Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1305: My finger was smashed. It hurts.

Standing under the steps of the podium, Du Lin turned around and looked at the people in the semicircular staircase conference room.

These people frowned a bit, and apparently they had realized that Dulin was definitely not here to publicize how good he was doing, he was here to trouble.

Others are indifferent to observing the changes in the faces of those around them. Most of these people belong to "one party member." The changes on the part of the imperial capital have little effect on the power they have.

These people are basically local officials such as parliamentarians or mayors. They rank low inside the New Party organization and are relatively low, but they have great power and status outside the party.

No matter how the New Party changes, the power in their hands will not be affected, and their status and value in this society are likely to rise sharply to a higher level.

Because both the New Party and its enemies will have great interest in winning a mayor or a parliamentarian. That is a seller's market, and they have the final say.

So they don't really matter. The New Party is now a little bit turbulent. Instead, it has more benefits for them and can be sold at a price.

They came here for two purposes. The first purpose was to see the excitement. Du Lin suddenly wanted to attend the monthly regular meeting. He wanted to say that he was honest and would not believe anyone.

This kind of person is not troublesome if he causes some minor trouble. If he takes the initiative to cause trouble, it will not be a trivial matter.

As for whether it is going to be a hole in the sky this time, it is really exciting, so everyone who can get around is here just to watch Du Lin get angry.

Secondly, Du Lin not only represents his own identity, but also represents Magus, representing the next era of the New Party. What he said was more authoritative than others.

It's like when Bowers puts forward an idea, people will only perfunctory and not think seriously, but if Du Lin puts forward a development idea very seriously, people will pay more attention to this problem. Consider whether it is feasible and if there are any problems.

The difference in status is not a change in status. It is also a citizen of the empire. Can the prince and ordinary people have the same political status?

Now the New Party is faltering and a lot of troubles are erupting at the same time. It can be said that this is the unprecedented danger of the New Party in the past 30 years. Once it fails, the party supporting the empire known as the Pillar of Stars may collapse.

At that time, although these people can sell for the price, they also have to face a lot of choices, and accidentally fall into the abyss.

In addition, everyone follows Magus and has been attached to the New Party for so many years. If the door court can be changed, no one is willing to leave like this, but the key lies in what Du Lin will do next.

What methods will he take to save the current precarious situation and whether he can bring the New Party back on the right track like Magus.

If he can do it, there is no doubt that he will become the second great leader after Magus. If he can't, then everyone can consider considering finding a home for himself.

These people are gathered here to see what Du Lin intends to say today and if there is any way to stabilize the current situation.

Members in attendance are watching Du Lin, and people on the podium behind Du Lin are watching Du Lin.

Bowers's laissez-faire, His Excellency narrowed his eyes to see what was hidden in his eyes, but he showed a little subtlety regardless of what he showed.

The top three is not here today, and Dory has been writing and drawing. It seems that everyone is not so concerned about Du Lin's behavior and what he wants to say.

Du Lin's eyes glanced around the conference hall, and finally he stayed in the two rows of seats in front of him.

In fact, the fact that the New Party has been able to do so has a lot to do with the high-level members of these parties.

Although their power and status have been combined with the New Party, this does not mean that they will definitely do something for the New Party. They ignore it and accelerate the deterioration of the current situation.

Sometimes Du Lin is also very weird. In the end, it is Magus who spends too much time here, regardless of big things and small things, so that these idiots do not know what to do now, or that these people are going through this way Showing an attitude.

The cranky thoughts in his brain gathered together in an instant, as if the complicated universe was instantly retracted into a singularity. He took two steps forward, reached the nuance of the vacancy, and gently pressed his hands on the table.

This seat was originally arranged for the party whip, but the party whip is still hanging, so no one is sitting.

Du Lin said directly, "When I was chatting with a friend a few days ago, he talked to me about his current situation, and there were some problems in one of his factories ..." He said that he paused here, people's Attention began to focus on him, and then he continued, "It was a factory with a history of more than ten years. In order to keep up with this new era and not let his limited ability drag down his factory, he decided to recruit Some professional guys will manage this factory for him. "

Du Lin's bland tone made him unable to hear his emotions, but people were still patient and listened, and no one stood up to let him go, because he was Du Lin.

He released his hand and walked back and forth a few steps. "He found a good professional manager from some professional headhunting companies. This manager has very rich experience and has worked in more than ten medium and large enterprise factories. Important positions, two of which are very well-known locally. "

"My friend met this manager and was quickly conquered by his excellent eloquence. Then he gave his factory to him to manage, and in order to show his full trust in him, gave him some Power will not often question factory production management and sales. "

"He thought this would be the way for the rise of the factory, but he didn't expect that in just six months, the factory was almost going to close. He and I complained about these things and these people."

Du Lin sighed softly, "The bottom of the factory believes that this professional manager does not really understand the connotation of the factory and the needs of their workers, and the manager believes that the middle and low-level cadres of this factory have too It's not appropriate for more people to continue working in their jobs. "

"There is actually no irreconcilable contradiction between the two parties. If there is, it can only be jealousy and selfishness. They start to harm each other by damaging each other's ridiculous purpose by harming them that are not their property.

"In order to retaliate against the manager, the workers deliberately caused more defective products and the output began to decline. Their view is simple. As long as there is a problem in the profitability of the factory, the manager will eventually get out."

"The manager's approach is very simple and rude. If anyone has a problem, he will be unlucky. It can be said that it is the responsibility of the person."

"Various punishments have followed, from the simplest of inspection reports, to fines and even dismissal, and the struggle between the two sides has become increasingly fierce."

"But it's weird that at the beginning, there will still be people who go beyond the manager level to make comments, but soon such people will not show up, which also makes my friends think that everything is back on track."

Du Lin said with a laugh, "It may be difficult for you to imagine that managers and workers, while destroying everything in the factory, are very tacitly concealing these situations, so that my friends need to read the report if they are not in whim Maybe he wants to know the news, he will not know until the bankruptcy liquidation is notified. "

"So, what caused both parties to do all this?"

Du Lin held out a finger. "It's not difficult to understand. They lack effective communication and some people see the opportunity."

"The management of the factory may be selfish, may be jealous because of various operations, and may be other reasons for the presence of managers. The manager ’s vision and these people are also very surprised. The inability to understand them prevents them from proactively communicating issues and communicating with lower-level workers. "

"If the bottom-level workers have any demands, they cannot be effectively resolved by the management team to the managers. Dissatisfaction and contradictions accumulate, which makes the contradictions between the two parties more and more difficult to resolve."

"The crisis has occurred, but it has not yet reached the fatal stage. At this time, external forces have promoted it. Some people have promised some benefits. This has made the people in the factory more unscrupulous in starting internal consumption."

"What's more interesting is that when my friend planned to take back the management right and start his own business again, he found that in the entire factory, as long as people with a little status have found their next home, in other words, the factory is actually finished Now. "

"They torture each other by hurting third parties. They are selfish and stupid, but it works. They will not harm their own interests. Most people will not only lose nothing, but will have more benefits."

"Bottom-level workers will be called" skilled workers "to quickly find factories in need, and managers will use" experienced "to pick new jobs that they are satisfied with. Managers are even better. He just says," After I leave that factory, Just go out of business' and you can add a very dazzling grade to his resume. "

"But all this is based on the inexplicable closure of a factory of innocent people!"

Du Lin pressed his hands on the table again. "And we are facing the same situation now!"

Originally, some carefree people immediately came to the spirit, and Du Lin did not let them wait too long. "If the New Party is the factory, you are the workers' managers, even managers, but there is no factory owner and the factory. Stakeholders exist. "

"Some of you only see your own interests and ignore the interests of more people. This is a stupid selfish manifestation, just like the things you are doing now."

"In fact, those people are stupid. As long as someone reveals the truth, they will quickly lose all job opportunities. People will be treated with caution when they choose employees. No one wants to be their next victim."

"But these people think they are very smart and the smartest choice ..."

"I know who you are, I know what you have done recently, and I know what you are about to do. I won't keep you, but here I need to tell you."

"If you intend to make your political value too high by hurting the New Party, this is undoubtedly a very stupid act. No one will like a selfish self-interest that harms others, because you must understand that all power In some ways, it's very narrow. "

"They will never hope that they are a dark-hearted person. Today you can sacrifice the interests of the New Party to cater for others, and tomorrow you can sacrifice the interests of your new dad to cater to others."

"The more you do now, the lower your future ceiling will be."

He didn't give these people time to think, looked at the people in the first row, and asked again, "After saying these questions, I still have a question to ask our new party's senior managers. When we are facing some difficult problems now Why don't I see any remedies for you? "

"You are sitting in your office like a rock and watching all this happen, then please tell me what the problem is?"

What Du Lin asked is actually the truth. Under the current situation of the New Party, the management has not come up with an effective solution. It is a huge mistake in itself. Did they not respond or have other ideas?

The face of the Minister of the Interior immediately became difficult to look at. UU read a book He leaned on the chair, pressed it on the back with one hand, and clicked on the table with a pen in one hand. Understand, let us understand more clearly what you want to express. I'm afraid I will have some misunderstandings about what you are saying now. "

His original chubby face had a hint of stubbornness and fierceness. Du Lin had not touched his interests before, and he could pretend to know nothing and hear nothing.

But Du Lin now turned his gun and suddenly burned the fire to the management, especially when he touched the authority of the Ministry of the Interior, he could not sit and say nothing.

Du Lin looked at him obliquely. He fiddled with the nameplate of the Minister of the Interior, with a hint of contempt and playful tone, and said with a smile, "You now look like a Minister of the Interior ... ... "

This sentence directly ignited the dissatisfaction of the Minister of the Interior. He patted the table and frowned, "You are too arrogant, Doolin, this is the plenary meeting of the New Party Committee, not the meeting of the State Government of Abiluo, you are not qualified to comment on jobs!"


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