Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1235: The end

On the third morning, Magellan and his agent had breakfast together. Both of them were alone and didn't drag their families around, and saluting was very simple.

The reason why Magellan is single is to hold his thighs. In addition, as a front-line actor, he has great potential and development prospects. Premature marriage is not good for his job. He has only been in love for so many years, but he has absolutely no marriage. of.

As for his agent, he is almost the same. The busy work gives him no time to think about personal matters. In addition, being in the fame and fortune circle allows him to understand deeply that the brighter the things behind, the more ugly and dirty they are. .

This makes him unable to find a girlfriend to get married in this circle. He cannot afford the past, present, and future emotional crisis that may occur anytime, anywhere.

Both men were thinking of waiting for "stability" before getting married, but his agent was clearly more aware of reality than Magellan's unrealistic stability-he would consider it when he got an A-level agent's signature.

But it does n’t make much sense to say that now. They are standing at the dock and waiting for the boat. This is the biggest advantage of Irian and the traffic is convenient.

Whether it's a steam locomotive or a sea vessel, you can start directly from here and reach any known corner of the world.

"What do you bring?" Magellan had only a very simple travel bag in his hand, which contained several sets of winter clothes and spring clothes. No other things were brought.

Waiting for Serivier to settle down, he will go directly to buy some daily necessities. Although he has been very bad for a while, this is only for actors of the same level.

Compared to ordinary people, his income is still a height that requires people to look up.

He has accumulated a lot of money over the years, and he is not worried about clothing, food, and shelter on the side of Xyleville. If it was not for the clothes in his bag that he himself liked very much, he would not even plan to bring things over.

The agent patted his large suitcase and made a banging sound, "There are movies you have made these years, operas and some advertisements. I think we will always use them there ..."

Magellan patted the arm of the agent and said nothing. This is what a good agent should do. He needs to consider the artist in his own care and attention instead of letting the artist remind the agent that he should Do something.

Their flight was 8.15 minutes in the morning, and it took about five days to reach Xyleville. After five days, it was a new beginning, a new life, and they both had a longing for a new life and a past. Perseverance and nostalgia.

A luxurious passenger ship in the distance had appeared at sea level, squinting as they were about to leave soon, just then Magellan suddenly heard someone calling behind his name.

Turning back is an instinctive reaction. It is like a person walking on the street without psychological precautions. Someone calls his name. Even if he does not turn back, he will stop subconsciously.

Magellan was untrained, and his response was real. He thought he was recognized by a fan, which is very common in Ilian.

As the empire's only and most developed film city, film workers and movie fans can be found everywhere.

He turned back with a smile, and even the muscle memory of his hand was ready for signing, but then he felt the whole face suddenly suddenly heated, and then the severe pain came, making him unable to use it continuously. The sleeves wipe the face.

The fearful roar of the agent came from his ears, and the screams around him made Magellan's panic even more panic. The sirens and the burning of his face from a distance, passed out in great fear.

When he woke up, he wanted to open his eyes subconsciously, but found that he couldn't open his eyes smoothly, and an inexplicable fear once again occupied his inner world.

There was some movement in his ear, and he opened his mouth to ask what he was asking, but couldn't even say a word.

His tongue and his mouth were like he never existed in his body. He couldn't even feel his own face!

In the darkness, his hands clenched tightly around his palms. He could feel the pain of the arm he was holding, but it also gave him a sense of security beyond words.

"Don't worry, you're in the hospital, I'm next to you."

It was the voice of the agent. Magellan was instantly excited. He wanted to know what happened, why he was in the hospital, why he could n’t open his eyes, and even couldn't speak.

Just then the door in the room opened with new footsteps, but didn't come in. The agent patted the back of his hand and said in his ear, "The doctor asked me, I'll go over, you must not mess move……"

After speaking, despite Magellan's retention, he broke his palm and went out.

The door of the room was closed gently. The agent and the doctor walked into the doctor's office. After the two sat down, the doctor sighed.

He took off the mask and put it on the table without looking up at the agent. "The current situation is very bad. The attacker used a very corrosive chemical. Mr. Magellan's eyes were burned and recovered immediately. The possibilities are infinitely close to zero. "

"Besides that, during his struggle, his facial skin and muscles were extensively burned and his tongue was very severely burned. He may lose his ability to speak."

"Also, his hands and arms ..."

The agent's head was blank, and the doctor's expression was very clear. There is no doubt that Magellan is finished!

This is not to say that he is dead, but that his future, all his ideals and pursuits, are completely finished under this attack.

Disfigured face, blind eyes, loss of language ability and even liquid food are needed to eat. Can such a person become an actor, an actor who has a certain status and weight in the world?

Of course not, his career is over, just when they are ready to start a new life.

The doctor's next words didn't stop at all, his brain was buzzing, his temples were beating, and there was severe tinnitus.

He looked at the doctor's concerned gaze, and suddenly took a breath, got up and walked towards the door, and he wanted to figure out what it was all about.

Why, people are so cruel, use such terrible means to destroy one's body, destroy one's spiritual pillar, and completely destroy a good young man.

The assailant did not leave after attacking Magellan, but chose to wait in situ for the arrival of the police. He was soon arrested for "confessing himself".

Yes, he called the police before the attack, so the police came very promptly, and this was a confession.

He did not wear fetters during his detention, also because he surrendered a lot of impression points.

The assailant was not seen by the agent at the police station, he was temporarily detained in a local prison, and he would not meet anyone except a lawyer until the trial.

The agent found the policeman who handled the case. The policeman showed him the file. For a moment, the agent's only touch was to laugh, laugh loudly, and laugh at the world.

Explain in the man's transcript that he would attack Magellan entirely because Magellan killed one of his favorite stars-of course, in the film starring Magellan before, he killed the villain as the main character. Very normal thing.

But the idol worshipped by the attacker played a villain role in that movie and was killed by the role played by Magellan, and since then, the actor has stated that his health is bad and decides to die, which makes the attacker think All this is the sin of Magellan.

On the morning of the incident, when he went out for morning training, he saw Magellan waiting for the ship at the dock, so he suddenly wanted to get revenge on this despicable young man. Without any plan or premeditated, a passionate crime was born.

After reading the dossier, the police officer who handled it looked at the agent with a complicated expression, and then whispered to him a more bad news.

The attacker suffers from severe depression, mania and paranoia, coupled with his confession and passionate crime, it is likely that the attacker will not go to any prison, but will be sent to a mental hospital by a judge go with.

In other words, the attacker was soon able to escape legal sanctions because the psychiatric hospital only accepts sick patients, and they do not welcome patients who are not sick.

This is a conspiracy. There is no doubt that the agent knows that someone must want to get rid of Magellan, but who is it?


No, it shouldn't be Doolin. Although Magellan and Doolin don't deal with it, everyone knows that Doolin is the governor and has a high status and reputation in the empire. Such a person will not do it again Use this method to punish Magellan.

He is even more convinced that if it is Du Lin's hands, Du Lin will kill him directly and then throw him into the sea, that is Du Lin's style.

Perhaps, if you want to know what happened, you must figure out what happened to Magellan at Uncle Griffin's party.

What made Griffin's uncle want to block Magellan, who was too small to be too small, can only find out the real murderer if he figured it out.

The attack on Magellan caused some waves in Irian. After all, this is the empire's largest film work base. Among the pedestrians everywhere on the street, at least three of every ten people are film workers.

Regardless of whether Magellan is important to them, whether they have feelings and friendship, consumption victims to reflect their great sentiments have always been a common method used by people of all colors in society.

The filmmakers who said they wanted to block Magellan and refuse to cooperate with him immediately stood up in support of Magellan. Griffin's uncle even donated a thousand dollars to help Magellan pay for the treatment of the hospital.

For this reason, many people praise Griffin's uncle Gao Jie's character. For this, Griffin's uncle believes that the more important a person's role is in society, the more social responsibility should be assumed.

He photographed Du Lin's horses from space, claiming that some of Mr. Du Lin's speeches and quotations inspired his sense of social responsibility, and also helped him find the right direction in his life.

Victims are being consumed throughout Irian and the eastern and southern parts of the Empire. Everyone is trying to get some benefits for themselves, but in fact, no one has any relationship with what Magellan is like at this time.

Permanent blindness in both eyes, because the burn can not be cleared to express his meaning, eat some liquid food with a straw every day, the whole world is in darkness.

His parents also arrived in Illian and accepted the fact.

Because the incident sparked great socialist discussions, the Irian District Court directly omitted some processes and prosecutors prosecuted the attackers.

A lot of media reports, on the day of the trial, led to something else that people had never imagined. The attacker suddenly became a victim, and public opinion in the entire society lost the ability to organize language on this day. .

The attacker was abused as a child and was in a dark and desperate living environment for a long time, which caused his character to become sensitive and extreme, and also caused a series of tragedies in the future.

In short, the attacker could not sum up his life and his behavior with a simple word of "killer".

After a short aphasia, social public opinion began to deviate from the abuse that the attackers suffered in the same year and began to reflect on some problems that occurred in the process of social development and discussed them. People gradually forgot that the victims who really needed people to care were still lying In the hospital bed.

In mid-December, the surface of the sea off the coast of Irian began to freeze, and the cold weather was appalling. On the 17th, the long-lost sun appeared smiling from the gloomy sky.

Although the cold wind was still cold and the sun was not so warm on people, people still took to the streets from their rooms.

With the eighth and ninth districts, Irian's winter break is a thing of the past.

On such a rare sunny day, a patient jumped out of the ward window on the eighth floor of the hospital's inpatient department, ending his 22-year-old life.

This day happens to be his birthday.


Du Lin put down his job, rubbing his bridge of his nose, and after the winter, things happened in Abilúo. After several court arguments, he finally won.

A total of 16.79 million and some scattered banknotes on the account of the Abiluo Mining Company were confiscated by the state government. A portion of this money from UU Reading was used for the camp in Mount Yagul Construction, others are used for project expenses related to gold prospectors.

Among them, the reconstruction and reinforcement of waste mines is also a large expenditure.

This money, combined with the state government's financial appropriations, totaled 22 million, which is considered to meet the current approximate expenditure of the current project. It will be divided into four phases and periodically allocated to the engineering team.

He took the newspaper from Dufo's hands, and there was a photo of Magellan jumping off the building. He casually took a look at the newspaper article, threw the newspaper into the trash, and started working again.

After about a minute or so, he suddenly said, "Check who's hand."


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