Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1237: Have grown

Growth is a very interesting thing. You don't need anyone to tell you anything, and at some point in the growth process, you suddenly understand something that you didn't understand before.

Children before the age of 20 can't wait to grow wings and fly out of the control of their parents to pursue the most precious freedom. The warning from the parents is as unbearable as the thorns.

When I was forty years old, I woke up inexplicably from my sleep late at night, looked out of the dark window, and suddenly had some regrets, and began to think about what would happen if I did not indulge in freedom.

I don't understand. When the time passes to 60 years old, I suddenly find that the last thing I regret in my life may be ignorance that is more important, and hesitation in middle age.

Everyone is growing, just in a flash, like the lightest and softest velvet falling slowly from the air, it is so light that you can't feel it has fallen on your body, it's in your heart .

After the New Year, Du Lin suddenly wanted to go back and take a look.

He would not admit that he started to care about the family, nor would he admit that he was doing to please the elderly Mr. Kesma. He just wanted to go back and see, nothing more.

Standing outside the cinema and looking at the dark night sky, the cold wind rolled the **** on the side of the road to make this cold winter night a bit sad, he took Ophelia's hand and looked at her, "I will return to Alfalfa Town in a while Are you going back with me? "

He wasn't sure if he should take Ophelia back, and it was stupid to do so from a rational perspective.

Mr. Kesma's attitude towards the noble Ogdin has always been very stinky. Coupled with Alyssa must be in the town, plus his two sons, it would be embarrassing for everyone to meet together.

But Perceptually told him that she should be taken back, because she is her own legitimate wife, and she also conceived a descendant of the "Xima family heir".

Contradictory, unable to make the right choice, so he gave the opportunity to Ophelia.

Ophelia's bright eyes were like twinkling stars in the sky, and she nodded her head. "Okay, I haven't been to alfalfa town yet, and I want to see what it looks like."

Du Lin nodded, he took Ophelia's hand into his coat pocket, and the two were cuddling each other like ordinary people, crunching on the snow-covered vehicle that was not far away.

The next day, he called Mason and told him he would go back in two days.

He was supposed to go back a few years ago because Mason was going to marry his little secretary, but because of some things, mainly a few lawsuits dragged him on, fortunately everyone can be considerate of him.

Not only was Mason able to consider him, but also the young secretary and the young secretary's family. They also deliberately postponed the wedding day.

After knowing the news, Du Lin felt a bit emotional. In his dream, the big man once said something very special. At that time, someone was questioning him. He laughed and said, "Don't go to the mountain all day, wait for you to be strong. Mountain will come to you with long legs! "

He knew what this sentence meant, but he didn't feel any emotion for a long time. This time on this little thing, he suddenly realized and felt that way.

As long as your abilities, status, and power are large enough, everything can only be your background. Even the majestic mountains and mountains will only exist to set you back.

I could n’t go back because of an accident. Even life events like weddings were postponed, and it was obviously because of him.

He never said anything, expressed some idea, and these people would actively cooperate with him, so that he could not feel "disappointed" because he was too busy to attend his brother's wedding.

Here comes the mountain.

The next day, Doolin visited Magus. Magus was a little older than half a year ago. People reach a certain age. Even if it is only a few days or ten days, they can clearly see the generation of years on him. power.

He talked with Magus about Dilhina. The family member lived comfortably in the regional prison in Ambiloo because of her dedication and surrender, the judge only sentenced For three years.

After another seven months, she can apply for commutation and use community volunteer labor instead of serving time, so she can get out of prison soon.

After this jail disaster, she must have grown somewhat.

Then they talked about Magus' eldest son, his eldest son is already in his forties, and he has already set up his own family. He chose to resign at the beginning of this year, quit his job in the City Hall office, and started business. .

With the surname of Timamont and the halo influence of other family members, he is doing well now, already has small assets, and his grandsons and granddaughters are also very good, but they rarely come to see Magus.

In recent years, Magus loved his youngest son. His youth would coincide with the peak of his career, overthrow the decaying royal rule, reform the system, and rebuild the empire. He dedicated all his time and energy to this. country.

He spent very limited time with his eldest son. Both of them were very strange for a long time. On the contrary, the second son was very timing. At that time, everything stabilized and Magus also had some time to release. On the family side.

The guilt of the family led him to give more of his father's love to his younger son, thinking that doing so could make up for his fault, which was also the main reason for his pride, but he didn't know that it was actually unfair to the eldest son. .

He can be said to be invincible in politics, but he seems to be in a hurry when it comes to treating children.

It wasn't until the death of the younger son that everything came to peace. Everything that happened, including the birth of his younger son, was like a hallucination, and it didn't really exist.

Sometimes Doolin thinks that Magus is lonely. He has no close friends. If he is an eagle soaring into the sky, the others are the most terrible.

Without a common language, chatting together is more like Magus's accommodation, which may be why he has recently become addicted to watching TV shows.

Because of loneliness, loneliness is the most terrible.

Du Lin actually knows this very well, because this is an inevitable way. Every smart person at is lonely, and few people can accompany you on this road.

I watched a TV series with Magus in the evening. At about 9 o'clock, Magus was about to go to bed, and Du Lin got up to leave.

At their age, any enjoyment is far worse than keeping their own lives and living as attractive as possible for as long as possible.

The next morning, the two and a group of invisible bodyguards set foot on the steam locomotive heading to Tener, and between the slight shaking, Du Lin stumbled across time and returned to childhood.

The three brothers were lying on the carriage, and Mr. Kesma waved his whip to catch the carriage. He was lying on the haystack like this, looking at the sky, drowsily in the swing of the carriage and then closing his eyes ... ….

Whole book ...


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