Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1205: Fermat

An unhappy meeting for policy discussions. After the meeting, Dilhina left alone. The three people were not with her. Their private conversation would not tell her, and there was no meaning in staying here.

一 As soon as she left, the other three sat together again, frowning one by one.

他们 Before they planned to invest in Dilhina's project, they did consider that there were equally terrible risks behind the huge benefits.

However, people who play capital games are never afraid of too much risk, just too little profit. If they can ensure that they can earn 10,000 times the income, even if the chance of success is only 1 in 10,000, they dare to re-bet Bet on.

In this industry, everyone knows that the mathematical concept of probability is not a constant number on paper. There are many things beyond probability that can affect them.

Power, wealth, social status, and public opinion, even if this chance does not change, they dare to bet once.

Moreover, this time the gambling is not completely unsafe. At least there is a member of the Timamont family, Dierina, and the mother of Du Lin's wife, in case it is true?

Then they can only admit it, and Du Lin is still the former Du Lin. When it comes to his vital interests, saying that he is the sixth relative and he does not recognize it is already the highest praise.

除了 This **** has no one else in his eyes except himself!

Of course, this is also the biggest difference between Du Lin and them. In Du Lin's view, many things can be discussed and resolved, but the principle is not the only way.

对 For these successful capitalists, let alone principles, there is nothing in this world that cannot be negotiated.

Different positions, different angles, and different attitudes made them willing to bet that Du Lin changed, but Du Lin did not change.

Not only did he pit them, but his wife's mother was dragged into the pit. This man really did some of it. If they had the chance, they could face Du Lin, and they must greet each other—you are so poisonous, poisonous Poisonous poisonous poisonous!

The inexplicable three people sat down expressionlessly and began to think about countermeasures. They apparently shoved all their responsibilities to Dilhina, but they could not really let Dilhina handle it. .

Obviously, this arrogant woman who is now a liar is not Du Lin's opponent. She lacks enough wrists for Du Lin to let go of her and this company.

Then only by other means, for example ... the two of them, representing the North-South consortium, looked at the representative of the Imperial Bank.

The slight changes in eyes made the representative of the Imperial Bank of Japan froze, and then shook his head again and again, "You are crazy, but I am not crazy. Even if I agree, no one on the council will agree. You must know Du Lin's industry It is huge, and he now has enough power in his hands, and his influence in society is not comparable to ordinary people. "

"It really irritated him. Do you think he will honestly fight against us?" He sneered. "He will kill us and then he may rob the imperial bank's headquarters vault. Whose consequences are we?" Can't afford it! "

The idea that the two people representing the consortium just made was actually very simple. They frozen Du Lin's assets for a short time and reached an understanding with him, taking a step back.

想法 This idea is good, but it doesn't have any operation possibilities.

If Du Lin is a person who operates according to rules, never book rules, and does not break rules, maybe try it and find a reason, such as "your account is suspected of money laundering" can be frozen.

However, that **** was never a law-abiding person, and the ordinary people's understanding of the fellowship and Du Lin was often limited to a mutual aid association that was mostly Guarth.

Only those who stood higher knew that it was Du Lin's armed forces distributed throughout the country, plus his agents, a group of thugs who gained status and wealth through hard work.

He is the only one who does not follow the rules. Others must observe the rules in the conflict with him, otherwise it will give him a chance.

The three were silent for a moment, and the representative of the Northern Consortium provided a way of thinking, "His Fatima and Mr. Magus have a very close personal friendship. As far as I know, Fatima is one of the very few in the empire who can interfere with Ma Gus decides. "

"If His Excellency Fatima talked about Magus and let Turin sit down and talk, there may not be no chance, and we can appropriately cede some benefits to the Fatima family."

Fatima, Her Majesty, was the last Grand Duke of the Empire. In her name, a heavily armed legion had been stationed in the north.

Some people said that she was trying to protect herself and support her soldiers. Holding an entire army in her hand made the former royal family and later cabinets do nothing to her.

She has never left her Caiyi, which is even more helpless.

In some gossip, it is said that Magus actually had a very good personal friendship with Her Majesty. In a secret plot that might involve a nobleman's attempt to subvert the empire thirty years ago, His Majesty obeyed Mag Sri Lanka's request made this group of nobles come back in vain.

In this case, the three felt that this really seemed to be a solution, especially after the Fatima family also held the shares of the Ambilo mining company. In a stakeholder position, the Virgin will inevitably stand by herself. The party.

If you have an idea, do it. This is the biggest difference between successful people and failed people.

The losers always say "I have a dream" since they have not failed. As a result, most of this dream will not be realized, because it will always be a "dream" in the mouth of the loser.

But successful people are different. They will say "I have a decision". Since it is a decision, then they must fulfill it. No matter what the success or failure, at least they worked hard.

Of course, this is not to encourage people to do it blindly, because we know that even if rich people say that **** is delicious, some people will agree with them on the basis of money.

When there should be dreams, there should still be dreams. It is only better to have a little bit of action while having dreams.

After dinner in the morning of the same day, at about 8.15, when the sage was about to watch a drama series and then rested, the housekeeper came to her, "Madam, your phone."

The old woman was very old, but the momentum on her body was not lost. The children and grandchildren who sat around the ring stood up, and quietly exited the room, leaving the old woman with enough privacy. Only the housekeeper left the space.

She took a handkerchief and wiped her hands. She just ate some fish fillets and some oil just now.

I lifted the handset and put it in my ear, with a majestic tone in the calm tone, "Good evening ..."

"Good evening, Your Highness, my goodness, I am the owner of the Deliriel family, Arthur Ken, and I am very brave to disturb your rest, sorry."

The lord lady thought for a few seconds. After I got older, my brain was always not enough. After a moment, I showed a stunned expression. "Atherken, I remember I hugged you when you were young. Your grandmother now How is your health? "

"It's rare that you still remember these. Thank you very much for your greetings. My grandmother's health is okay. They are all senile diseases, which is not a big deal." Mr. Atherken's tone has always been very humble, careful and respectful.

The reputation and majesty of the town's treasures of the Fatima family are too horrifying in the north. As long as this old woman does not return to the embrace of God one day, the big nobles in the north will feel uncomfortable all day.

No one's neighbors have raised 20,000 soldiers in their homes, and they will not feel that this is a comfortable thing. The ghost knew if the old woman was so confused and suddenly slaps them out, all keeping a cautious attitude.

Of course, this also has something to do with the sage's seniority. She is currently the longest living aristocracy in the North and has always held the position of homeowner. Now the owners of these northern nobles are almost all her nieces. There are a few grandchildren.

This is also a very unpleasant thing. Everyone meets and becomes a grandson. No wonder everyone doesn't like to go in front of Her Majesty.

Her Majesty the Lord remembered things when she was young. For a while, she was a little lost, and Mr. Atherken on the other end of the phone didn't dare to bother, so she listened quietly to the opposite.

After about a few minutes, the sage returned to God, and said gently, "Sorry, I remembered some things in the past and delayed your time."

"Is there anything I need to do with this old bone?"

According to the aristocracy, the Deliriel family is a hereditary marquis. In the battle against the Guart dynasty, the grandfather of the house owner once made several brilliant feats, and the royal family had to seize him Hereditary marquis.

If he appeared decades earlier, and that war would have happened decades earlier, he might have been named Duke.

The relationship between Her Majesty and Her Family has always been good-in fact, the consciousness of this sentence is not closely related, but they can also say a few words, at best they are familiar with each other.

Mr. Atherken skipped the question about the previous blank time and said directly, "Yes, there are some troubles in some of the projects currently run by Deliriel. I heard that you have a good relationship with His Excellency Magus , I hope you will be able to solve the current problem as a middleman. "

为此 "For this reason, we are willing to give no less than 15% of these projects to the Fatima family for free as a reward."

Her Majesty followed the question and answer, "Related to Magus? It looks like you are in big trouble. May I ask, what is the project, and what trouble?"

"Of course, this is your right, ma'am ...", Mr. Aserken quickly said the original story and emphasized the size of the gold reserves in Mount Yagul, which will be the first in the world. Gold deposits.

Once fully developed, it will be enough for these participants to have endless wealth for the next ten generations!

After listening, Her Excellency smiled, "It sounds like a real trouble, I'm not sure I can affect Magus or the young man called Doolin, but I will try it, and I don't need any remuneration."

有人 If someone says that they are willing to help others without compensation, then this other person is either his fever or horse fever, or his treasure or gou.

But if this relationship does not exist between the two parties, then this sentence means that the reward is not enough and he can only do his best.

Mr. Asheken naturally could hear such subtexts. He hesitated for a while before trying to say, "This is a big project, sir, if we can convince His Excellency Mr. Magus and Mr. Durin, then we may There is no time to continue to consider the projects we are currently operating ... "

This is the price increase. It is indeed a very courageous and courageous bet to use the current business of the Delirila family, military manufacturing, in exchange for the right to develop the mineral resources of the Yagul Mountains.

His Majesty's expression was softer, "This may be the trouble of happiness, but no matter what, I will contact Magus as soon as possible and give you the message the day after tomorrow."

先生 Mr. Aserken, at the other end of the phone, was relieved. "Thank you very much for your help. I wish you good health, madam!"

"Thank you ..."

The lady in the room thought about it for a while before she called Magus.

This is not to say that the Tima family is very marketable or very short of money. This is actually an exchange. If you want to get gems through me, then you should put down the gold in your hand. Transaction, that's your business.

"Bridge" in some transactions is even more important than the transaction itself. There is a saying in Emperor "If no one builds a bridge for you, even if you hold a palace made of gold in your hand, you cannot find the door to power!"

This is a rule, a customary code of conduct ~ ~ Everyone is following it, and no one can destroy it, even the Fatima family.

At more than nine in the evening, Magus was still with his wife to watch those boring dramas, which were all made up, and constantly commented on various funny plots in the TV series. He didn't seem to notice that he was slowly falling into it. .

As he corrected the etiquette of some nobles in the TV series, the phone rang.

The housekeeper answered and stood by the phone. Magus stood up with a glance. "Help me in the study ..." He bent down and kissed his wife's forehead, "I will tell you when I come back These idiots have done something wrong. "He got up and quickly walked into the study.

The moment she picked up the phone, a familiar female voice rang on the phone, "Ferma ..."

I felt a headache when I was at Magston, and he rubbed his temples. "Can you call me Magus?"

当然 "Of course, of course, if you don't want to, although you are still as heartless as it was decades ago, I will forgive you, just like I have always done!"

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