Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1201: Just admit it

One million is not a small amount. This money is enough for thousands of families to live without food and clothing for a year, but in Dilhina's mouth, it is "not much."

In fact, she is not wrong in this idea. After removing the corresponding cost out of this one million, it is divided and paid according to the shares, and the money that ultimately falls into her hands is about 400,000.

More than 400,000?

For ordinary people, this is an astronomical wealth, which can only appear in their dreams when they drink too much, but for the two people in the room, is it more than 400,000?

Dulin laughed a few times, he poured a cup of scented tea for Dilhina, put the cup in front of her, "You are digging for gold ..."

Dier Hina took a cup and took a sip. "Yes, gold mine."

Dulin turned, "But I didn't promise to allow you to mine in Yagul, nor did you allow you to mine gold in the Yagul Mountains. You know, you fouled, West Asia."

Dilhina almost jumped straight up. When she put the cup on the table, it was unstable, and the tea spilled a little, and she poured it on her hand. She couldn't even wipe it, and asked her with her neck straight. We said at the time that you allowed me to develop mineral resources in the state of Ambilo, and I got a signature from Schnold as you told me. You can't be so shameless, Doolin! "

"I'm the mother of your wife, you must respect me, even if you don't want to respect my identity, I want you to respect my last name, my family!"

Du Lin turned around, returned to the chair behind his desk, and pursed his lips. "But I did not say that it is a mineral resource in Mount Yagul. I am talking about the mineral resource in Abilúo. Those Ordinary mineral resources. "

"You stole my money, a million dollars. West Asia, don't run away from this problem, recognize the reality, you have committed a foul." Du Lin spoke slowly, every word was very clear, completely. There is a calm momentum, as if Zhizhu was holding everything under control.

He leaned forward slightly, pressing his arms on the desk of his desk. "In order to protect the mineral resources in the state of Ambiloo, in March the State Council passed a proposal to protect the natural resources in Mount Yagul. What is being dug is part of the protection. "

"Now while the problem is not big, I will give you two options. First, dissolve your company and give your illegal income to the state government's Ministry of Finance. For the sake of our good relationship, I will give You have a token ticket. "

第二 "Second, you can discuss with those people, then we will have a lawsuit, and finally let the law decide who is right and who is wrong between us."

Chandil Sheena cannot make any choice, whether it is the first or the second.

The first option is to dissolve the company first. She cannot cover up the two consortia and the Imperial Bank, nor can she find a reasonable interface for them to accept this fact. Moreover, the total investment of the company has exceeded five Fifty-five million, at this time, say that we are separated?

Do not say 55 million, even if it is 500,000, some people will be killed or killed because of this money, let alone 55 million.

The consortium and the empire's central bank did not recover the losses and no longer made a fortune. Stopping them and dissolving the company was simply a daydream.

And not only dissolution, but also a fine, the ghost knows what kind of ticket Du Lin will issue, and even more terribly, whether it is a consortium or the imperial central bank, they will never admit it.

This is related to their credibility in society and social evaluation.

This is a small matter from a single ticket, but there are always many victims of delusional paranoia and conspiracy theorists in this society. They will not consider why the consortium and central bank accept the punishment. They only know and publicize them. Was punished!

The more gigantic formal institutions, the more concerned about their credit rating in society. Once the consortium, the imperial central bank lost some of their credit due to an inexplicable ticket, which may bring them more losses.

The first road is not accessible, and the second road is also inaccessible.

It is not easy to fight a lawsuit. Du Lin's lawsuit is recognized as the worst lawsuit in the legal profession and the judicial field.

He has a former lawyer who shaped the undefeated golden body, the devil's spokesman, Kevin, and he has great social influence and huge wealth while holding power.

Everyone knows that the victory and defeat in the court is outside the court. Even with a lot of evidence, it is difficult for Du Lin to become a loser.

Moreover, the lawsuit requires money. It requires a lot of money. The capitalists always know how to use the powers granted to them by the law in a reasonable way, so that an innocent person can get out of his house and become a tramp in the park within a few months. This is still the case where the tramp did not lose the lawsuit.

The judicial battle between two behemoths is like a magic that ignites money to illuminate the sky. It is bright, amazing, and terrifying.

"Also ... is there any other way?", Dilhina lowered her tone, and she persuaded.

Dulin, like Magus, belongs to the kind of **** who turns his face and doesn't recognize anyone. He can still treat her as a family member in the first second, and make her unlucky in the second. These bastards, bastards!

"Last time I gave you three choices, then this time I will give you the third choice as well." Du Lin lit a cigarette and took a breath. "You go and surrender, from beginning to end, what you did Everything is explained clearly, and then other things are left out of your control. "

"From what I know so far ~ ~ If you don't squander the money raised, you only need to lose 18 months of freedom to avoid everything else."

"West Asia, you are Ophelia's mother, that's why I told you so much. It's almost profitable for you to spend 18 months in safety."

"You have to understand that from the beginning you were suspected of fraud, but also involved so much money, and involved three forces that you can't afford."

"You also need to thank you for your identity and your last name, at least this way they will not kill you without any scruples, but find a way to get this thing done!"

Dilhina waited for Du Lin, in a very bad tone, "You knew it all from the beginning, right, it must be, you know everything, but you still pushed me, you hurt me ! "

Dulin laughed. "How could I hurt you, ma'am? It's your own greed that hurt you."

Dilhina, who returned to the temporary residence, called Magus on the phone, told everything about Magus, and cursed Dooling on the phone, comparing him to an evil devil, ugly Demon.

But Magus' answer is very simple. Children understand that they have done wrong and apologize and accept punishment. You are no longer a child, West Asia!

So in Dilhina's mind, a **** became two bastards, she has no right to choose.

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