Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1203: No one is innocent

In the dim warehouse, a blast of wind swayed the chandelier slightly. The light and shadow in the old warehouse constantly changed, from time to time, those who were standing around were completely hidden in the darkness, and most of them were exposed after a while.

Ade gasped, watching the people around him shut their mouths. He was a black glove raised by the Vandolls Group, and was responsible for some illegal activities.

In fact, most large enterprises and group companies have one or two such non-contract "employees". The "socially responsible entrepreneur" proposed by Du Lin has completely activated the requirements of capitalists for their own image.

A better social image and trust will contribute more benefits to their careers. Many entrepreneurs who are willing to donate to charitable activities have a good reputation in the society. When people buy their products, they subconsciously think of "I Some of the money spent on these goods is used for charity, which is equivalent to me doing charity. "

企业 If an enterprise does not establish a correct and positive image, it is easy to have bad influence in the process of word of mouth from consumers, and ultimately affect the company's revenue.

So it is very important to maintain your own image. Nowadays, the image of the company has become the benchmark for consumers' products. When choosing products, they are willing to buy these products with good reputation and good corporate image.

The bigger the company, the more challenges and dangers it faces. Sometimes, some things can be resolved through private solutions, or through judicial channels.

But there are also some things that are not so easy to deal with, especially when encountering some difficult opponents. They neither discuss with the company to solve it, nor can the company solve it through judicial channels. Most of the time, these problems come from the company itself. On one side, judicial channels are not necessarily a good choice.

At this time, the role of these black gloves is reflected.

解决 Solving this problem through intimidation and lure is often simpler, quicker and easier than other methods. If you are not satisfied with the money, then it is your life and there is always a suitable one for you.

Ade is such a person. The Vandols Group is one of the emerging powers in the south. The consortiums in the south are basically new powers. Their path is more wild. There is no decent but decent game rules for the northern nobles. It was even more unbridled.

For these people, nothing is uncertain about money, including Mr. Schnold, the mayor.

In order to make up for this, the Vandolls Group plans to invest in some factories in the city where he governs in the near future. These are enough to frustrate Schneider's dissatisfaction, plus he does not have any sufficiently tough backstage, so this matter is over. .

Ade also did not consider so much. After finishing the previous work, he was rewarded with 50,000 yuan, which is enough for him to chic for a while.

He never thought about it, he would plant it in this matter, even more terrible is that he planted in the hands of Du Lin.

At this moment, he had nothing but silence.

He said something, the big men in the group would not let him go, he said nothing, and Doolin would not let him go.

He Ke, if he didn't say anything about being killed by Du Lin's people, the group company will pay a large amount of settlement fees to his family afterwards, regardless of whether it is to buy people's hearts, at least his family can live the next day.

If he said that Du Lin would not give him any benefit, and the group company would not give him any benefit, then why would he want to speak?

He spit out a **** saliva and closed his eyes.

The main subject glanced at him and looked around, and then laughed softly, "It seems that our Mr. Ade has not yet figured out the situation ..."

A strong man walked in front of Ade, holding his hair in his left hand to lift his face, and a big fist in the right hand slammed into his face, his head violently flung out, Zhuang Han lost a handful of hair in his hands and raised his head again.

With the fist of three punches, Ade's eyes exploded into Venus, and the things in front of him suddenly flickered. There was a feeling of dizziness and vomiting.

He can't even feel if his cheeks are in pain, completely lost consciousness!

"Mr. Ad, I admire your work ethics and respect your courage, but some things can be resisted without resistance."

"Before we have not become irrational because of our anger, maybe better cooperation is the basis for our two sides to cooperate happily, what do you say?"

Ade opened his eyes forcefully, his head swayed back and forth slightly, as if his neck could not support the weight of his head, "hit ... kill me!"

The subject watched the smile on his face gradually disappear. The hard and hard people did not like it. Is it so difficult to take the initiative to cooperate?

He walked to Ade, raised his face, and pressed his thumb on his right eye. "Mr. Durin wants to know, who gave you instructions to threaten Mr. Schnold's family?"

Ade with a swollen half of his face smirked and spit it on the subject's clothes, who looked down, and his thumb began to exert a little force.

Ade suddenly made a scream, he wanted to struggle, but he couldn't help it.

The strength of the thumb is constantly strengthened, but Ade's scream does not become sharper, he has shouted to the limit of his throat.

With a flutter, the principal retracted his hand, took out the handkerchief, wiped the blood and some transparent liquid on it, and turned his head and commanded, "Let the doctor save his life, and invite his family ... I remember who Said he had two mistresses? Both invited, including their children. "

When Ade woke up again, he felt the numbness in his half of his face, his eyes became a bit twisted and strange, and his right eye socket had a slight tingling sensation.

He closed his left eye ... and then trembled, his right eye was blind!

I wonder if the crying or panting shocked the caretaker. After a while, the main subject appeared in front of him again. He raised his blood-stained face and glanced at the man. The only left eye was full of hatred.

"You hate me, I see that you hate me very much, but it doesn't matter, that's our thing, we have time to solve these problems in the future."

"Now, you need to answer me, who gave you the instructions, and who do you serve?"

The stinging silence lasted for several minutes. This time, Ade was very smart and didn't spit again. That was obviously a stupid move. To be honest, he had a little regret.

The subject stared at him silently and sighed softly, "Since you don't want to say, then I can only provide something that I wouldn't do ..." He turned and said, "Take them Come up. "

This sentence filled Ad's heart with anxiety and fear. Within less than ten seconds, he saw his family, including his brother and sister and his wife, as well as two mistresses and their sons.

"Come here ...", the subject bent down, beckoned at the child hiding behind a woman, and the woman quickly turned to hold the child, but the person behind her still separated them.

看上去 This little boy looks only seven or eight years old. It is amazing that he didn't cry or bark after he came here, but just stayed quietly. If the child is not a fool, he will definitely have considerable achievements in the future.

The principal touched the child's soft hair and asked softly, "Are you afraid ..."

His words were interrupted by Ade before he finished asking, "Let him go, this is a matter between us and has nothing to do with them!"

The actor stood behind the child and put his hands lightly on his shoulders. He looked at Ade with a smile, "You said that these things have nothing to do with them?" He shook his head, "No, there is relationship."

"They enjoy the reward you get through criminal means, and build your own comfortable life on the death and suffering of other people, completely ignoring the money behind them, how many injustices are crying, you now say they and You have nothing to do with those things? "

There was a taunt of ridicule in the words, the subject glanced at the child in front of him, and looked at Ade again, "Each month you give them money, the house they live in, all their expenses come from you. "

"We are not different, Mr. Ade, even we will be more noble than you ~ ~ because we will never hurt innocent people, but you will, for money, for status, you will hurt Those innocent people. "

"You are more ugly than us, so since we are not good people, don't say some lines in movies that only good people can say."

His right hand covered the boy's right face. This action made the boy take a deep breath like drowning, and then he said, "Daddy ... my eyes hurt ..."

The principal's forefinger pressed gently on the boy's eyelid, and he looked at Ade, "We assume the child is innocent, so are you willing to answer my question now?"

"Let him go, I beg you ...", Ade's voice was crying, "It has nothing to do with them ..."

The actor released his hand and hit a ring finger. The person behind dragged Ade's brother out of those people and moved to Ade's side. A person stood behind his younger brother and held a gun against his head. .

那么 "Is your brother innocent?"

I did n’t wait for Ade to answer, and the subject continued, "Rape, torture, robbery, murder, you brothers should be more clear about what you are doing. Can you tell me, is he innocent?

Ade was suddenly speechless, but a second gun shot unexpectedly, and his brother fell to the ground with a bang.

Ai's blood splashed Ade's body, and also on the child's frightened face.

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