Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1204: Beep beep

The sudden gunshot disappeared again, and there was a person lying on the ground in the room, but he could never get up again.

The swaying lampshade gathered the light within a small range, and Adela's only eyes stared at his brother who was twitching slightly on the ground, and the soybean-gun-like gun eyes on the back of the head began to spill blood.

Ade ’s child was as if he was stupid. He stood blankly, completely free of emotional fluctuations, and the fear remaining on his face was still telling how terrible the impact of witnessing the death of a loved one on him.

Next to the unfortunate egg, Ade's face was red, and the gums that could not withstand the huge pressure under the bite of the teeth began to bleed. The sweet blood smell stimulated him. He slowly raised his head and looked at the principal. By.

The principal made a very regretful expression, "If I were you, I would say it. We know that you work for the Vandols Group, but you need to explain who you are serving and who you are obeying to threaten you. Mr. Schnold's family. "

"This is not a difficult question to answer, all we need is a name."

"I believe you are not the only one serving the Vandols Group. You have the courage to keep secrets, but others may not."

"Stupidly sacrifice yourself for the salvation of others, Mr. Ad, this is not what a true warrior should do."


A voice screamed out from the crowd just behind him. A stylishly dressed but now very embarrassed woman was dragged out in the struggle scream, and she was scared by these people.

Her brother was shot dead somehow just now, and she was going to pee!

The kicking and kicking did not cooperate until she slapped her face fiercely. The woman suddenly became honest, and seemed to be dragged to Mr. Ade's left as if she had accepted her fate.

"Your sister, because her husband slapped her in the process of arguing with you, you tied the man up and put it in oil and burned it alive. You will give three hundred dollars to your sister every month, And she was offered a job that didn't require her to get paid. "

"Everything she enjoys, everything she owns is based on your crime, and she is not innocent."

"The problem is still the problem. Who gives you instructions and who you serve, by the way, I will give you a warning, don't wait for someone to die, just say it."

要么 "Either keep that secret and watch your whole family lie here, or say it early so that your number of family members will not decrease too much!"

His sister glanced back at the muzzle of the black hole, and cried again, clutching Ade's hand tightly with both hands, his face eager and begging.

She didn't want to die, but the gunman behind her raised her pistol ...

Feeling the warmth and trembling from the back of her sister's palm, watching her only son not crying like a dementia, watching the despair and fear on the faces of family members in the distance, the string dang in his heart broke Already.

"I said, I said ... let go of them, and I said, all the horse-riders will tell you!", Ade closed his only eye, a cloud of tears slipped from the corner of the eye, nourishing the blood stains that had become dry Let those blackened blood stains have a little more gorgeous color.

The host applauded his choice, "Great choice, it's not difficult." He released the child and instructed, "Take them to the room, give them some food and water, and blankets, I believe They need to rest now. "

阿 After Ad's family was taken away, the subject said with a smile, "Look, this is despicable, right, as you did a while ago, threatening a woman and a child."

"Well, tell me that name, Mr. Du Lin has more than one question, we should save some time!"

Ade quickly offered his home, and other things, such as some of the precautions and records he had left while doing dirty work.

Although he is very "loyal" to the company, he can't say that he does nothing to prevent it.

少 Is there still few fools who have been killed by their own people after the value is cleared this year?

He left part of the evidence may not be what he wants the company to do in the future, purely for self-protection. When the company thinks that his threat to the company is greater than his value to the company, these things can at least save his life.

Only now, these things belong to Du Lin.

Ade is a very important character or witness. He will play an effective wedge in the next battle, inserting between two bricks with almost no gap, and then letting them loose.

As for his family ... Dulin thinks that the garbanque continent is a good choice. Many people are mining there. Maybe Ade ’s family will also be willing to try to earn real clean money through their own labor.

On the side of Ambilo, Dilhina was still hesitating. This time she was a little overwhelmed by Du Lingkeng, and she might go to jail if she was not careful.

But she doesn't want to go to jail. She is a member of the Timamont family, the younger sister of Magus, and the mother of Doolin's wife. How can she go to jail with such a prominent status?

But some things can't be decided by one person alone or without thinking.

If you can do something just by thinking, then everyone will lie in bed and think.

几天 After a few days of newspaper propaganda, the state government of Ambilo requested the Ambilo mining company to immediately stop the shameful plagiarism and turn in illegal income for punishment.

"This is different from what you said before, ma'am." In the newly renovated president's office, the head of the bank smoked a frost on his face, and his cold eyes made Dilhina scalp, "You It is said that Du Lin acquiesced in mining mineral resources here, but this does not seem to be the case. "

"You lied to us and let us waste a lot of time and energy and money on this matter."

"If you can't let our mining work continue and convince him to lift the current punishment against us, then we will take you to court."

The executive order of the Luzhou government has made the heads of the conference rooms bigger. Once this matter is determined, it means that all their previous investments have been drained, which will be a huge loss.

Neither they nor the people behind them will let them go.

Dier Hina shook her head with her head in her head and said, "I was deceived by Dulin as well, do you understand? It's not just you, but me!"

"Then you ask Du Lin to revoke all executive orders. People say that Du Lin loves his wife, Ophelia, your daughter. You can influence Du Lin by affecting your daughter. Do n’t talk to us. "It's impossible!", Another knocked on the pipe, "This is not a request, ma'am!"

Dilhina's head shrunk even deeper. "I can't do it, neither can my daughter. Doering's **** is like Magus. Sleep can't affect them, including my daughter. "

"If you think you can't do anything, then you can start thinking about how to compensate us. I'll figure it out for you. Because of your reasons, we lost about seven million cash, plus some bad Impact, I think the figure of 10 million is very suitable. "

Dier Hina suddenly raised her head, "I don't have that much money, and your statement is incorrect. I didn't deceive you, it was you who took the initiative to join this plan, and I was also a victim."

"You can't do this!"

The other three people just didn't answer coldly. They do have aggressive elements in this business, but speculation is like this. Colossal risks and huge benefits coexist.

唯一 The only problem now is that they saw the method of recovering losses and the possibility of continued mining from here. Just put Dilhina to the front and let this woman discuss with Du Lin.

This is not that they can't afford to lose, nor is it that people are too cold-blooded. It is simply that the losses this time are too great and will affect their position within the group.

Don't think that only the struggle on the political stage is cruel. In fact, the struggle within these consortia and the imperial central bank is even more brutal.

The winner can get everything he wants, and the loser will lose everything ~ ~ and will not be able to climb up for a lifetime.

No one large company will hire these people who make major mistakes in key decisions, even if they are not the ones who make the real decision.

I was agitated by these three people, and Dilhina gritted her teeth. "You think I'm the one who made a mistake, but I didn't do anything wrong in this matter, and ..."

Suddenly the ringing bell on the table reminded Dilhina of a glance at them, then picked up the phone, the tone was very bad, "Who?"

The other end of the phone obviously didn't expect the answer here to be so implicit. After a short pause, a young female voice appeared in the handset. "Hello Dear Ms. Dilhina, I am very sorry to inform you that you are here All deposits and lockers of Yaoxing Empire Central Bank have been temporarily frozen and your loan has expired. If you are unable to return all the loans and interest within seven working days, we will auction your assets and bring it to the court. You have filed a lawsuit ... "

She slammed the receiver on the landline, then looked at the representative of the central bank fiercely, "This is your approach? Freeze my property and let me return the loan in advance?"

The bank representative shrugged. "You may have misunderstood. This is the normal process. We are not targeting anyone. Anyone who has not repaid the loan after the loan expires will freeze his assets in the bank. This It's rules, ma'am. "

Dier Hina raised her **** directly at him, "Beep!"

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