they are the father.

But we all know that in the formula, money is less than life. When facing the threat from life, don't expect these people to have any professional ethics.

In addition, there are still some people who stir up the flames throughout the country. Their exposure is only a matter of time. The Security Council and the Military Intelligence Department have listed them as the number one enemy. They believe that the theology of the gods is the greatest shame in the history of their two departments. Investigate everything there is to know about the gods.

Not every believer's belief is firm, devout, and people like Angela exist in this organization. As soon as any one is found, a part of the indigenous religion will soon be exposed to the water.

If there is no accident, the results will be available after a period of time.

Then what is left is some other interest claims. Since Magus was able to let Dufo pass on such content, it means that other people have paid for the condition of Du Lin.

Coupled with the ifto thing that has been buzzing recently, who will pay the bill, it is clear at a glance.

同时 At the same time, he also faintly guessed the thought of Magus. The ifto organization said that there is essentially only one real organizer, that is, the Empire of Yaoxing.

But there is only one core country, so naturally there is no such organization as ifto, so Yaoxing Empire needs to draw some countries internationally to join ifto to create an international financial and trade organization with Yaoxing Empire as its core.

核心 The core beneficiaries will definitely not be other countries. It can even be said that some countries will be damaged at some levels after joining ifto, especially some small countries with weak national strength.

之后 When Xingyuan became the settlement currency, these small countries and even most of them did not have the power to resist the empire, and the economic lifeline of these countries was equal to half of the empire of Yaoxing.

Empires of any policy can make the economies of these countries violently fluctuate. The reason why they are willing to join ifto is also due to the very active empire market in international trade.

When it comes to essence, money is still at work.

The country is small and the resources are naturally limited. It is difficult to develop some large industries. Many things rely on international trade to import domestically. At the same time, some domestic light industrial products also need to be exported abroad.

的 The Yaoxing Empire, which has a huge land area, a large population base, and a huge market, has become their best partner. It can import technology products from the Empire to cash, and it can also sell domestic products to the Empire to earn enough wealth.

So when Kubar invited, these countries had to agree to join ifto because of their face and the weakness of international trade.

This is actually a very straightforward and simple thing. Once you join ifto, you need to settle with the star yuan. Then the exchange rate of the star yuan is the empire's final decision. Real-time exchange rate fluctuations can allow the empire to reduce these State gains to get more profits.

Of course, they will be unwilling, but there was no way to spare the request before, but at this time some problems in the empire broke out, they immediately took some initiative, using these problems in the empire as an excuse, postponed or even refused to join Into ifto.

It is not that they are "unwilling". It is because the problems and contradictions within the empire have not been resolved. They are worried about the future.

But it is definitely not to not join, but it is currently not suitable to discuss things about ifto. As long as the empire can solve these things, they can continue to cooperate in the future.

If ifto does not have enough member countries ~ ~ then ifto is naturally a non-existent thing. You cannot use force to force other countries to use the celestial currency, or use the joint international currency extended by the celestial currency, right?

So this question has returned to the initial stage of the proposal for the establishment of the International Financial Trade Organization. Where can I find a group of people to join this organization?

This is where Kubar asks Durin, otherwise Magus won't say he wants to go abroad for medical treatment, and it is clear that he will be allowed to go out for public relations.

Public relations abroad are not harmful to Du Lin. He can be cured abroad, and then he can move around the country. As long as he does not return, he is still in a coma. The main thing is to get out of people's sight and release some activities for others. Space and opportunity.

And he also believes that in order to get the ifto thing as soon as possible, Kubar is willing to open up good conditions. These conditions will become Du Lin's personal friendship and be passed on to those countries and his friends to continue to expand his international influence. force.

At the same time, he can take the country rulers who have a good relationship with him to the empire to participate in ifto, and travel to the west at the same time.

By then the entire international community knew that there was a good tourist attraction in the empire, and leaders of all countries had gone and praised him.

This place is Ambiluo!

Break Fett! !! !!

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