Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1202: something wrong with

On Sunday, in a villa in a city in the south of the country, five well-dressed gentlemen sat by a gambling table. The chips on the table were piled up like hills. The game had been going on for more than four hours.

For gamblers, time is never the reason to give up playing. As long as there is a dollar in their pocket, they can sit for a while, and maybe a miracle will come.

The lap is over soon. For those gamblers who enjoy adrenaline excitement when they win or lose money, and live for the thrill of blood pressure and blood pressure, the game of gambling does not need to be so smart, but It must be simple and exciting.

The way they are playing is that they each issue three cards in turn, then discard one card, and then show the cards in their hands. Points and suits have their own opinions, but overall it is very simple.

It's a very simple way to play. It doesn't even require a brain. Although some people think that such "matching" requires brain and technology, it doesn't need it.

底 The bet for each round is one dollar. You can raise during the three-card deal, and you can raise once after discarding your hand for a total of four chances.

Four chances are enough to stack the chips of several of them to a few hundred or more. These people are constantly blushing and red heart beat, and they are constantly quiet. The air is filled with a special atmosphere, which makes people involuntarily plunge into excitement. .

When the five of them were so happy that they had forgotten the time and place, a gentle knock on the door shocked them.

They looked towards the door and took their eyes away. There is no cash in the pockets of the players. They use chips to settle. After the game is over, they directly calculate the gains and losses, and then use cash checks to settle the bills.

This made them completely unconcerned about whether the people outside were the police. One of them sat back in a chair and stepped back a bit, stood up and walked toward the door, "Who is outside?"

"For delivery, hurry up, I still have something." There was some distortion when the sound from the door passed through the wooden door. At this time, everyone noticed that it was almost seven o'clock at this time, and it was indeed time to eat. .

I didn't feel it just now, but now I was reminded so much that everyone seemed to be a little hungry.

Originally, their plan was to have a big meal after the end, and then play at night, but now I do n’t know who is so intimate and I also brought them takeaway. It seems that it can save some time for dinner in the game.

The person who opened the door didn't doubt anything. First of all, this is a rich area, and the security guarantee of the service company is doing a good job.

Most of the high-end communities in the Empire of the Empire will install some very useful alarms in the room for the owner. Just take a hard shot and the security duty room of the service company will dispatch personnel to come immediately, up to a minute or two.

Secondly, there are very few idiots who commit crimes in high-end neighborhoods in the rich areas, not to say that money cannot be found here. Of course, this is also a reason. The main thing is that the criminals are very clear, they can't offend everything in a city. The rich.

When a rich man is harmed, other residents living in this community will panic, be upset, and be angry.

These are the emotions that ordinary people have. They can only hold back or secretly find a place to vent, but for rich people, rich people who have money and power, they will spend money.

It has been very effective to solve the problem by paying a reward. Although the police do not advocate this method, they will not stop it. After all, they are dealing with some criminals.

Plus this gambling game is not only known to these five people, there are some other people who know that just this time they have not come, there will always be some good friends who will remember their stomachs. This is normal and may even be one of them. Someone had ordered the takeaway long ago, but they had forgotten Baller.

For these reasons, the man opened the door directly and looked at the alarm button next to the door.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that!" The young man who opened the door wore a round felt hat and a high-necked black trench coat, and the muzzle in his hand almost shoved into the mouth of the opener. , The fingers pressed on the trigger had a clear tendency to collapse, everything fell into silence.

Behind the man in the trench coat quickly poured into other people. These people had weapons in their hands, and they quickly controlled the situation inside the room.

No one will have the courage to do something misleading with the aim of several pistols.

Finally, two more people came in from outside the room.

中 Three of the five people involved in the gambling almost screamed out, because one of the two people who entered the room later was the local mayor, Mr. Schnold.

The man standing next to Schnoeder was his wife, who had some unclear expressions on her face. She walked in front of five people and examined each one carefully, stopping in front of the fourth person who was already shaking slightly. Footsteps, and then slap the arms together.

The slap slammed very hard. The slap was very loud. The man, who was almost one and a half meters in length, was swollen and swollen half-faced, and the corners of his mouth were cracked. A mouth opened, and the red blood slowly spilled out.

He is this man, who has been threatening to scare Schnoed's family some time ago, and has also created a blood-pack bomb, which scared their children.

In the negotiations between Schneider and Bowers, he demanded that this person must apologize to his family, that is, the man appeared in Schneider's house after the incident, beat his own face, and asked his wife Apologies for what you have done during this time.

Legally speaking, a single piece of evidence cannot be used as the key evidence to form a "kill" to the defendant. To convict the defendants, there must be a chain of evidence that can fully prove each other.

This man is part of the chain of evidence.

Schroder's wife returned to her husband, pointing at the man and saying, "It's him, I won't forget his appearance, and the fright he brought us."

Schneider comforted his wife, then looked at the man in the trench coat beside him, "The next thing is left to you, but can I ask, how do you plan to deal with him?"

The man in the trench coat grinned and said, "He will accept the sacred baptism!", And then tilted his head, the two gunmen raised the weapons in their hands and smashed into his head a few times. After the flesh was blurred, He was also stunned.

The man in the trench coat asked the Schnord couple to leave here first, and then let the man load the car away. Then he looked at the other four pale, sweaty guys and smiled.

This smile is very common, but all four of them were stunned. One of them trembled violently, fell to the ground after insisting for less than five seconds, and then quickly kneeled.

"Write your name, home address, work place, if you haven't lied, then this thing ends ..."

有人 Then someone took a picture of them, and checked it through their own channels according to the information they wrote. After ensuring that they didn't lie, they sat at the gambling table and nodded with satisfaction.

He patted his legs and stood up. "Very well, sir, you are very cooperative. This is good, so there will be no misunderstanding between us."

不过 "But I need to remind you that if I hear anything after today related to what happened today, I will personally host the memorial service for your whole family."

He walked to one of them and bounced the dust on his shoulder. "Do you understand?"

He didn't wait for these people to stand, he turned and left, and the gunman in the room walked away completely.

These four people look at me, I look at you, and start packing without saying a word.

They know what happened some time ago. This is also what the man named Ade recently showed off. After all, it is definitely not a trivial matter to threaten the mayor's family. It is enough to show off in the middle and lower levels of his society.

So now, his consequences have appeared. Whether these people are Schneider or anyone else, it means that their mayor is not as simple as he seems.

There are almost ten gunmen. These people can smell a trace of cold killing from their bodies. They may have done something.

Everyone has their own instincts for survival, and they are no exception. They have even thought about taking their family out for a trip for a while, and then come back after the limelight.

On the other side, Schnord's wife was a little upset after she was out of breath. "Dear, how do you know these people, will it be involved with you?"

Schneider pressed his wife's anxiety and said softly in her ear, "I found a new backer, you know, that person!"

His wife stunned for a moment, and then quickly responded, "But ... I heard people say that ... aren't you in conflict?"

Schneider smiled at himself, sighing while shaking his head, "No one can be independent of the rules of the game in this world, neither can I, and there is no contradiction between me and him ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ This work has instead given me a rare opportunity. "

He tightened his wife's hand, "For more than thirty years, I finally saw hope ..."

At night, the noisy city was covered with a quilt named night, and gradually fell into a deep sleep.

Walking in the station warehouse, Ade woke up from a coma. The pain in his head was like an axe embedded in it, and his brain was almost broken.

Some unclear memories made him completely awake after hitting his face with a punch, and he sighed like a drowner and took a deep breath, his whole body stretched.

The dim light and some people hidden in the shadows, he struggled for a moment, but it was meaningless, he was tied to a chair.

At this moment, a man hidden in the shadows suddenly made a noise, making him suddenly quiet.

"Mr. Du Lin has a few questions that are not clear. Maybe you can answer them?"

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