Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1143: Go abroad

Dulin was unconscious after being assassinated and severely injured in Abiluo, but it is very strange that the management of the Abiluo State government and the cities at all levels below did not show any confusion, and it is still working as usual.

Even the film being shot here has not been greatly affected, and even a screenwriter thought that it could be brought into the future shooting plan in accordance with the contradiction between Tushenism and Du Lin, for the future. United Movies lays a good foundation.

编 The screenwriter even thought of the movie's name, it's called Avengers!

长 Governor Durin, the true ruler of Ambiloo, because ... in short, all the good things have been done, and he has also expelled the evil earth gods. The unarmed governor has been assassinated by a lot of assassins.

In the course of an assassination, his chest was accidentally hit by an arrow from the Tujiao marksman. Not only did it cause physical damage, there was also a strange poison on the arrow, which left His Excellency Governor unconscious.

The eight heroes in the western world came together to save His Excellency the Governor and formed a team called the Avengers, who dared to rush to the Tushenism hiding in the evil abyss of the Yagul Mountains. They must be in twelve hours. Defeating this evil organization and finding an antidote can save Governor Doolin.

In the process, they exhausted and defeated the thirteen super strong guarding the evil abyss, facing the gods of the earth gods. At the end of the time limit, they retrieved the medicine and saved Governor Durin. .

一 As soon as this script was written, it was shot dead by the six major companies. In the character of Mr. Du Lin, if the script is really set up, the poisoned arrows must be themselves.

However, this also reflects that the work of all film crews is still underway, and screenwriters even have the mood to write these crooked things.

In late July, a message came out in the west. It is said that it was Ophelia, that is, Du Lin's wife, facing the incompetence of domestic medical groups, and decided to take Du Lin to leave the empire and go to other world famous for medical methods and technology The state seeks help.

She believes that these countries have a way to heal Du Lin's injuries and wake him up as soon as possible. At the same time, some important domestic news organizations and newspapers also got some inside information about the shootings of Du Lin, including Du Lin. Injured photo.

There is an obvious gunshot wound above Du Lin's chest in the photo, and some doctors' diagnosis results are supplemented next to the photo. After inspection, they found that the bullet may hurt some muscle tissue and nerves when it penetrated Du Lin's body.

This led to the irregular beat of Doolin's heart. These shrinking muscles interfered with the heart, weakened the pulse, and caused the brain to stay on the minimum requirements to stay active.

To put it simply, there is a problem with the heart, the amount of oxygen in the blood drops, and the brain has to stimulate self-protection measures because it is constantly facing hypoxia, that is, it is in a coma.

Only by solving the neuron problems of the muscles that cause the heart to beat irregularly, can Turin wake up.

In a word, the injury is too serious for the doctor.

As soon as the report came out, it immediately aroused the attention of enthusiastic people from all walks of life in China. Some social activists also began to criticize the impotence of the five major medical groups in the Empire, while others were praying for Du Lin.

This is not a show, because Du Lin is indeed a very good person, a noble person, a pure person.

He not only built dozens of elementary and middle schools in the empire, the Angel Charitable Foundation also built five welfare homes in various places in the first half of this year, and plans to have two to three welfare homes in the second half of the year.

Many people may not pay attention to these news, but when Du Lin needs to go abroad for treatment, similar reports will appear in front of people after integration.

It is also the first time that people have discovered that Du Lin has done so many good things without knowing it!

Whether it is those schools or welfare homes, the help to this society may not be particularly great, but what he does can make people feel warm.

It turns out that in this impetuous society, there is such a great man who is obscure and does good things without asking for returns.

At some point, people are always easily moved. Social media, media and newspapers are all advocating, and even some people went to these cities to look at those schools, welfare homes, and eventually were moved.

In fact, the plan to build primary and middle schools has been implemented for several years. Du Lin paid part of the money himself, agents and presidents paid part of the money. The established elementary school will provide free children of Guarte age Education.

To provide relatively cheap education for non-Guarte school-age children, to put it simply, these private schools were not created to make money, purely to improve the overall educational level of Guarts, and to use the profits obtained from other students To ensure that the school's continued investment is not too great.

As for the welfare homes, that's true. Last year, six welfare homes were built. This year, the goal is to add eight new homes to cover some of the major cities of the empire.

Ophelia Angel Charitable Foundation has many profitable projects in hand, plus three charity evenings held each year, the foundation does not lack money at all, and sometimes it feels that there is a lot of money in hand.

A successful charitable foundation should not allow too much cash balance in corporate accounts ~ ~ That is the most stupid performance, so Du Lin's request for the foundation reached a certain indicator line, It is necessary to spend the money. Only when people feel the foundation's enthusiasm for charity can it attract more people to pay attention to this industry, and follow the foundation by the way.

Anyway, the news of Lin Linzhu is overwhelming, as if Du Lin's departure is farewell, now is a memorial service in advance to remember some of his past merits and commemorate his contribution to this country.

"These reporters should be shot." Du Lin threw the newspaper out of the window and quickly disappeared in the sea.

After a short schedule and a secret conference call, Du Lin has already gone to sea.

In order to ensure his safety, he escorted himself with the help of four "freighters" on the west coast. As soon as these freighters left the port, they reinstalled the contents of the warehouse where they should be, to save space and pile up other thing.

Ophelia sat next to Du Lin, curiously looking at the four mighty warships not far away, and the fearsome muzzle on the warship, asking curiously, "How do you lie to them from?"

Although girls are not particularly concerned about politics and military affairs, as a girl of a noble family, they can always be exposed to some things related to these things, such as the fact that the governor cannot interfere in the army.

It was obvious that her man had violated the rules.

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