Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1144: Station 1 at Huitou Road

Du Lin's relationship with the Navy has been maintained well. After the old party came to power, they fulfilled the content of the agreement according to their previous agreement.

The second day after the Navy came to power in Kubar, the admiral reported to the newly appointed Minister of Defense, and the Navy returned to the arms of the Imperial Ministry of Defense again.

This is of great significance to the national defense integrity and national security of the entire empire, which means that the national defense and military system are highly unified again, and it is a manifestation of rising national strength.

Many people have attributed the return of the navy to the takeover of the old party government. It is also a good start for Kubar. Just one day ago, he accomplished something that Magus hadn't done for many years.

The old party elements fell into a carnival, believing that this was a manifestation of the people's will. The old party regime with Kubara as its core must be able to achieve a glory beyond the new party's governing period.


In fact, some people who know the truth of the matter and people who guess the truth of the matter, such as Dulin, are lamenting the layout and ability of the layout of Magus. After 30 years of toiling, the Navy has returned to the Empire. embrace.

They even felt that they were taking advantage, and they hadn't considered why they were suddenly stunned and thrown out for thirty years.

的 The people who know the story behind this incident did not disclose it, because some things are good in themselves, but they are likely to become bad.

Faced with Ophelia's question, Du Lin smiled and did not answer, and the girl did not continue to follow this question.

I do n’t know why, even when he was still calm when facing the fight, he suddenly turned into a soft-footed shrimp.

伊 He hasn't changed that for almost two years.

Stuck in the Agate River, even if the waves are bigger and calmer, he can go to the sea, even if the waves are calm, he can vomit to collapse.

The Buddha has been vomiting for a few days on the sea. He did not vomit for several years. On the last day or even the whole day, he drank some water and drank some water.

When Savage disembarked, it was still Savvy's support that did not make him ugly. He had almost no strength on his two legs and was standing steadily.

Their first stop was the Principality of Orix. This small Principality is located next to the Confederacy. The first stop when Doolin fled the Federation two years ago was this small Principality.

According to common sense, the specifications of the Duchy of Orix could not be promoted to "state", but they have now raised a grid and become a formal, independent country. The ruler is also called the royal family.

When the Ogdins overthrew the Guarts, in order to cut off the aid from other sources and completely isolate the Guarts, the Emperor Kairo I of the Ogdins promised to have all The Grand Dukes, who belonged to the Guart dynasty, allowed them to form a real country and allowed them to become kings.

Anyway, it is not their own property that is sold, and the Ogdins are not distressed, and this diplomatic method has indeed disintegrated the last hope of the Guart dynasty. All the grand dukes sealed by the Guart dynasty did not have any People reached out to help and watched the demise of a dynasty and the rise of a new dynasty.

Of course, these are old things. Du Lin's visit made this small country a sensation. It was not a sensation with a drama component. It was a real sensation.

More than two years ago, Doolin sprinkled millions of financial aid in the Principality of Orex, and left a large number of orders, contracting all agricultural and pastoral products of the Principality of Orex, and solved it in one fell swoop. This small country has a friendship with everyone in the country due to the problems of the federal economic downturn.

This time Doolin visited the Principality of Orix again, and even King Hazlet personally went to the port to meet him, expressing Doulin's outstanding contribution to the country and the royal family.

Dulin solved some of the big troubles in the royal family. Hazlet was not a wise monarch. With the strength and consideration of the Federation at that time, it was impossible to allow a neighboring country to have a wise and powerful monarch.

Under their manipulation, Hazlet, the most incompetent of many princes at that time, successfully captured the throne and became the monarch of this country.

If it wasn't for the presence of Du Lin, maybe the country has no royal family, and the new party has replaced the royal family and started to perform the responsibility of managing the country.

Fortunately, those orders saved him.

This is why he came to meet Du Lin himself. He must be grateful to Du Lin and guess the reason for this visit.

It's no secret that 完 ifto is about to die. Although the federation suffered a calamity, it is not as good as before, but the camel that starved to death is always larger than the horse. If they just want to create a wave of international opinion, it is not difficult.

Hazlet thinks that Du Lin's visit is likely to be related to ifto.

But it doesn't matter. As long as it can bring him benefits, bring benefits to the royal family, and resolve contradictions and differences within this country, he does everything for whatever reason.

As soon as Du Lin appeared, he greeted Du Lin enthusiastically, shook hands with Ophelia, and praised the girl's beauty.

The two talked for a while ~ ~ Hazlet asked Du Lin to board a specially prepared convertible and sat with Du Lin in the direction of the palace.

The children on both sides of the road were waving flowers and cheering. Through the "welcome" and "warm welcome" of some local accents, Du Lin felt their hot heart.

He glanced at Du Lin, Hazlet said with a smile, "Here you are more welcome than me!"

Dulin was modest, but Hazlet explained with a smile, "Since March last year, the federal government has cancelled all orders. If it were not for you, we might have a hard time in two years!"

This is not a falsehood. The main economic pillar industry of the Principality of Orex is animal husbandry. In the past, their high-quality beef was almost completely packaged and sold to the growing Federation.

However, after the financial tsunami, the federal government reduced external demand and began to strengthen internal productivity. It cancelled a series of international cooperation and orders, and caused many small countries that rely on federal orders to develop their national economies.

I can imagine that when these desperate farmers and herders received a large order from Du Lin in despair, the kind of gratitude for being rescued was beyond words.

Even if Du Lin said that he wanted to be a king here, the people here would strongly support him.

Anyway, they have long been accustomed to Hazlet's incompetence, and it seems that it is a good proposal to change to a capable king!

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