Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1236: watch movie

Magellan's death did not take the media's attention for too long. Instead, the attackers successfully pulled a wave of social sympathy. On the third day of Magellan's suicide, things basically subsided.

The benefits of deceased consumers are obviously lower than the benefits of consumer victims, and they are still considered to be cold-blooded and perverted representatives, so everyone has not done much in this matter.

Besides, people are dead. It doesn't make much sense to say anything.

It's already deep winter at this time, but this year's deep winter is not just as cold as usual. Not only can you not see the depression of the deep winter when it is in various places, but it is very energetic everywhere.

The establishment of the World Financial and Trade Organization has greatly promoted the prosperity of international trade, and the prosperity and development of all walks of life have driven the entire society to move steadily in a very positive direction.

It is rare to hear any cities with a large number of unemployed people, and the annual government report that is being gradually launched also rarely mentions the issue of employment rate.

On the contrary, there are labor shortages in many places. There are no people on the assembly line in many factories. The boss is sweating anxiously, but he can't find anyone.

As long as you are willing to work, you can have a stable job.

As long as you are willing to start a business, no matter what you do, you can quickly succeed.

The market and economy of the Empire have brought a lot of orders and opportunities in line with international standards. Everyone has gained countless benefits in this wave. It seems that everyone is making money ... even the media are shouting loudly. — "This is the best golden age."

Everyone is cheering, people are getting more and more money in their pockets, and their spending power is getting stronger and stronger, and even homeless people and beggars are beginning to refuse to collect one and five cent coins!

This economic change has also greatly promoted the development of the state of Ambilo. With the release of new movies, the Western World series once again appeared on the front page of the media.

In the two films released this time, there are more hero interactions. Among them, Kinsale's role appears in the film mainly based on Vinda.

Expensive production costs and generous post-production, coupled with star-studded casts and superb editorial staff, these two sequel films successfully continued the previous myth, and in the final minutes of the film, Kinsale It was also revealed that the state of Abiluo lurked an evil gold digger.

This story attempts to use insidious and despicable means to subvert the state of Abilúo, to split the land from the territory of the empire, and then the plot ends abruptly. There is no more content, but it is left to the audience Enough suspense.

Especially in the propaganda, "Dulin" will be poisoned and assassinated in the next series of movies, unconscious, and then the western heroes will gather to form the Western Avengers Alliance, expose the evil plan of the gold digger, and defeat them. The leader succeeded in regaining the understanding medicine and saved "Dulin" back.

Once this propelling selling point was reported, it immediately attracted the attention of many media. They first acknowledged that Dulin was indeed suffering from "assumed assault", and second, he was also picky about the actors who played Dulin.

After all, not everyone can play the role of "Du Lin" as if he is the real one. This is a test of the performance of an actor, and even the media believes that Du Lin should star in the film himself. This view has gained many people. Yes, but the state government of Abilúo did not respond.

Sitting in the cinema, Du Lin looked at the beautiful scenery on the big screen like heaven. Through the screen, he could smell the smell of nature. After the beautiful picture, the plot was a bit thin and empty. But this cannot stop it from becoming a successful movie.

As the plot progresses step by step, the climaxes are repeated, and the audience in the theater is not exclaimed. Some are shocked by the beauty of the west, and some are attracted by Vinda. Of course, it is more simply because of the plot.

When the big screen turns black, the lights in the theater light up, the surroundings change from quiet to noisy, and the movie ends.

A few people are applauding, and more people are discussing the plot of the film and speculation about subsequent plots.

Ophelia held Du Lin's arm, and they walked down the door very low-key, heading towards the door, while Ophelia sighed, "I can hardly recognize the girl, she and reality are not It's the same. "

After the end of the new year, Du Lin pushed off the job at hand and went to see Ophelia here, the main reason was that the girl told him that a new life was being cultivated.

Du Lin is sometimes very curious, his bullets are always so accurate, as if they had been prepared long ago, and not as difficult as some people.

With a child, many things will change because of this. The Royal Academy also considers that Ophelia is not so elegant about holding her stomach to school, which is not a good thing for her or the school.

After discussions with the school's leaders and teachers, it was decided to issue the Royal College Honours Certificate to Ophelia in advance. It is not important whether there are more than half a year of classes.

For her and more people like her, going to school has never been to learn knowledge. It is just a more targeted, narrow but effective social occasion, and a copy that is not useful, but it can be very face-to-face. Looking at diploma.

In other words, she has already graduated and is free to allocate her next time.

She has seen Vinda. There is a big gap between Vinda in the movie and Vinda in reality, just like two completely different people.

This is mainly because Vinda is just a newcomer, she has not mastered a certain form of herself and has more plasticity.

Many directors like this kind of actor, but some investors like another kind, like Kinsale. No matter what role she plays, people ’s first reaction is "Oh, this is Kinsale", and then consider To her role. UU Kanshu

Directors don't like it because their image is almost solidified, no matter what role is set on them, they are always themselves, and sometimes make people play.

As for the reasons for liking ... this is because these solidified characters often mean success, and people will only remember the successful ones.

"Movies are always art and craftsmanship. You won't find the real thing from there." He took Ophelia and walked towards the door, leaving some of the bodyguards hidden around him. The neutral position ensures that people will not be too close to Du Lin, and will not be too obvious.

After walking out of the gate of the movie theater, Du Lin breathed deeply. The musty smell in the movie theater was too bad. After coming out, he looked much better. He glanced at the dark sky and turned to look at Ophelia. I plan to go home in a few days. Will you go with me? "


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