Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1268: Awake man

Dory is still working in the office after work at 4 pm. She has been living in the office recently. She has been busy with these documents from morning to night to talk to members of the New Party middle-level organization. She has no time to waste on the road or in her family. in life.

The members of the mayor and governor who have specific and actual control are doing well now, mostly because the power in their hands now comes from the New Party, and even if the Imperial Party gave them better conditions, they would not be able to immediately Enter the income period.

The Emperor Party has just been formed, and it has not yet established its loyal base. There is some small news that His Royal Highness is reaching out to the old nobles in the north. He intends to root the Emperor Party in the north.

Most of the nobles of the empire lived in the north. In the past, only degraded nobles and punished nobles would place their fiefs in the southern cities or the east coast, which were all "poor" and "loser". The place.

This is also the main reason that northerners have always looked down on southerners throughout the empire and have historical origins.

This also makes the northern environment more suitable for the development of the imperial party. The aristocratic system and the feudal dynasty are a pair of good and fierce brothers who complement each other and kill each other in love. They cannot simply use one thing as a whole to interpret the relationship between the two parties.

The royal family must rely on the power of the nobles to strengthen the rule of the locality. The nobles also need to mediate the conflicts between the nobles and the nobles. The two sides have cooperation and conflicts in many places.

However, in any case, the cooperation and tacit understanding between the nobles and the royal family are not available elsewhere. If the great prince can promise some benefits, those nobles may not help him. At least the royal family has never issued any provisions on the abolition of privileges. Class "rules, but Magus and the New Party did.

However, at this time, those officials who have stood in front of the stage and have a certain amount of power will not receive any practical benefits from the imperial party. They still need to wait for a few years, and then the governing party on a site where the nobility has the final say. Knowing it all is just a joke.

Nobles would not let them reach into their own territory, and whoever dared to reach out would interrupt their hand.

Therefore, this is not a good choice. On the contrary, those middle-level cadres who have no actual power are one of the main targets of the other party.

These people have had many years of good work experience in the New Party. They are very good at the daily work and maintenance of the party. They also have great experience. They may not have any loud reputation on the political stage, but they are also an important part of the New Party. Enthusiast.

As long as these people are pulled away, the Emperor Party will soon be fully formed and immediately put into operation. Many of them can not only govern the party, but also possibly marry the local nobles. This is the most tempting Human stuff!

Those who Dolly came to talk to were mostly middle-level cadres without official positions in the party.

At four o'clock, she sent a talker back to her chair, tired, looking at the sunset outside the window. The accident that happened to Magus was really worrying, but even more frightening is that the New Party is not like people. Imagine being so perfect and strong, just because Magus was injured, so many problems appeared.

What if Magus dies one day and the old one dies?

Suddenly a durin figure popped into her mind and what he said before leaving--

"A leader who is not tough enough, has no courage, no ability, and no intelligence is like a savory barbecue on the political stage. Everyone will come and take a bite. They need not worry that the barbecue will avenge them."

"Bawworth is too weak, and his mind is no longer on these things of the party. His Excellency the Chairman may have his own ideas, others are waiting and waiting for the final outcome."

"No one cares what we will face after the failure of the New Party. They only care about how to protect their interests from being violated. Dolly, only we really care about this party and everything about the New Party, then we should take care of it. ! "

Yes, no one cares about this. The empty office building was locked with the last administrator's departure, and there was no noise, just like a building abandoned for many years.

Every room, every walkway, there will be no sound at all, no one here except themselves, they do not care about these, especially after Magus was injured.

Suddenly the phone ringing suddenly shocked Dory, and she glanced at the "Ground Spirit Lingling" ringing phone constantly, smiling a little self-deprecatingly, "Here is the New Party Committee Li's office ... "

"Yes, yes, I know, Dolly, are you free in the evening? I booked a room in the best hotel in the Imperial Capital, invited some friends, and some of you know each other. Let's get together at night?" The sound on one end is very magnetic, and even through the phone, the other end of the telephone line can be associated with the sound. It must be a very attractive man.

But this person's invitation, Dory didn't want to agree, because he was His Royal Highness, a mean and shameful attempt to steal the backbone of the New Party for 30 years, a real villain!

But sometimes there are things like that. You can dislike someone, hate him, hate him, but when you face him, you have to laugh and make him feel that you are good friends with each other.

Once the mask is put on, it is difficult to remove it. Even if it is to be removed, it is for another mask.

She declined the invitation of the prince gently. She didn't want it to be a bureau, and she didn't want to be fooled. "I'm very sorry, Your Highness, the gate of the office building has been locked. I can't leave, and I still have There are a lot of documents to deal with, you know, we have had some trouble recently ... "

She used this to counter the actions of His Royal Highness, and encountered some troubles. No one knows more about what troubles they have encountered than His Royal Highness, but rejecting him on such grounds also shows her determination. .

His Royal Highness smiled, and ignored the invitation at night, but still did not give up, "It is a pity that you cannot come at night, we will be disappointed, but it does not matter, when you are free, we can make an appointment next time!"

After being rejected, he re-invited, His Royal Highness displayed his tough attitude and his worthiness in a special way. He did not utter bad words or even expose Dory's lies.

If the door is locked, you ca n’t go out. You ca n’t go out if you open the windows on the first floor, and the security measures outside the office building of the New Party headquarters are not worse than the Royal Palace. Even if all the doors and windows are open, there may not be thieves. Dare to go in and steal.

But someone really wants to go in and steal something, whether the door or window is open, or whether there is a guard outside the door, it is useless.

He knew this was just a reason for refusal, so instead of exposing it, he issued a second invitation.

Dolly was silent for a moment, she knew that this could not be pushed, and if they continued to push, they would immediately turn their faces.

As a woman, she has all the advantages that all women should have, being gentle, considerate, attentive, and kind ... but she also has the disadvantages of many women, lacking opinion, lacking determination, and hesitating when necessary.

If it was Du Lin at this time, Du Lin hung up the phone directly, and turned his face, and his family was never afraid of the word.

But now after all is the old lady Dory, a lady, she hesitated, and said hesitantly, "Then ... well, I will have a period of time around ten o'clock in the morning the next day. About two hours. "

The eldest prince laughed, "It's great, so let's say that, ten days in the morning the next day, I will send someone to pick you up, very much looking forward to meeting you, ma'am ..."

After the phone hung up, Dory's face was a little angry, and there were other things. She didn't know how complicated her facial expression was at this time.

On the other side of the telephone line, His Royal Highness hung up the phone and smiled inadvertently, then lifted the phone and dialed another number according to the number on a note.

After waiting three times, a young voice sounded, "Here is Doolin!"

Originally His Royal Highness organized a small banquet to win over Dory. In addition to Magus and the Chairman of the New Party Committee, the three new souls of the New Party have little fame and are rarely known outside the Party. Korea.

What's great about Dory is that she maintains a good relationship with the entire middle party and part of the bottom of the New Party, and is also a guide for these people. They all joined the New Party through Dory's signature, and this woman no matter what Said, they are all affectionate.

Some people who were swaying obviously stabilized after Dory's conversation. It can be seen that her potential influence on the New Party is not actually under Magus, but most people are not aware of it, including her. Yourself.

But the great prince found out that he also understood where the focus of the next work is. If you can get the woman Dolly and pull her into his own camp, there will definitely be a group of people who will come back immediately, such as Say civilians.

After taking office, Bowers did a little work except for the first half of the year. Since then, he has been entertaining all day. Even if there are meetings, he rarely exemplifies it. Of course, he will do the necessary work to protect the interests of the civilians.

But this is the political arena. What we are after is not the warmth of the extended family, but the coldness of the heights!

A short leader is far from capable, and a leader who can lead everyone farther and higher is more in line with these people's requirements.

As long as Dolly can dig it out, these civilians, who already feel that the future is dim, will follow immediately.

In fact, in the plan of Magus, also included in the plan of Doolin, after the abolition of Bowers, Schnold would immediately take the position of Bowers and become a new banner of civilians in the party.

He met the requirements of the emerging members of the civilians for self-value positioning. Now some members of the civilians who have joined the new party do not think that it is correct to engage in consciousness against the aristocracy. Like Voss, he obviously had the money to live in a humble house. He had the right to pretend that he couldn't solve anything.

He belongs to a new faction.

But that's what happened in the future. Now he still lacks some qualifications. After four to eight years of governor's work, after the status of the party has improved, he transferred to work in the party as the party's eighteenth party whip. Raising his status again would be enough to integrate those civilians.

Right now, he can't.

Therefore, as long as Dory is brought in, not to mention robbing the backbone of the New Party, at least one-fifth will decide to go to the Emperor Party.

However, the woman refused to accept the request of the prince tonight. This small chat-like banquet invited the prince to many people, celebrities from both the political and business circles, and several stars, some influential tycoons.

The value of these people is to enhance the atmosphere, and to make Dolly feel a special atmosphere in the chat, eventually it is easier to be talked about.

It is difficult for one person to persuade another person, but it is not necessarily that difficult for more people to persuade one person.

If she doesn't come, this scene can't be so wasteful. How to say a dinner would cost tens of thousands of dollars. It would be too wasteful to eat, drink, and drink, so he made a call to the second goal, and that was Du Lin.

Many people may think that Doolin must be in the same heart as Magus ~ ~ But this general view often means wrong.

The marriage between Doolin and the Timamont family was based on the fact that Doolin had no way out. In other words, he was forced. He had to choose a way out at that time. At that time, Magus also considered letting The royal family intervened in the marriage and married the princess to Du Lin.

At that time, no matter whether it was Magus or Doolin, the two sides did not fully look at each other, they may be guarding each other, plotting each other, and keeping a distance.

But in the end, after Magus and Dooling were able to choose after all other choices, then Dooling must be willing?

Even if he likes his wife, even if he has made great progress now, even if he has a future that looks wonderful, will he be willing?

Being forced to kneel down on the ground to drink water can reward you with a ladder to the upper level. This is not mercy, not alms, it is an insult!

Everyone thinks that Du Lin is the successor of Magus and his good companion. The grand prince just wants to draw Du Lin to try.

If you do n’t try it, no one knows what will happen, but if you try it, you will succeed?

Digging over the successor of Magus, the most promising son-in-law of the Timamont family in the future, will be an incomparable blow to the New Party and Maggis!

There is no existence or nonexistence in this world. Only the willing and unwillingness, the great prince will not believe it. If he is willing to promise Doolin to be the leader of the imperial party, he will not believe if he has the opportunity Du Lin doesn't mind!

This is really to build a person with the power of one party. The New Party will not give him such resources and such opportunities!

"Mr. Du Lin, it's me ... yes, are you free at night, I want to talk to you ..."

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