Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1223: Imperial party

The call was from Magus, and he asked Doolin to turn on the TV and watch Channel 1.

Dulin was a little weird. While letting the secretary notify the people in the conference room to go to the meeting, he went to the lounge in his office and turned on the TV.

In fact, the people of the Empire prefer to enjoy. There is a separate rest room in the office of the chief executive of most departments.

There is a comfortable bed, a bathroom, and some more personal items.

When they are tired from work, they can rest at any time and place to ensure that their physical and mental conditions are always good, which is also an attitude of being responsible for work.

Du Lin closed the door of the room, turned on the TV, and sat on the chair looking at the screen. The word "Live" appeared in the upper right corner of the screen, which meant that all the pictures were delivered directly to the viewer in front of the scene.

The live broadcast technology is not too advanced technology, because the area where live broadcast can be limited, if you want to broadcast live, the equipment for live broadcast must be able to connect to the main line of the local cable company.

In other words, most of the places for live broadcast are not more than 200 meters around the cable television signal line. If it is too far, it will be too late to arrange too long a line.

建筑物 The building in the picture is a little familiar to Du Lin. For a while, I can't remember where it is. The man in the picture knows Du Lin.

A young man looking in his thirties, he has a decent appearance and a very good temperament, especially the shape of the two collar buttons on his neckline is the shape of the royal family emblem.

This is a royal member. He is the second son of His Royal Highness Hikari, a very famous **** in the noble circle.

He may not be richer than Doulin, more powerful than some other big capitalists, or more powerful than some politicians, but his natural royal blood makes him very popular in the empire.

The middle class's yearning for the nobles and the royal family is crazy, which makes Hikali have a very high popularity in this group as a superstar. It is precisely that the middle class is also the main consumer of some high-end brands. He is pretty good.

At least as far as the current situation is concerned, a large amount of advertising income and some additional income make him very nourishing.

When such a "inconspicuous" guy appeared on TV, Du Lin was still a little strange. After waiting for a few minutes, the royal director suddenly appeared in the picture. Du Lin suddenly remembered that this should be on Empire Avenue Inside a hotel.

Then more members of the royal family appeared in the picture. At this time, the host person came back from a distance, and she held a copy in her hand.

Most formal political events will have an official draft. This manuscript is more like a core idea. No matter how the media authors write and write next, they must re-create on top of the core ideas expressed in this draft. , Cannot exceed the line of the content of the manuscript.

It ensures that serious political events do not cause huge misunderstandings due to wrong interpretations. Sometimes such misunderstandings are not terrible, but sometimes they can involve many people.

The host host looked at it for a while before picking up the microphone with a humorous expression. He opened his mouth and made no sound. It took him about ten seconds to introduce the situation behind the camera.

"This morning, Her Majesty the Emperor was unexpectedly unconscious while visiting the garden, and has since recovered after being rescued. Currently we know from the doctor that Her Majesty's current situation can no longer take into account more work. After a noon discussion, his Majesty finally Decided to abdicate and pass the throne to His Royal Highness Three ... "

The replacement of the royal family and the power of the emperor is indeed a major event for the passing. At first, in the history that seems to be false, the royal family only "retreated behind the scenes", and Magus did not completely abolish the royal family, which allowed the royal family to be preserved. Down, in the form of a mascot.

But even if the royal family is just a mascot, the influence of this mascot is also very amazing. Just the replacement of the throne has shocked the entire empire, and even some foreign countries' embassies in the Empire are discussing what specifications should be used to celebrate The new emperor's ascension.

It is a little strange that His Majesty did not pass the throne to the relatively low-key grand prince, but to the three princes. If it wasn't for Magus who told Du Lin some of the inside information, Du Lin would not be able to guess Why is there such a result.

I thought this was just a change of the times and a change of royal power. When Du Lin was about to put on the television, the hostess spoke again. This time, what she said really aroused Du Lin's interest.

"Just now, His Royal Highness announced publicly that he would form a Ba'ath Party and actively participate in the construction of the Empire state ..."

记者 After the reporter said this, Du Lin suddenly came up with a very contemporary word-"Emperor Party".

His Royal Highness the Great Emperor holds the true power of the royal family. Now the emperor emperor is dissatisfied with the choice of the great prince, no matter how angry or how he passed the throne to the three princes, which makes the great prince face a choice.

He either handed over the power belonging to the royal family in his possession to the three princes who were about to ascend the throne, complete his "mission", and then became a mascot without power, jealous and even killed by his brother.

He either chose to stick to his choice, ousted the three princes, and became the emperor himself. But doing so also has great after-effects. The illegality and irrationality of the emperor will make him an emperor the "pseudo-emperor" in some populations.

An illegal emperor means that the power in his hands is also illegal, meaning that he cannot represent the royal family, which will make him very embarrassed, and even more troublesome, it will allow some people to squeeze in some imperial royal families out of thin air. Orthodoxy, to question and hurt the authority of the royal family.

It seems that the prince no longer has the right to choose, but this guy unexpectedly solved this predicament extremely quickly by another way, that is, the formation of the emperor party.

Under such circumstances, the great prince is active on the political stage as the "royalist" and the first party of the imperial party, so he does not need to surrender the power ~ ~ On the contrary, some royalists And the royal family will move closer to him.

In turn, the ascension of the 23rd emperor made people feel a bit funny, not only did the old emperor's desire for revenge fail, but also his son and the new emperor became victims.

As long as the emperor's party does not go wrong, even if they cannot play more roles in the political arena, at least the power of the royal family between these decades and one or two generations will be in the line of the emperor. Hands.

There is even a more interesting possibility that the royal family will be excluded from the real imperial party and become a real mascot!

This hand is very beautiful, but it will also bring huge changes to the political ecological environment of the entire empire.

The New Party and the Old Party divided the empire to make each other feel that they have very few resources and power. If God Party is added, the political situation will be more complicated.

Du Lin is thinking about a question at this time. Will this change have anything to do with his plan to run?

觉得 He thinks it is very likely that Magus is very good at making such things to achieve his purpose. The undefeated new party for 30 consecutive years has actually lost to the old party, leaving Bowers unable to take office.

It is not impossible to win the first election of the Ba'ath Party again.


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