Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1224: Ancient wisdom

The grand prince used the method of forming the emperor party to elaborately escape the old emperor's insidious tricks, and instead consolidated the power in his own hands, which was also unexpected to everyone.

Including Magus, he did not expect that the great prince would suddenly announce the formation of an emperor party to participate in the politics of the empire. Afterwards, the great prince also phoned to explain the situation. His Majesty suddenly transferred and demanded that the royal family be convened immediately. The press conference gave him no time to discuss with everyone, and he could only stabilize things as quickly as possible.

说法 Although everyone understands this statement, there is still one point that is unacceptable except for the royalists.

In fact, there are not many such things as the Royal Party. How loyal the Royal Party was to the royal family at that time, after the overthrow of feudal rule by Magus, how bad their attitude towards the royal family was.

This does not involve issues such as personality and loyalty. It is purely a matter of interests. A large number of people who control the power and wealth of the royal family have become accomplices of Magus.

In many people, what seems impossible seems to be a fact, because by doing so, they can temporarily take over the power and wealth entrusted to them by the royal family and become their own, which has achieved the purpose of harming others.

That is not a small industry, a small fortune. Anything that has something to do with the royal family means huge prestige, wealth, and benefits. This group of people has already issued.

Whether they are nobles or pioneers of capitalists, they have successfully stood on the most shining stage of the empire.

Moreover, the nobility, the more powerful the aristocracy, the richer the nobility with a long history, the less likely it is to be a true royal or imperial party.

In the course of a long journey, these powerful nobles have long been on their own, and more nobles will surround them, forming one after another aristocratic interest groups.

Puppets are like the new and old parties at this time, with Magus and Kubar as the core. In the past, the opponents of the royal family were big nobles. Little nobles were not even qualified to stand on this platform.

The reason why people think that the nobility and the royal family look very close in daily life is simply because the interests of the two sides have reached a high degree of agreement on certain issues.

For example, the demand for social stability and the demand for declining crime rate, if these general directions are consistent, they will look very harmonious to people.

But in the choice of essential interests, the two sides still have fundamental differences.

The royalists who are currently active in the empire are actually "losers". During the rapid transition of the feudal king to the new era, some people chose the right path, and then they became the lucky ones in the new era. Became a representative of vested interests.

But there are also people who choose the wrong path and sink into the rolling river of history. They don't recognize themselves as losers. In order to whitewash their failures and cover up their stupid mistakes, then there is no better than " "Loyalty" is a more appropriate mask.

People do n’t forgive traitors, they laugh at stupid people, but they do n’t treat anyone who keeps loyalty, so this group becomes the royal party.

They use the facts-that is, their own failure experience to tell anyone that they have always stood in the original camp during the course of historical changes, so they did not earn any benefits and became the losers, not because they failed, It is because they are loyal that they fail.

It is indescribably happy for this group of losers to form the emperor's party now, just like ... it's like ... it's like seeing a faceless father showing a long-lasting smile. Feeling comfortable, these days are finally comfortable.

The emergence of the Emperor Party immediately swept the entire empire's public opinion and media, and even what happened on Du Lin's side gave way to the news.

Strictly speaking, the Empire recognizes that any group organization participates in the management of the country through elections, but some people can listen to it, but they cannot take him seriously.

This is like Du Lin often said that everyone is equal before the law and that everyone can impeach the Prime Minister in the empire charter. The front is true, is it true behind?

劾 Go impeach and try? !!

But the great prince opened a precedent this time, which made some groups and organizations suddenly feel that the opportunity is coming, the feeling of the New Year.

大家 Just before everyone came back, on the second day of the incident, the workers' union suddenly announced that they would form a Labour Party to participate in political activities.

If it is said that the Grand Prince formed the Emperor Party in order to restore the radical move that the trend had to do, then the group of workers' unions is looting.

In recent years, the labor union's life is not good. After Du Lin stabbed the workers 'union from behind, Magus directly overturned the roof of the workers' union, turning this organization almost equivalent to the chairman of the labor union into An organization of democratic republics.

领导人 All the leaders of the organization are elected by the workers' representatives themselves, which means that the power of the senior level of the union will not always be in the hands of a certain person or group of people.

The changing power level has made the struggle within the union quite fierce. They have also created several internal factions. They are very happy with each other. Most of their energy is focused on how to canvass votes and how to do more for themselves. Gain power and benefits.

It is naturally impossible for a trade union that is endlessly struggling to show its sharp minions in the same way as before. In addition, some factions within the union have good relations with capitalists. Now the workers' union is not as good as before.

If not everyone remembers the name of the workers' union, it may have split into several other organizations.

Now these people suddenly find themselves struggling with the low ranks. How can it be interesting to form parties to fight against others on the political stage of the empire?

After a night of discussion ~ ~ For the first time, this group of people has formed a unified opinion on major decisions-Marjeva can do it!

时 This timing is very clever. If placed at other times, people may not accept the existence of the Labor Party, and even the old and new parties can directly complete their ideas from a higher level.

However, His Royal Highness announced the establishment of the "Emperor Party" the day before. They later announced that if the "Labour Party" could not be passed, this meant that there was a great discrimination and loophole in the empire's charter and laws.

Therefore, some people define the behavior of the workers union as a robbery while they are in the heart. Of course, according to the original explanation, when you see your neighbor's house is burning with flames, what you think of is to steal his scattered property. Instead of fighting a fire, your behavior is shameful.

They also summarized a phrase to describe this sentence, called "Disaster should not be a gift from the devil."


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