Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1175: Multiple choice

Dielsina is Ophelia's mother. This sentence is like nonsense, but it clearly states the fact that Dielsina does have the ability to interfere with Doolin's decision.

After being silent for a while, Bowers responded cautiously, "I'll go and understand the whole story and more detailed content, and give me a few days!"

满意 The visitor's face suddenly showed a satisfactory smile. He took the initiative to stand up, reached out and shook Bowos, "Then I'll wait for your good news, don't bother you to rest, goodbye!"

He was slightly polite and was taken to the door by Bowers and then left.

After returning to the study room for a while, I looked at the book and found that I couldn't read it anymore, so he decided to go to bed earlier today.

His wife asked curiously while lying in bed, he said nothing.

In fact, there are some other things behind this matter. The visitor said that there is "a person he knows".

人 This man is actually the son of Bowers, the child of him and his former wife.

As a New Party leader and "second person" of the empire, he should have allowed his children to inherit his career and take a political path, but he did not choose to do so.

The reason is very simple. The political game requires too much intelligence. Even Magus didn't easily involve his family in it, and his mediocre son was even less.

So he got some relationships early to get a good job for his son, now he is a senior partner of a large company.

He looks like a waiver, but it is actually a protection.

This road is not so easy to go. In the past, political losers often faced the end of death.

The modern political environment has been greatly improved. It is almost impossible to end up like the past, but it will still not be too good.

Rather than being indifferent all his life, 还要 is also frightened, and it is better to enjoy the happiness brought by wealth easily.

一 As soon as the next day, Bowers drove to the New Party building. He pondered for a while, and found a friend in the society with a good relationship.

In the office of Bowers, the two turned on the foreign function of the phone and let his friend talk to Du Lin.

Du Dulin was already in the capital at this time. As a member of the New Party's internal organization, his rank and treatment were sufficient to allow him to enjoy the high-grade temporary residence prepared by the New Party.

The Pudong New Party built a villa-like living area outside the Imperial Capital Circle. The house is relatively small and has no garden.

In addition to those who live here permanently, there are also some vacant houses ready to welcome temporary guests.

Du Lin came to the Imperial City for business purposes. In addition, the villa in Oak Bay was living for Melissa, and the new manor was under construction in the new city. He lived here.

After the party's intra-party service office in the New Party helped Du Lin to resettle, there will be a public resettlement information for the high-level, telling that a temporary villa in the high-level party used to receive members of important organizations is occupied, if there are other arrangements next , The adjustment should be adjusted.

Because of such a process and information retention, Bowers can quickly grasp the trail of Du Lin, and can find this phone number and dial it.

"I'm Du Lin ..."

Dulin's voice rang in the external microphone of the phone, and Bowers frowned. He hated the voice, but also held his breath and made gestures to let his friends continue.

"Hi, Mr. Du Lin, I'm very brave to bother you at this time, but I have some important things that I need to communicate with you."

"You said."

"That's it. I have a project in the state of Abilúo. I'm having some trouble now ...", before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Dulin.

"Sorry, the governor of Ambiluo is temporarily replaced by Mr. Schnoed. I have not yet returned to my post. Please contact Mr. Schnoed about Ambiluo. Good luck, goodbye!"

The phone quickly got caught in a busy tone, and then was cut off.

There was no obvious emotional change on Bowers's face. He pursed his lips tightly, his brain quickly swirled in his brain, and rubbed electricity, making his few hairs look like they were going to stand up. same.

It took him about sixty or seventy minutes before he returned to God, got up to thank his friend, and then sent him away.

Dulin's attitude is not unusual, Bowers is too familiar with that simple style, but what Dulin's words make him feel that there is an unspeakable problem.

Bawworths can be said to have been the new party's high-level for so many years. Even if he has little power, he has at least been the third party of the new party for a long time, and now he is the leader of the new party.

As he holds a certain power, he also knows the terrible attraction of power to men.

的 The difference between him and Magus is due to the change of power, even if they have cooperated for decades, and in the end for power, it can be very unpleasant.

Dulin is also a person with a strong desire for power, and his character can be seen from the style of various places in his administration.

Suppress trade unions and expel chambers of commerce to ensure that you are the only person on the site who has the right to speak. How can such a powerful person give power to others for safekeeping?

If you think about it from another perspective, Bowers feels that the first thing he did after returning to China was to get Schnold out, but Du Lin didn't do it, which obviously violated Du Lin's personality, so is there anything unknown? Thing?

On the one hand, there may be dangers, and on the other hand, there are great benefits. Bowers' heart is in a dilemma.

If he is a New Party leader with real power, then this matter ends here, and even if there is more gain in it, it is far less than the power brought to him.

If you compare this thing to the water of a swimming pool, then power is the tap.

Maybe you can't get too much income at one time in a short time, but as long as the faucet is still in your own hands, the income is continuous. One day, the water flowing out can fill the entire pool and there is a lot of surplus.

But the problem that tangled him now is that the faucet in his hand is really just an ordinary household faucet, or a type of faucet that can't flow much water.

Coupled with the unprecedented improvement of the status of the three chairmen of the New Party's internal committee, he can be said to be equal, and he has greater power than him.

Strictly speaking, his first party in the new party may still be the same as before, and can only be counted as the number two, or even the number three and four.

This made him become tangled. When a person cannot get satisfaction in one aspect, he will look for another channel to seek satisfaction.

He is very clear that he cannot sit in this position for too long, and he even suspects that Magus's voluntary retirement is to deal with him and not allow him to be re-elected for a long time.

By the time he takes office, he will be about the same age as when Magus retired. If he wants to be re-elected for a long time, the aristocracy will certainly not compromise, and social public opinion will not hold him for re-election. Supportive attitude.

This is a very common social phenomenon. People will think that the elderly will be more stubborn and rigid, unable to keep up with the times, and lack the adventurous spirit.

Coupled with the example set by Magus, his must also take the initiative to request retirement, to cater to the example behavior of Magus, and to ensure that he is not stained by virtue.

退休 After eight years like a puppet, he retired. This treatment made Baoworth very unhappy, but there was no way.

没有 No one in the New Party could surpass him in the new party during Magus's administration. After his era was over, his own era had not yet begun and would end.

I have struggled for so many years ... Is it to obtain such a prefix, the second leader of the Empire New Party, His Excellency Bowers.

After a long struggle in his heart, he picked up the phone again, dialed multiple numbers, and determined things he couldn't judge.

Finally, hesitated for a few minutes and dialed a number he did not want to call.

After a short wait, the sound of the phone sounded a little disappointing to Bowers, the voice was a little deeper than the clear and translucent youth, but it also had a lot of emotional charm.

"Here is Dilhina ..."

拿着 He held the receiver and sighed subtly. "It's me, Bowers."

During a long period of calm on the phone, Dilhina spoke again when Bowers was in a moody mood, trying to say something to resolve the embarrassing atmosphere at this time.

"I thought you wouldn't call me if you die." I could hear that there was a hint of irony in Dilhina's tone.

青年 Bauvos, who was a young man at that time, joined the New Party Secret Club and became an important member ~ ~ deeply trusted by the aristocracy led by Magus, and has a bright future.

I was not able to gain the recognition of the aristocracy as a civilian, which was very incredible in the feudal period.

The spirited Bowers seemed to have seen a golden avenue appear in front of him, and he became more confident and even arrogant.

When he always thought that what he lacked from those elites was just a difference in identity, he hit his mind on Magus' sister.

If he can marry Dielsina, he will not only become an imperial empire, but also solidify his relationship with the New Party and Magus, and have a stage for realizing the value of his life.

But Dilhina's words made him fall into the abyss, so that when he left, he also said something unpleasant.

He is not as vicious as vicious, he used a seemingly proud self-esteem to confront the aristocratic pride, but unfortunately, he lost defeat.

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