Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1306: Unfavorable years, injuries always accompany me

It is difficult to weigh who is more important inside or outside the party.

This is also a problem that has not been resolved since the founding of the new party by Magus. If the status of the party is marked according to extra-party power, that is, political status, then many intra-party work cannot be carried out.

Governors, ministers, these people have already stood at the middle or even the highest level of political power. If the status of their party is determined in accordance with the method of demarcating the political status of the party, who can manage them?

So this is obviously not feasible, and a regular order within the party is the necessary factor to maintain the normal operation of the party.

However, some problems have arisen. Just like now, Du Lin directly points the finger at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who has the final say?

According to the status within the party, it is clear that the top director of the Ministry of the Interior is higher than Du Lin's status within the party. But does he control Do Lin, and is it a deterrent to Do Lin?

This is certainly not the case, whether it is Du Lin or others, in fact the Ministry of the Interior does not have any binding force on members of these organizations with clear political status and power.

The punishment is severe. These people can completely pat their butts to change the court, because the conflict of political ideas and leaving the new party to change to a party with a common political ambition is nothing special, and people can accept it.

The treatment is lighter and can not play the role of punishment. On the contrary, because of the low cost of making mistakes, people will be left with the impression that making mistakes will not have serious consequences and do not need to pay a heavy price.

This will make them more recklessly trample on the rules and regulations of the party, and despise the orders of the party's senior management.

These things will not happen before, because the new party ’s appeal and the social resources and assistance it receives as members of the new party are much higher than those of the old party, and the impact of the long-term administration of Magus allows people to always Be careful and cautious.

But the situation is not the same as in the past. People's thinking has begun to change rapidly. Some members who have previously left the party have not been punished in any form, and they have been reused by the Imperial Party. This provides everyone with A worry-free path.

In fact, the emergence of the Labour Party in addition to the Emperor Party has brought great changes to the political structure of the Empire.

People haven't reacted before, and haven't adapted to the two new parties that suddenly appeared in the empire, but after such a long period of precipitation, understanding, familiarity, some things have begun to happen quickly and ferment.

In the past, for some politicians who have risen from the civilian class and are interested in exerting their ambitions on the political stage, the New Party is their only choice, because the old party will not accept these emerging forces in the entanglement between the two parties in the Empire. Even if they accept civilian politicians, these people will hardly be the core strength of the old party.

Therefore, the civilians can only choose the New Party as their old owner. But now the Labor Party is actively expanding its influence and developing new political forces. Some of the new Party's civilians have joined the Labor Party and become the backbone of the Labor Party.

More choices and more possibilities make the New Party ’s many “uniques” in the past become no longer unique. Even if there is no crisis in the admission of Magus, similar things will happen in the future, as will the Emperor Party and the Labor Party. Shock.

The only difference is that this time everything happened together and broke out.

Turning the topic back, the Minister of the Interior, who was directly approached by Du Lin, cannot say that he must be irresponsible and innocent, but it is definitely not the most responsible. He can only say that he is the most unlucky, because within the New Party Only offending this department will not cause resentment from others.

The Ministry of the Interior, even if they don't do anything all day, will offend other people and will not be loved by people, because their job descriptions themselves are already offensive.

Faced with the fierce response from the Minister of the Interior, Du Lin shrugged. "If you can speak so loudly when facing the waste behind you, I believe the situation will be much better than it is now."

This sentence made some people laugh and made some people look very ugly. What Du Lin scolded was not the party leader, but the people who had decided to leave with him later.

His Excellency coughed a few times and did not speak, and the conference room quieted down again. Du Lin sided a little and apologized, he broke the order of the conference.

Of course, after taking an apology, he took two steps back, staggered his confrontation with the Minister of the Interior, and looked at the other agents. "I have one last word. I want to warn those who have decided to leave. Separate different decisions, then it is better for everyone to leave enough respect for each other. "

"If you let me know that from this moment, there are still people who do things that don't care about decent ..." He pointed to a few people who had already made clear. "You know, Du Lin is angry and the consequences are serious!"

After saying that, a smile appeared on his face, and he turned slightly to salute the podium. "My Excellency, Your Excellency, I am finished."

Bowers was expressionless. His Excellency narrowed his eyes as if he was thinking about something. After waiting for about seven or eight seconds, Dolly nodded his head and continued to ask if anyone had anything else to say.

When Du Lin came out like this, even if someone wanted to speak, he was not in the mood.

Du Lin's last threat was very powerful. Everyone knew that Du Lin was not a good person. Several empire security departments had investigated him. It is said that his case file could fill an entire house.

Such personal threats will surely keep everyone in mind, no matter how indifferent they are.

Du Lin left directly after the meeting, and he had other things to do. The Minister of the Interior went directly to His Excellency's office.

As soon as the door closed, he couldn't help complaining loudly, "Did you see that? A guy the size of my son's age is pointing at me in front of so many people today, accusing me of being responsible for the current situation, Such people should not let him join the New Party! "

"He doesn't have a little respect for authority and a little awe, this kind of person is bound to become a pest!"

His Excellency, sitting at his desk, watched him walking back and forth in the office, cursing and growling, which lasted about seven or eight minutes before he calmed down.

"Are you feeling better?", His Excellency asked the President, and with a slightly old voice, the Minister of the Interior calmed down.

His Excellency the Chairman has a high prestige in the party, but his reputation is not enough, but even so, he can be regarded as the founding father of the party, "founding father", maybe he is not as good as Magus, but his ability, influence Without doubt.

And for the Minister of the Interior, the chairman is not only his boss, but also his elders. He humbly stood at the table and did not sit down. This is a respect for His Excellency the Chairman.

There was an inexplicable expression on His tight face, like mockery and irony. He took off his glasses, took out a handkerchief, and wiped, while rubbing, he said, "I know you are very dissatisfied, But now you know the situation within the party. I know you have been investigating recently, but others do n’t know! "

"The Ministry of the Interior is a very special department. Other departments can do well to cope with daily work, but for you and your department, it is wrong for you not to do it, so you should move every move, not to those young people. Some misunderstandings made him think that old things like us would do nothing but occupy these positions! "

These words seemed to be light and light. In fact, there was a great deal of anger in them. The Minister of the Interior was suddenly shocked, and the cold sweat on the edge of the side flowed down. He even nodded and said yes, and did not dare to complain about Du. I'm irrational.

After the minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs left dimly, His Excellency the Chairman shook his head, and Dory approached him some time ago and talked about some issues regarding the change of office within the New Party.

In essence, he did not agree with this matter, not because Du Lin's arrangements were not good, but because Du Lin prematurely interfered with changes in the party's power structure.

Everyone knows that Doolin is the heir of Magus, and he will certainly be the supreme leader of the New Party. Of course, how long he can do depends on his own ability.

But now he is too young. His Excellency the Chairman and Magus have discussed a question about Du Lin, and the opinion of Magus is to press down to give Du Lin more work experience inside and outside the party, and then Step by step to get him to the top.

It was more than thirty years before Magus began to plan for another day of change, nor did he stand on the pinnacle of power at birth.

But now, it seems that the development of Du Lin is difficult to suppress.

Dolly talks to him, which means that Dolly has fallen to Doolin, and Magus's most loyal men have fallen to Doolin. This will form a series of signals and reactions within the party, as long as they show this layer of relationship Come out and immediately trigger other chain reactions.

It is a pity that Magus is not able to preside over the work, which makes His Excellency himself very distressed. If nothing changes and the situation develops and spreads, it is likely that the New Party will become the largest party in the Empire within two to three years The last one will even be swept into the garbage dump of history.

The New Party is not the new party of Magus alone. It is a common cause of many people. Perhaps ... you can consider giving Dulin a chance.

On the other side, Du Lin went directly to the station without going home after leaving the office building. After waiting for about twenty minutes, the party was different at first sight. People with special identities came out of the station.

At first, more than a dozen people were wearing black professional outfits with sunglasses, which was not easy to see at first sight. They might also have bodyguards with weapons and the like. Behind them was a white formal suit, white leather shoes, and white. The man in the bowler hat with the black scarf, there were three top ladies beside him, who were with him.

The moment he walked out of the station and saw Du Lin, he immediately took off his hat and greeted him. He walked in front of Du Lin, held up Du Lin's hand, and kissed his forefinger ...

Doolin hugged him a bit, then pulled his car in his hand.

The emperor is the cultural center of the empire, and there are too many other ethnic cultures in the Ogdin culture, so this somewhat unique welcome did not cause people to be curious, at most it was a few more glances.

This is much more convergent than some people kissing the ground as soon as they leave the station, and in places like Emperor Capital, they are much more shocked.

Sitting in the car, the young man's smile was a little awesome and he kept a distance from Du Lin, "Her Du Lin, I don't know what you call me to do?"

Du Lin looked at him and patted the back of his hand, "Alfonso, we are a family, you are my brother, we don't need to be like this between us."

Yes, this guy is Alfonso, who is called a **** butcher by the Anti-Crime Investigation Bureau, and he rules a region with horrific killings and fears ... all of this is nonsense.

In fact, for the local people, Alfonso is their protector. Ordinary people can enjoy safe social order without paying any fees. Those who have done some small businesses only need to pay less than one-third of the past. Can be effectively protected.

It was those gangsters who really lost the mold. According to statistics, when Alfonso joined Du Lin's cause, the crime rate in his area dropped directly from more than 60% to less than 5%.

This is a person with some kind of cleanliness. He sweeps the gangs and various criminals in his area more than once. Many gang members have either left or voluntarily surrendered to the prison. At least in the prison they do not need to worry Killed by Alfonso's people.

This is why Alfonso was able to participate in the mayoral election as an imperial citizen and win the election directly. People trusted him and loved him.

Sometimes Du Lin thinks Alfonso is very similar to himself, and he likes to make his own rules, he likes to abide by his own rules, and hates those who dare to break the rules.

Let Alfonso come over this time, and Du Lin intends to talk to him and talk about the issue of how to rectify the internal affairs.

Now Alfonso is also a member of the New Party ~ ~ so as long as someone nominates and passes the vote, he may directly become a new party senior.

Two years later, once Du Lin completed his plan to become the new chairman of the New Party Committee, he would have this qualification.

Moreover, he cannot spend his limited time on other tasks, so it is necessary to recruit a loyal subordinate who can perform his assigned tasks well.

In fact, in many cases, internal affairs and external affairs are not so clearly separated, and there is not much difference in the way of working.

The convoy quickly merged into the traffic flow and disappeared into the crowded city traffic of the imperial capital. Today's monthly regular meeting and Du Lin's attack on the Ministry of the Interior at the regular meeting seemed to sound a horn representing some meaning.

Although people haven't seen anything too dramatic, everyone has begun to think about how to find their place in the new situation.

This is the difference between people, and Du Lin's position has been far higher than that of Bowers in the party!

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