Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1284: Covert investigation

There was once a very big philosopher who said that immortality is a problem.

Now, the handset of the phone is in Eric's hands. He is not a philosopher, but he knows that hanging up is a problem for him.

Du Lin is not a good person. Eric, who has already become a middle-ranking member of the MI, understands this very well. He doesn't know the situation over the Security Council. Has he also investigated Du Lin? Regarding Du Lin's archives, a room of about 20 square meters was used for display.

It was filled with more than a dozen cabinets in chronological order. It is said that a considerable part of the documents have been collected by the Secret Service. In addition, those may need to be changed to a larger room before they can be fully loaded.

Du Lin is not a good person. A good person cannot have so many black materials in the military intelligence department. You must know that the cases that the military intelligence department is responsible for are basically cases that can cause great damage and impact on the country. Fighting and killing the bad guys is not enough to set up a task force in the military intelligence department.

He even heard his boss say that the Knights of the Rose had also investigated Doolin. This was the highest-class secret service in the empire. They did not spare Doolin, showing how much Doolin had broken.

After being able to access these secrets, Eric's awe of Du Lin gradually dissipated. After all, the black materials filled with a room were in his hands. Eric did not think that Du Lin could be dangerous to him. .

Take out a copy and find a dead ghost for the foreign media. Du Lin is finished. Maybe he can block the media's exposure to his black materials. But he does n’t have such great power abroad. Once such a person loses power He is nothing.

So Eric was about to forget that he had feared a person and made a choice in his own shadow, until Du Lin's voice sounded in his ear.

As long as the call is hung up, he can prove that he is not afraid of Dulin.

As long as the call is hung up, he can let Du Lin get out of the picture and understand that he is threatening a key member of the internal intelligence agency who lives in the dark and holds the power to kill and kill.

As long as he hangs up the call, but ... there is no need!

Eric quickly found a good reason for himself. I can hang up the phone to prove that I am not afraid of Doolin. He is just a **** who looks very strong but is weak inside, but it is not necessary.

There is no need for a joke everyone to lose face in the end, and there is no need to cause unpredictable consequences due to a momentary spirit dispute. He glanced at the two young men with their hands behind their backs, smiling slightly. The bullet loaded, and suddenly laughed loudly, "Okay, okay, Mr. Du Lin, our greetings should be over. Is there a place where I can help?"

Du Lin on the other side of the phone also smiled in a timely manner. His laughter was not so exaggerated, very casual and peaceful, just like he was just chilly just now. "A friend of mine told me that regardless of friends How close the relationship is, as long as they are not connected for a long time, they will guard each other like strangers. This is how we are. We have not been connected for a long time. "

"I am a nostalgic person, and I know you may not remember my phone number, so I remind you that we are friends!"

Eric didn't speak. He knew very well that he lost the moment he switched the subject. Although he thought he didn't lose, this concession was just a mature performance. No one would be injured because of fighting. The world will be as peaceful as the sun will come tomorrow morning.

This is a mature performance, he did not lose!

After a few seconds of pause, Du Lin continued, "I heard that someone was investigating me recently, Rose Knights, do you know these people?"

Du Lin said that the investigation was not fabricated, and indeed someone was investigating him, but it was not him who was investigating, but the side of Tener City, including the town of alfalfa.

Tener City has had a lot of new faces in the past two years, but after reappearing faces appear on the streets of this small city several times, they will be able to find out the old bottom, and then quickly integrate into the city.

However, the raw faces that appeared in the past year are very special, and their information is very "perfect", so perfect that people can't find any little surprise from it.

If it is an ordinary person, it is very likely that they will miss the information of these people, but a few local people who specialize in buying and selling intelligence in Tenerl will get the information of these people at a glance and see that there is something wrong with their identity.

They have processed tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of pieces of information. What is real and what is fake can be seen by taking a look at them.

These people are investigating some things, they are investigating the corruption of the police station, and some people go to the alfalfa town and make a few laps. After the people's whereabouts are collected, they pass to Du Lin's ear. One idea is that someone wants to engage in themselves.

This is not his imagination, but a skill that a successful politician must master-without the cause and purpose, and the inability to guess the result, plan for the worst.

These people may not be investigating Du Lin and his family, but for the sake of safety, Du Lin thinks these people are investigating themselves and then responding.

If you are wrong, then I'm very sorry, some people may be injured as a result, but these people will also get good compensation, at least many times more than their suffering.

If it is right, then it is gratifying, and avoided another crisis that may suddenly erupt.

In fact, Du Lin had dealt with these intelligence agencies for a long time, including the violent agencies in the empire system. Now he is getting better and better. Those who used to talk about sending him to prison have never been. Appeared before him again.

Both the Military Intelligence Department and the Security Council have stopped investigating him, so he believes that those who are still paying attention to him are likely to be those of the Knights of the Rose.

He felt that these things would not be caused by himself. It is very likely that ... Mr. Xema caused it, but as a son of man, there are always some things that he did not do, and he was asked to finish.

Rose Knights!

So who knows these people?

There is no doubt that Magus must know them very well, even better than themselves, but the situation of Magus now ...

Kubar also knows that Magus has said that Kubar is a trustworthy person more than once. This sentence is not actually said to Du Lin, but to himself.

A stupid person can't tell the context and the meaning behind some words. Magus said that Kuba is a person who can be trusted, the purpose is to tell Doolin that as long as he is alive, Kuba will not be a problem.

But now that Magus has gone wrong, whether Kubar can trust is another issue, not to mention that this is the relationship between Kubar and Magus, not the relationship between Doolin and Kubar.

So after thinking about it, Du Lin thought of Eric, who had never contacted him, the lieutenant colonel of the Imperial Army Intelligence subject. He must have known about the Knights of the Rose.

A phone call has unconsciously solved some other troubles, and at the same time can get some help. This phone call is very valuable.

Eric responded very quickly. After asking "How do you know the Rose Knights", he immediately came to his senses. Doolin is already the governor of the state of Abilúo. Now he is eligible to contact a part of the empire. Advanced institutions include institutions such as the Knights of the Rose.

"I know them, but not more than you know, Mr. Durin." Eric's answer was very cautious. He was unwilling to involve himself in these dangerous things, but it was clear that Durin was not so. miss you.

For a valuable friend, Du Lin's attitude is always very mild. He is not angry at Eric's perfunctory answer, but asks another question, "You know that you and the Security Council have recently been responsible for arresting the top leaders of Tujiao. Some actions? "

The sudden change of topic made Eric a bit unable to keep up with Du Lin's rhythm. He thought for a while and nodded as if Du Lin could see, "Yes, I know, this is also one of my jobs, Du Mr. Lin, what important news can you tell me? "

Dulin Haha laughed, "Of course, of course, as the defender of the legal system and morals of the empire, I think that I, and even every citizen of the empire, should possess the spirit of dedication and dedication to the empire. Number one, he is now locked in the basement under my feet. "

Eric's heartbeat sounded, Eric couldn't help covering his chest, his scalp was tingling, like a wave of waves rushed from his majesty to his head along his spine, and he was excited to stand up at this moment. Little flagpole!

Yes, if he is stronger, he may ascend to heaven in place!

With the arrest of some high-level indigenous gods, more and more news has revealed an atmosphere of unknownness. An intelligence organization in the skin of religious organizations that has been entrenched in the west for more than two decades and has begun to penetrate other places. , Bought a large number of social elites, including many business elites and political leaders, even the military intelligence department were bought.

The task of catching the No. 1 character of the Divine Religion has risen to the highest level in history. It is not that the MI wants to know how many people are corroded, infiltrated, and bought by the Taoism. This information will never be seen.

If a large number of traitors appear in the middle of the imperial society and are revealed, it is the kind of evidence, which will be a fatal blow to the empire and the entire society!

Unlike other people's purpose of catching the ambassadors, these intelligence organizations of the empire really want to protect the ambassadors, want to directly destroy these materials, and do not give any ambitionists any chance to create social unrest!

Both Eric, the chief of the first three offices of MI3, and his superior, the chief of the Army Intelligence Section, are fantasizing about the dream of catching the envoy.

Just grab him, and your feet on the steps will have the power to lift again.

He swallowed a spit, contracted his abdomen a little to prevent himself from being rude in front of the two young people, and when he spoke, he realized that his voice was shaking, "Just now ... you said God is at your feet?"

"No!", Du Lin ’s denial was very decisive, and decisively until Eric felt that he had a hallucination, then he thought that Du Lin had seized people who could not be captured by the three major intelligence agencies of the Empire, but His next words made Eric fall into a deep silence, "I just asked you how much you know about the Rose Knights."

After a long silence, Eric asked, "How can I believe you?"

Some people are greedy for wealth, and they are willing to mark the price of incomparable power in the eyes of others in exchange for wealth.

Some people covet the power, as if from the moment they were born, in order to gain higher power, greater power, and trample more people under their feet, for which they are willing to give everything.

There are also people who are very upright. They have never been involved in any kind of thing, but as long as they can show their great integrity, they promise that they will always be happier than anyone.

Everyone in this world has weaknesses, including people who have no desire for anything. If a person really has no weaknesses, then he either kills himself when he understands this, or is killed by this society.

Eric also has. He wants to climb higher. He has seen the pain and helplessness of the bottom in his previous work out of the field, and walks on the edge of death every day.

Working hard, he has to face either professional military training and special military training, spies from other national forces, or some unscrupulous thugs who poured out firepower without fear of life and death. The ghost knows when it will be unavoidable. The accident, like his comrade-in-arms, died in front of his new partner.

If he doesn't work hard or even avoids work, he will be labeled suspiciously, either in the housekeeping process or in the hands of other field personnel.

Companion to death every day, want to break away from it all?

It's very simple. Climb higher. Climb until you can no longer be manipulated by others. Climb until you can hold your destiny to say no to the sky.

This is an opportunity that will save him a few years of opportunity, and it is also a crisis. Once Du Lin did not cooperate with him, but changed to a different person, maybe his security and stability would allow him to wait another eight years. Promoted to Colonel, Major General.

If people can't do something for themselves, are they still people?

His heart was beating fiercely at this moment, everything around him became weird, his vision was a bit strangely elongated, accompanied by slight tinnitus, sharp tinnitus made him a little uncomfortable, his blood pressure kept rising, and his heartbeat also faster and faster.

"Eric, everyone knows that I am a generous person and a person of integrity. As long as you can be your friend, we are good friends."

"For friends, I've always been generous, and never hesitated, you need it, and I happen to have it, just for you!"

Eric closed his eyes tightly. He looked red. Obviously, his blood pressure was a bit high now. He slammed his temples a few times and asked, "Which news do you want?"

Du Lin did not answer directly, but instead invited him to the west, "Come, come to me, take someone back, by the way, I am interested ..."

After the two young men left, Eric's wife walked into the study and watched Eric sitting paralyzed on the chair walking nervously. She wiped the sweat on Eric's pale face, He asked softly, "Are you going to call the police?"

Eric squeezed a few smiles. "No, not at all, you forgot my dear, I'm the police."

He patted the back of his wife's hand. "I need to think. Can you give me some space?"

The woman left with some worries, and carefully closed the door gently. Eric closed his eyes and raised his head, hating himself while excited.

At this time in the distant city of Tener, two young people who were already working officially-in their thirties and under forties, were just off work, and they lived in a very ordinary Next to the hotel, I made some cooked food and placed it on a chair at the door, and started to enjoy dinner.

The owner of the small hotel also ran out with a plate full of wheat cakes. The two young people have been here for almost nine months. They are very generous and often buy some cooked meat and He shared.

In order to take advantage of it for a long time, and not to make yourself too embarrassed, the owner of the small hotel gave a good proposal. He is responsible for staple food such as wheat cakes or meal packages. The other two young people are responsible for the evening dishes. It's meat or something.

This was a stupid proposal, but the two young men agreed, and soon they became good friends.

The owner of the small hotel who ate delicious food at night felt that these two months were the happiest time in his life ~ ~ Saved a lot of food and beverage expenses and let him assist several times in these days Young girls who can't afford to wear clothes have also taught them a lot of processes that they will always go through in their lives.

So he feels good about the two young people, thinking they are very simple and honest children-if someone in Tenell said you are honest, simple and honest, then you can talk to him because he is saying you are stupid.

This night is no different from the past. The fragrant beef ribs and calf leg meat, plus some sour cucumbers that are sore to the sphincter, and a small bottle of wine, there is no more satisfying dinner. Already.

The three chatted as they ate and chatted with one of them and went to the hotel run by the boss. "I see that every time you come to the guest, you will register their information. Is it required by the police?"

The boss, who has already drunk some wine, nodded again and again, "Of course, otherwise I would not write those messy things."

"Anyway, I lose it after writing. Who cares? Isn't it the next chance of being an official to bully us ordinary people without any background?" Another young man also said something.

The boss's eyes glared and he sighed, "Who would write the thing if I could finish writing it? After writing these things, they should save it by themselves. In case of anything, they still need to investigate and not get it. It ’s going to pour bad mold. "

"My garage is already full of these things, I do n’t dare to burn them, and they take up too much space. There is nothing good about these officials!"

The two young people glanced at each other and echoed a few words in response to the situation. One of them tentatively continued to ask, "I heard that you have had murders here in the past few years. It is very exciting. Do you know how to respond? Anything, tell us ... "


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