Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1267: Talk again

The accident that happened to Magus, and the fact that he was about to step into the top circle made Durin stay longer in the Imperial City. He could temporarily ignore the side of Ambilo, as long as he was the governor of that state. Can't mess up.

Ophelia will accompany Magus in the morning, and Doolin also opened a special ward for Ophelia to let her rest.

The high-end special care unit is much cleaner than the high-end suites in the hotel. There are only two types of people who are eligible to live in this ward. One is a rich person who has a very serious illness, and the other is a child who is born. Very sick and in power.

The mattresses, quilts, pillows, etc. that are replaced every day are directly burned and destroyed, and replaced with a new kit that has undergone a sterilization process.

There is a special person to take care of you 24 hours. The opposite side of the ward is the hospital's doctor's duty room and office. It takes only ten seconds for any emergency, and all relevant doctors can reach the ward for professional rescue or treatment.

Ophelia has been pregnant for five months, she is pregnant, and sometimes has a shallow appetite, eats less and is easy to nausea.

Du Lin is often away from home, and it is difficult to take care of Ophelia. Although the housekeepers are reliable, they are always difficult to reassure.

When people are uncomfortable, there will always be a subconscious panic. Most people may not realize it, but it does exist.

For example, you may be suspicious of thinking that your body has a problem, feel the position of your liver, feel your bladder is slightly up, touch your waist and suspect that your stomach has a tingling sensation, in fact, those things are not in that position.

A similar situation basically exists for everyone. When it comes to health problems, it shows two extreme emotions of contempt or fear. In fact, in the final analysis, it is fear that is playing tricks.

However, it is not possible to solve such emotional problems. The simplest way is to live in the hospital. Those who do not admit it, and who strongly deny these problems will be quiet the moment they enter the hospital.

Because there is a kind of calmness and a kind of peace of mind, called a doctor is right.

Ophelia takes care of Magus in the hospital, and by the way needs a restful place to rest, while Doolin runs outside.

Many issues are now being exposed one by one, especially the New Party. Magus' influence on the New Party is too great. Many people regard Magus as a necessary condition and pillar of the New Party's existence.

Now he has fallen, panicking some people, and the idea that the new party is going to die is spreading, and this idea is still spreading rapidly.

This idea is mainly because the new party lost to the old party for the first time in this general election, which has led many people to face up to a question, why the new party lost.

No matter what the social commentators have come up with to explain this, in fact most people think that the loss of the New Party is directly related to Magus' resignation.

It was his resignation that caused people's expectations of the new party to drop to the lowest point at once, giving the old party a chance to stand on the supreme stage of the empire.

This shows how terrible the influence of Magus on the New Party and the entire society. It is even more terrible. At present, it is claimed that Magus has been in the hospital because of gunshot wounds and some other geriatric diseases, and he has refused to interview. People have a lot of infinite imagination.

Some people have privately spread the false news that Magus has been violent, but some people still believe it. This is exactly what made the Imperial Party empty. Some of the new and low-level members of the New Party contacted the Imperial Party. Little will consider the possibility of switching to the Imperial Party.

Politically, changing parties and positions is not a big deal. As long as this can bring real benefits to yourself, then there is no problem!

The reason why the people of the Imperial Party did not go to the high party of the New Party to discuss the issue of draw is mainly because the vital interests of these people and the New Party have long been integrated into one. The price to draw them is much higher than one hundred. The price of a thousand junior politicians.

In the past few days, Dory has begun to find people to talk to one another, and stabilize the internal military heart, the effect is not bad.

At the time, she was sent to the Development Office as the first, and the decision of the department chief was made by Magus himself. He felt that Dolly was very friendly, her voice was very good, and she could be unknowingly trusted. She, it is really a waste of such people not to do development work.

Over the years, a large number of low- and middle-level members have some friendship with Dory, and some of them have a very good relationship with Dory, just like Schnold, they are all from Dory. Digging out from the vast crowds of people and leading this bright and prosperous Kangzhuang Avenue is their mentor and their leader.

Therefore, Magus' decision was very correct, not only to arrange Dolly's early work, but after retiring, she also adjusted Dolly to the position of vice chairman of the New Party Committee.

With her sitting in this position, the mid-level cadres of the New Party can basically be stabilized. As for those at the bottom, it is not too important to lose some. The frame is not messy, and the rest is filled in, good or bad. .

This arrangement was originally prepared for Bowers, but it was unexpectedly used in the plans of the Emperor Party and the Grand Prince. It was also a mistake.

When Du Lin met Dory in her office, she took time to meet with Du Lin after chatting with the last middle-level cadre of the party organization with an appointment.

As soon as Du Lin closed the door, Dolly began to roll and crush her temples with her wrist. She shook her head and looked at Du Lin who sat slowly across from her, "How is the situation of Lord Magus? I I heard you've been there for the past two days. Has he got any better? "

When "losing" Magus, everyone felt that his resignation would not have much effect, after all, he was just a person, no matter how great his merits and outstanding medals, he was just a person.

But only when he really "lost" him did people realize that this person had silently established an invisible but solid image in each of them, a belief.

Beliefs are now a little skewed.

"The doctor said that his body was very healthy and his wounds were improving. He might be able to come back soon." Du Lin raised his leg and lied.

There are not many people who can reach Magus now. In addition to two nurses, only the hospital's expert group can reach Magus and know some of his details.

In addition, there are only a few very limited people, such as Kubar and Durin. To the outside world, how Margs has always been foggy, no one knows. This allows Durin to make the problem simpler. Don't be afraid to be spotted.

His words did not provide a good consolation. Dolly was still worried about her clothes. She looked at Du Lin, her lips moved twice as if she wanted to say something but did not say it. After hesitating again and again, she Still asked my doubts.

"There are some gossips that are not worthy of reference. They say that Lord Magus has ..." She said very slowly, her expression was serious, she looked at Du Lin intently, as if she wanted to pass his face. The change came to prove whether what he was going to say was true or false. "They say that Lord Magus is dead. Is this true?"

After she said that, she couldn't help but asked again, "Is this true? I mean ... sorry, I shouldn't say that ..."

Du Lin laughed a few times, and he shrugged. "All rumors and rumors will eventually be crushed by the cruel reality. Yes, no, no, no, there is no desirable middle number. Uncle Magus is alive, Live well and be very healthy. "

As if relieved, Dolly put a smile on her hands and rolled down her temples, "I hope he can come back as soon as possible!"

After speaking this sentence, both of them were silent for a while. After about 34, 560, 70 seconds, Du Lin suddenly asked, "How did you think about my suggestion last time?"

Dolly froze for a moment, and she met Du Lin's gaze, and quickly looked away. "You know, so many things have happened recently, I haven't considered these."

She is still avoiding this more acute problem, but Du Lin didn't really want to get her confused this time. It is a rare opportunity. I am not sure this time, and there will be other variables later.

He changed his strategy, pressing his hands on both sides of Dolly's desk, leaning forward slightly, giving a very aggressive feeling, "So we need to discuss the results as soon as possible, accept this proposal, or Reject the proposal. "

"From the time Uncle Magus was injured to the present, Bowers is still eating and drinking with his consortium friends. I have never seen in more than one newspaper that he has attended at least three different receptions organized by a host, and a young man Lady danced in public. "

"His Excellency hasn't made any statement so far. He has been sticking to his work. I admire him very much. No matter what happens outside, he can be regarded as not seeing."

"Only you, Mrs. Dory, and only you have been busy dealing with these matters within the party. No one can help you, only you."

Dolly retorted a bit, "These are my jobs. You know we have a clear division of work. I did what I should do. Others just didn't take me away. They were not watching indifferently. . "

Du Lin chuckled, "Mrs. Dolly, what do you say, yourself ... believe it?"

Then came a long silence, like this question that Du Lin asked. Do you believe what you say?

In fact, the Chairman of the New Party Committee and Mr. Magus are both from the same age. He and Magus are of the same age. They are not too young, and do not have so much energy to do all day long.

Moreover, this position is very important. It can be said to be the "Dinghai Magic Needle" of the New Party. If this world is called the "pillar of heaven", his role is greater than his actual work in a symbolic sense. At the same time, his main object of defense is still Povo Those who are civilians in Sri Lanka and the party.

As for the other vice-chairman, as Dolly said, everyone's division of labor is different, and others will not easily intervene in the work of others. This is not a sign of friendship, but a sign of exceeding power and seizing power.

That deputy chairman's work is external, such as connecting the diplomatic roles within the New Party and some organizations or groups in society, and rarely intervenes in internal affairs.

But that was only under the normal circumstances in the past, and now there are difficult problems in the New Party. If these people still maintain such an attitude, it must be that they have something wrong.

Of course, this is not to say that they have betrayed the New Party. All of them have long been related to the New Party, but everyone's minds are different. No one knows why they did it, and what they chose did not happen the same.

Loyalty is sometimes really cheap, especially in the face of great temptations.

Dory himself knows these things, for example, Mr. Chairman of the New Party Committee invited three guests to a simple barbecue in the backyard last night ~ ~ Bawworth walked more actively among various consortia and The big capitalists can even say that they have lowered their status to cater to some big business people, but they have also exchanged good friendship with each other.

Everyone has their own ideas, some may be different from Dory's, but there is absolutely no conflict.

But for some, there may be conflict, and it is still fierce.

"So, we need to agree on these things as soon as possible. If there is a more stable party in the party who is willing to pay for the New Party and regard the New Party as the chairman of its own business, it will far exceed one more mascot." With both hands, he stared at Dory calmly, "I decided to tell you the truth. Magus's body is healthy, but he has lost some of his ability to perform. In other words, he may no longer appear in a short time. In front of the public, appearing in time is also in a wheelchair, without saying a word, and the time is very short. Do you understand what I mean? "

If the previous words just made Dory a little upset and have some intentions, then this sentence is giving her a kind of idea that she couldn't say.

Du Lin's voice was deep and magnetic, and he continued, "I believe that even if Uncle Magus knew these things, he would be very relieved. What we need to do is not to make this a garden, but to maintain it. Continue until the day Uncle Magus recovers. "

Dory thought for a while, then asked, "But this has not changed the current situation, and we are still at a disadvantage."

Du Lin stood up with a smile, he already understood that this was the last question, and Dolly's heart began to lean towards him. "It won't be long before you will understand ..."

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