Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1176: Ha ha

Time is the best anesthetic in the world, it can make people forget the pain, and it is the only yeast in the world that can ferment everything.

Even if it is hatred, after decades of fermentation, it will become calm and peaceful, and even hide a long-lasting mellowness.

At this moment, decades have passed, and Bowers was already dismissive of Dilhina's behavior of hurting himself, and there is still some emotion, but this sentence made him inexplicably swell from the soles of his feet, straight Head up.

"If you don't want to talk well, then you should close your mouth. After more than thirty years, you are still as annoying as before."

There was a light laughter from Dielhina in the telephone receiver. Although she didn't say a word or even a single syllable, it was still annoying.

"I don't want to talk to you if it's not necessary, now tell me what is going on with the mine."

Sentences such as when is the best way to resolve hatred are rejected by Baoworth in his mind and labeled as shit.

If time resolves hatred, the Guart dynasty will not perish, and there will be no war between the Empire and the Commonwealth.

Time will only make hatred even more terrible, from a flame to a volcano, and eventually burn the whole world!

The most painful of the memories, the pain was that for a while, Boworth had memories of negating his thoughts, and his heart started to breathe, making him look more and more calm.

"Where did you hear the news?" Speaking of the mine, Dilhina's voice finally became normal, although a little arrogance always existed in her voice, but it improved somewhat.

Now her biggest trouble is this Abiluo mining company. The two consortiums plus the heavy investment of the Imperial Bank of China cannot be ended without a single sentence.

Whether she can do it or not, it must be done. The company must start operations as planned. They have already prepared some production mining tools and are waiting for the license to enter the mountain.

Of course, this matter is really not that easy. Dilhina is thinking about ways while delaying time. Whenever someone asks this question, she is saying that it is almost the same, and it will be solved when Du Lin comes back.

She really can't find any other excuses to continue dragging on. She can only postpone that Du Lin is not in the state of Abilúo and Schneider dare not easily issue her a permit.

理由 This reason is very useful. Everyone knows who Du Lin is, so it is only natural that Schnold did not dare to make a decision on his own, plus some extended conjectures.

For example, Dilhina told everyone that Doolin has agreed to their project, but because of the decision he made before, it is not good for him to violate his decision, so he hopes to persuade Schneider to achieve a fait accompli Way to get a mining license.

Of course, if it ca n’t be done in this way, only after Du Lin comes back and starts to host the work can he get the mining license according to the process.

This rhetoric is purely deceptive, but it is not like it, but if it is true, it always feels a bit wrong.

But no matter what Dilhina's words are, it is an undeniable fact that she is procrastinating. She can stand still, but the consortium and the bank cannot stand still.

They have already invested more than 46 million before seeing any substantial progress, and they have also adjusted more funds to forcibly dilute Dilhina's equity in the Ambilo mining company. How is it possible? Let the precious time be lost just a little bit?

Every second, it represents the gold ore smashed by a miner with a pick.

Every second means that a pot of flame-filled liquid metal is poured into the mold of the metal ingot.

Every additional second of delay means that they are losing hundreds of fortunes.

Yes, stacking this money here without doing anything will not produce any economic benefits, but will continue to make losses due to the freezing of capital.

亏损 These losses may seem to be only a small part, but they add up to a terrible number.

So even if they haven't figured out what is happening on Du Lin's side, they start to carry out the tackling, instead of waiting passively.

There are not many candidates who can overcome the barrier of Schnold, but Bowers is definitely the first candidate.

As the first person of the imperial civilians, he is a symbol of the civilian leader and civilian spirit. With his status and prestige today, it is still possible to persuade Schneider.

Everyone knows that Schnoord and Bowers have a very good relationship. Even this time, he took the opportunity to replace Doolin to preside over the work in the state of Abilúo.

With such a layer of relationship, it is not surprising that Boworth was involved in this matter.

In fact, Bowers did not know that he was not the only candidate. Ms. Dorrie, the new chairman of the New Party Committee, was also visited, and she was asked to persuade Schneider.

Dolly's status as a leader of Schnoed's political path is different. It seems that she is not as close as the relationship between Bowers and Schnoed, but in fact she is the one who really determines the fate of Schnoed. .

If it wasn't for her introduction of Schneider into the New Party and gave him a chance to set foot on the political stage, he would be dead in his life, probably a well-mixed middle class, and he would never have the status and power now.

In addition, many people have been visited, from Schneider's family, his wife's girlfriends, to relatives in his family, as long as there are people who can interfere with his decision, are visited.

These upfront investments don't cost much, at most hundreds of thousands are in place, but if the mining work can be started one day in advance, the losses will be lower than their income.

These things were kept very secret. Dilhina couldn't imagine how Bowers got the news. Of course, this had something to do with Dulin and Magus always hiding her.

Dier Hina most of the time to perform in nature, it is difficult to get her to play the role they need, it is better to hide her and continue to let her perform.

Then she became relieved again, "Oh, I almost forgot, you are now the leader of the New Party. Why, you are also interested in this project?"

Quickly weighing the pros and cons in her mind, she quickly concluded that it would not be a bad thing to pull in Bowers.

Don't look at Bowers now. He doesn't seem to have any power. He participates in various meetings all day and is exposed everywhere. Although the New Party lost in the general election, the scale is still there.

There are still a large number of states and regions under the control of the New Party ~ ~ especially in the southern region, plus his political influence. In the event of an incident, the southern consortium and the imperial central bank will The issue of influence must be taken into account, so that the state of affairs is compressed to a small extent.

Bawworth didn't answer immediately. After about a minute, he said with a chuckle like Dilhina before, "You're deceiving ..."

尔 Dirhina at the other end of the phone was shocked first, but soon she calmed down, anyway, Lei was already on his head, no matter how scared, no fear at this time.

She asked an irrelevant question, "Do you know why I would reject you?", And without waiting for Bowers to answer, Dilhina asked herself, "Because you never know how to be a triumphant Man, you will always be a sad loser, Bowers. "

"If you just want to say this, then this is the end of our communication, bye!"

鲍 Bowworth, who was hung up suddenly, looked at the receiver in his hand, and his expression became confused again. He had realized that there was definitely a problem in it, but what was the problem?

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