Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1285: Sell ​​for a good price

Alcohol is a good thing. It can paralyze the nerves and let the brain cells die irreversibly. Looking at many patients with Alzheimer's disease, most of them have a daily drinking habit.

Although this thing is harmful, there are still a lot of people who are obsessed with it. In fact, when you talk about getting old, you are still alive, and even living in memories is not a sad thing. At least in that memory, everyone is Fenghuazhenmao, not old-fashioned.

The hotel's owner was red-faced and red-headed. He took off his coat and put it on his shoulders under the influence of wine and meat. He talked about this murder that should not have been said.

In fact, it is not a big deal. For people living in Tener City, seeing the dead is just like seeing cats and dogs lying on the roadside. In the early years, the established tycoons were fighting and gangs. There is a fight between them. Which one is not the blood of the killer, the scattered limbs with the broken limbs?

Sometimes there are not enough staff at the police station, or the residents of the roadside themselves take the bucket out to wash out the blood on the floor. Seeing a dead person looks like a front clip on a chopping board to the owner of the hotel business meat.

In his narrative, a past that has been sealed for several years has surfaced again.

"It was a time when the weather was not too hot, I forgot whether it was spring or winter, anyway the weather was not too hot ...", he took a drink and took another sip. The young people around him soon fell for him. He looked at the slightly murky wine in the wine glass with soothing heart. He had a desire to talk in his stomach. If he didn't say anything, he doubted that he would go crazy.

"I had four guests in my hotel during that time, three men and one woman. They were a group, but each had a separate room."

"You know, the previous Tener ...", his shoulders smirked and laughed a few times, "It's like a septic tank, there is no real estate here, people are climbing up and squeezing others crazy , Even ... "

When he said that, he stopped talking, apparently thinking of something, and cut off the conversation directly, "I can remember those people because they are very strange. They obviously can rent two or three rooms. I want everyone to rent one, so I remember very clearly that these people are not short of money. "

"They lived for many days. I don't think they are good people. Everyone is gloomy. Later, they don't know where to borrow a car. They also go around."

"And then one night, the woman of the four was in trouble ...", the owner of the tavern seemed to be remembering something, and after a long time he shook his head and put the wine in the glass together and sighed. In a breath, "It's miserable, there are a lot of injuries on my body. That room is now abandoned, and now it's changed to a storage room ..."

The two young men looked at each other, and one of them asked again, "Where did the murderer catch it? I really don't know what kind of person he can be against women."

The hotel owner ate some meat and continued the wine. "I didn't catch it, so I don't know how."

"When such a big thing happened, the guests who stayed in the hotel at that time must have been frightened. Are they checking out? Are you the boss? The loss is not small." This is a very interesting question. Want to ask something more detailed.

The hotel owner lowered his head and kicked the ground under the kick. When he looked up again, he looked at the bustling streets of the roadside car, "I forgot."

The two young men did not ask again, and began to eat meat and drink. Soon the two pots of meat and a bottle of wine on the table were destroyed by the three of them. The two young people patted their butts and went back to sleep. The hotel's The boss, however, held a handful of loose change and let the children at home help him look at the shop and walked towards a nearby bar.

The young man standing behind the curtains on the third floor collected it from the back of the hotel owner who disappeared from the alley. The original instructions given by his superiors were to lurk down and build appropriate social relationships. Do not investigate the assassination of Colonel Anna for the time being .

But just last month, there was a sudden news from the imperial capital asking them to restart the investigation of Colonel Anna's assassination. The two people's investigation object was the register of this small hotel.

According to the evidence they collected earlier, there was more than one person in the room on the night Colonel Anna was assassinated. Even if the strength of the above school was a professionally trained male, it was difficult to win.

The characteristic of this woman is cruel, until she has been dead for several years. There are still legends about her in the Knights of the Rose, including the legend that she removed a rib as a dagger and strangled a mission target. Has been intimidating all newcomers.

This is a very hot woman who died silently in this small hotel. What is even more shocking is that she was investigating the clues of Scarlet Dawn at that time. It is likely that she was killed by the members of Scarlet Dawn. In the hotel.

After the death of Mennon, the empire completely lost the opportunity to know the whereabouts of some of the main characters in Scarlet Dawn. Mennon was killed by Du Lin without having time to say the news. Suspension of follow-up plans.

Now restarting this plan is still because of the small disagreement between Du Lin and the great prince. Regardless of whether Du Lin was involved in Scarlet Dawn's case, he grew up in Tener.

He did not join the Scarlet Dawn so obviously the best result, but if he did, there is no need to worry about Doolin as soon as he finds the evidence, and the evidence can easily destroy him, regardless of him Is there any means, who is standing behind.

With the idea of ​​trying not to be afraid of failure, the members of these organizations lurking in Tyne City to cultivate social relations began to work again.

The idea of ​​these two people is very simple. If the person who assassinated Colonel Anna came from the outside, then someone must have seen the two people at that time.

You know that at that time, cars were still luxury goods. In this small city, no one could afford a car.

Even if they didn't drive, the traffic of Tenell at the time, including the hotel owner, must have seen these people.

In the evidence collected in the previous period, the owner of the small hotel did not testify in this regard. He stated that he had not seen anyone entering or leaving the hotel, so it was very likely that the person who assassinated Colonel Anna had lived in as a resident before the incident. In the hotel, they did not escape after the assassination of Colonel Anna. Instead, they returned to their room and were asked to leave the place by the police.

Regardless of whether this is a feasible direction of detection, these two young people intend to give it a try. Today they have discovered the tone of the hotel owner, registered the resident's register, he still keeps it, and was killed by Colonel Anna In the room.

Seeing that the hotel owner had already assisted the poor girls who could not afford to wear clothes, the two young men lightly opened the closed room door with a special key, and they brought the lighting equipment-candles.

In a box full of dust, the work started tonight.

On the other hand, the owner of the hotel came to the frequented small bar. Most of the bars in Tener are liquor licenses without a license to sell drinks. They are all operating illegally, but the nature of this city is very special. The police We don't like to catch these people, and the Bureau of Contraband Investigation has completely counseled.

Two consecutive directors have been arrested and jailed for malfeasance and duty crimes. The reviews of the contraband investigation bureau are very bad, and no one wants them to do anything. Today, Tenell's contraband investigation bureau has become Kanlors. State Paradise for Exile Waste.

The reason why it is a paradise is purely because although it is full of the losers and wastes of the Kanlasian struggle, their law enforcement powers still exist. In order not to cause trouble between each other, they are large and small every month. Bars will "offer confessions" to the Prohibited Goods Investigation Bureau.

From paying cash for red fruit to giving some drinks and even beef, those detectives who had lost their self-motivation and renounced themselves began to settle down, resulting in a special environment in Tener City-illegal bars Popular.

In fact, there is another kind of saying behind this. It is limited to some people who walk in the gray area. They often say that Tener's wine is almost from Du Lin's hands. No one can check Du Lin. If you don't want to be unlucky, it's best not to touch these bars and these wines.

It is difficult to say whether this is the real reason for the formation of the special environment of Tenell, but it still makes some sense.

The hotel owner pushed open the door of the bar in the alley. There was nothing secretive, everything was generous, and a neon signboard made of red heels and yellow wine glasses made of luminous tubes was hung. It was particularly bright in the alley at night.

The owner of the tavern was already a little drunk. He forced himself to take control of his body and walked to the bar a little less steadily. The bartender immediately came over, "What do you want?"

He swallowed a spit, cracked his mouth and smiled, revealing a jagged big yellow tooth, exuding a disgusting stench, and lying on the table and pursing it, "I want to sell information ..."

The bartender looked at him, "You know, some jokes can be miserable."

"Why do you think I'm joking now?" The owner of the tavern was a little angry, his voice was a bit louder, everyone around him looked over, the bartender frowned, and tilted his head before he smiled from the side. Walk around the bar and walk in through the door behind the bartender.

The guests next to the bar didn't care about this. Trafficking information has always been the source of life for some of them. From a piece of money for two dollars to a few hundred to thousands of information, these big and small pieces of information constitute Tener's low intelligence network, some of which have a certain economic value, will also circulate to other places.

This is also the favorite job of the idler and idler. It doesn't require physical effort. Just look for someone to drink and chat, and maybe sell a few hundred or thousands of pieces at any time.

The hotel owner who walked into the back office suddenly felt a little cold. It was a cold storage with some beef thighs and ham, and some other meat.

I don't know how long it has accumulated on the gray and black ice. There are still some red blood on the ice. The cold air allows him to spray two hot air from his nostril every time he breathes, and his drunkenness is awake.

Hesitant in his heart to leave, but still gritted his teeth and continued to walk forward until he passed through the cold storage and entered a warm room.

A guy with an old gas mask was sitting on a humble chair. There was a very worn table in front of him. The strange guy looked up at the tavern owner, and through the closed glass, the two eyes After touching it in the air, the hotel owner looked away.

"The general content of the information does not need to be detailed, and then your quotation, if I am interested, we can continue to talk, if I am not interested, you can leave through the small door next to you, and you will be in another alley after going out. "

"It's fair ..." The tavern owner said something inexplicably, maybe a little timid, "I don't know if you know me, I'm the owner of the small hotel next to you, you know that there was a murder before me Let's take a case. Someone has recently become interested in that case. I think it should be able to sell some money. "

The guy in charge of intelligence trading laughed a few times, "Why do you think this news can be valuable? If I were you, I would not waste so much time on this matter, you can leave, of course, if you have more Good news, you can still find me. "

The tavern owner did not leave, but stood still, "Three hundred, no, five, no, a thousand, this news is a thousand!"

The masked guy froze. He didn't laugh at the tavern owner's indiscretion, nor did he get the silly beep drunk out, but asked a very important question, "Why do you think this Can a message be worth a thousand yuan? "

This is the ability that everyone who buys and sells information for a living must master. It is impossible for them like this to ensure that they have the most fair and correct assessment of the value of each piece of information. In fact, the price of most information comes from The bargaining behavior of the two parties, when the tavern owner shouted a thousand dollars directly, the mask man realized that there must be some places he did not notice, so the hotel owner dared to shout a thousand dollars.

The hotel owner licked his lips, then conquered the mask man in only two seconds, and let him sincerely take out a thousand yuan and stuff it into the hotel owner's hands.

The owner of the hotel said something like this-"At the time of the incident, the chief of the police station was called Mason, Chief Mason Kesma!"

In fact, this is a very obvious high price news. The reason why the mask man did not expect that he simply had to deal with too many things and couldn't do everything in his care.

But his response was quick. When the hotel owner spoke of Director Mason Kesma, the mask man suddenly came to his senses.

There are still cases before the secret investigation that indicate that there was a problem in this case. It happened that Mason was the director of the police station at that time. It is likely that Mason himself and even Du Lin were involved in this case.

Now Mason is already the mayor of Tener, and Doolin is the governor of the state of Abilúo. If the news is true, his guess is also true. A thousand yuan can be said to make a lot of money.

He just needs to make a phone call to tell the news to those who have a relationship with Mason or Doolin. He will be able to walk sideways in Tener. Everyone knows that this is the city of the Xima family!

Later, Mason came back from outside to entertain. Tener's special geographical location was its dead spot in the past, but in the era of the rise of international trade, it has become its advantage.

The cost of land transportation has gradually been higher than the cost of shipping, and with the improvement of marine power cabin technology, including the upgrading of catalysts, although the crystallites required to drive large freighters have not been reduced, the warehouses that can be dragged are now Keep increasing.

In principle, land transportation should start to go downhill, but in inland areas with insufficient water transportation resources, the final transportation depends on land transportation.

In this regard, Tenell has no shortage of resources. Several transnational railways have passed through Tenell City, which has also enabled Tenell City to prosper at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

A large number of foreign-funded enterprises set up offices in Tener, UU reading and then expanded into companies. Some of them even planned to set up regional headquarters in the Empire here. The arrival of these people has accelerated the promotion of Tener. Of course, it can be said that Mason is a very lucky guy.

The city's economy is growing rapidly, and everyone living here can immediately feel it. Ten years ago, there were only a dozen dollars in wages, and now there are at least 70 dollars a month. This is the change. It is real. Variety.

The people at the bottom will not understand the economic construction problem at the national level too much. They only know that they are now paid several times as much as they used to, and all these emerged after Mason took office. Then Mason is a qualified mayor. Dear Mayor.

Coupled with his last name and his bloodline, he is a well-deserved superstar in this city.

He took off his coat and sat on the sofa, exuding strong alcohol. In fact, Mason is a good person. At least he won't stay at night like other men. No matter what kind of entertainment he has, he will come back to bed every night. No matter how late he must be back.

His wife gave him a cup of bitter hangover soup, which is said to be an earthen method. It was boiled with roasted coffee beans and ten times the bitter chrysanthemum petals. A cup of this dark brown water can get drunk People feel better.

Mason drank a little, and the effect was not as good as the beginning. He was still drunk and did not move, as if he was about to fall asleep.

At this time, the phone in the lobby rang, and Mason, who was drunk and almost unconscious, had to answer the call in person. It was less than five seconds after he received the call and said "It's me." Sitting up straight once, my body began to secrete a lot of sweat quickly, can not wipe clean!

For such an instant, I was shocked, cold, and awake!


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