Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1310: Not an opponent

The following afternoon, Holmes knocked on the door of the Count Odgar Villa. His Excellency the Chairman had two estates in the emperor, but those two estates were a little far from where he worked.

He is an old man, not very suitable to get up early every morning and then spend a lot of time in the rush hour of the crowded imperial capital, hurry to the work place, and may be late for this.

He can live on First Avenue less than fifteen minutes walk from the New Party office building. Every day he has plenty of time to sleep in the morning until he wakes up naturally, and then eat slowly and then walk to work.

It's not slow, you can also exercise, this is the work and life suitable for the elderly.

In recent years, the traffic in the imperial capital has become more and more congested. The emperor is the first city in the entire empire to establish a banned road section, and it is also the first city in the empire to implement a banned road section.

In the past, it was hard to imagine that the roads of the imperial capital and even the empire could be full of various vehicles. In a press release introducing the cabinet and domestic economic development in a chapter more than a decade ago, the reporter wrote to make photos. In line with the content, the George family mobilized four of his sedans, and also mobilized some sedans from others, and parked them on First Avenue for reporters to pose.

At that time, many people were imagining, thinking about how everyone can own a car that can run in the future. What a wonderful world it should be.

Today, this ideal has been half realized, but people have also found that the beauty behind the ideal is not good. The crowd of cars and a lot of road sections that are not allowed to stop make drivers miserable.

Some newly developed villa areas and communities, off-street parking spaces and parking spaces in community parking lots have also begun to be sold as home ownership.

Times are changing too fast, and people have been forced to adapt to their heads before they have time to enjoy them.

Holmes stood outside the villa and waited for about two minutes. His Excellency only opened the door for him. It was normal for people to get older and slower. He invited politely Odgar to the study and let him sit down. The housekeeper brought snacks and scented tea.

To this end, he also explained to Holmes-the doctor told His Excellency that he should not drink any irritating beverages now, nor can he eat any irritating food.

Among them, coffee and wine, and some foods with a lot of spices can no longer be eaten. Although the old man complained a lot about this, he has always adhered to it, because he is also an old man who is afraid of death.

The more people come, the more they will be afraid of death, because they know that death is no longer an out-of-the-way thing. Death lingers around them, and they can already let them smell the taste of death from their own body!

Protecting your body is really painful to do so, but it is more of a problem than eating and drinking.

After the two were seated, the housekeeper closed the door when he left the room. After a chilly greeting with His Excellency, the Holmes directly explained the intention.

With their status, at this level, if the relationship is not a little alienated, then there is no need to go around.

Magus would never speak ambiguous with Kubar, just like Holmes wouldn't tell some crazy riddles with Odgar, they are all aristocratic origins, and Odgar could be regarded as Holmes Elders and juniors, when facing elders, it ’s not educated to talk in the clouds in the mist, and the relationship between the two parties has always been good. It can be said that they are good colleagues in the same circle.

After explaining his purpose, Holmes was not blindly optimistic. He also asked a question, "Is there any additional resistance between me and my goal?" He refers to Doolin, he I don't know which step Du Lin has taken, so he needs to figure it out first.

His Excellency the Chairman hesitated and nodded, "You know, now we are having some trouble, everyone is starting to produce more of their own ideas, and we cannot ensure that everyone's ideas and interests and the collective interests are maintained Consistently, we can't force everyone to accept their ideas. "

"I know you're a hard-working person. I know a bit about the development of the Woodland State over the years, but I can't fully understand how you can solve the current problem if you do what you want to do. Dilemma. "

Holmes asked without a nervous smile, "Is this the first question in the interview?"

His Excellency shrugged his shoulders, "If you think this consideration will make you happier!"

Holmes kept his smile and began to sort out the thoughts in his brain. He considered this issue before he came here, and this was his opportunity. If everything is going well for the New Party, he won't be the cowardly, commonly known as the key people.

He already has some plans, and now all he has to do is find the combination he thinks is the most suitable.

His Excellency the President did not urge Holmes. He was drinking flower tea quietly, sitting behind the table, wearing glasses and watching the newspaper on the table. For about ten minutes, Holmes coughed and ended. Got his thinking.

His Excellency also took off his eyes, put his hands on the table, and looked at Holmes quite expectantly.

Holmes' working ability and governing ability can also be regarded as very high-level within the New Party. He is looking forward to whether Holmes can give him some valuable ideas and reminders, at least to solve some of the problems that urgently need to be solved now.

"Attraction, cohesion, these are the two keys to solving all the problems at the moment, please forgive me for saying something that may be a little offensive to His Excellency, His Excellency is the greatest attraction for the New Party. He is like It's a magnet that attracts everyone. "

"His great political ambitions, far-reaching thinking and eyes have all made us deeply admire him. For the past thirty years, we have always believed that, as long as His Excellency Magus does not leave that position for a day, the Cabinet, The New Party, we, and even this empire, will not exceed our control. "

This statement from Holmes made His Excellency the Chairman very much agree. Magus was still a leader. When he was the Prime Minister, how could there be so many things?

No matter who he is, he is obeying the rules he made. No one dares to offend the rules he has made, and no one dares to cross that line. Those thirty years are the brightest for His Excellency the Chairman and for all the New Party veterans. Time is the golden age of the New Party.

This is also the main reason that many people do not know what to do in an instant after Magus leaves and falls ill. The last second was still in heaven, the next second fell into hell, the thought was too late to react, and everything happened. Already.

Holmes himself is also very emotional. The golden years have revived the empire and set off on a road to rejuvenation and power. It can be said that everyone living in the empire today, the life they enjoy is not God. They were given not by the Agate, but by Magus and the New Party.

But they seem to have forgotten it, man, it is really too forgotten.

Of course, with sorrow and sorrow, his own affairs cannot be interrupted here, he continued, "But now that His Excellency Magus has left us, the attractiveness, cohesion and social value he has produced are also being stripped away with his departure. So, what we urgently need to do is to strengthen these two points again, attractiveness and cohesion. "

"In the election campaign, we were very disgraced to the old party, which we had left behind for thirty years. We used vengeance and revitalization as our slogan and program of action. Let the people in the party who have not left have a direction and a goal. And give them some motivation. "

"The people in this part were stabilized, and then we created some highlights ..." He suddenly smiled, "For example, some of the core members of the Old Party or the Imperial Party or the Labor Party suddenly joined us. This has come to the current room. That will definitely play a decisive role. "

"After solving these two problems, we can build momentum for the election campaign in advance, use the great revenge as the core idea, and start the election campaign ahead of time ..."

The idea of ​​great revenge has always been one of the mainstream values ​​of the society. If you are hurt by others, you can get back with revenge. This has always been one of the norms for people to live in the world.

In court, juries and judges will consider mitigating sentencing where appropriate, if a criminal case is caused by a causal act of revenge.

This point made by Holmes, including the previous ideas, is very good, and it is indeed one of the solutions to the current dilemma.

His Excellency thought for a moment and asked, "So where do you think you should start?"

Deep in Holmes' heart at this moment, he was excited, because the meaning of this sentence was almost equal to telling him that His Excellency the Chairman intends to use his method to try it out. Once successful, there is no doubt that he contributed to this plan. He is bound to receive the support of His Excellency the Chairman.

The closer he was to the goal he needed, the more careful he was. "Beginning with some civilians, as far as I know, these civilians are the ones who shake the most. The aristocrats are still calm, and only let these wavering people Understand that the situation will change rapidly, so that the current situation can be curbed in a timely manner. "

There are three reasons for the swing of the civilians. The first is that Boworth is now a puppet. He has given up on himself. This has made members of the civilians who thought they were successful very dissatisfied, but they have no good way. Solve Bowers' problem.

Secondly, the rise of the Labor Party has had a great impact on the civilians. The core of the Labor Party is basically all people of ordinary working class origin. This gives the civilians a kind of intimacy or even superiority to the Labor Party. The ability to engage in sports far exceeds that of the Emperor Party and even the New Party and the Old Party. They have continuously established workers' clubs and held development campaigns throughout the country, and their influence has quickly penetrated into society.

Finally, the civilians within the New Party do not currently have any new "leaders" who can handle it. The lack of a leader can really confuse people, which can easily make them sway when they receive the temptation from the Imperial Party.

Based on the above views, Holmes believes that it is these people who have really shaken the foundations of the New Party. Instead, the nobles and the Mags are very sensible and calm.

This may be ... not a kind of appreciation. Sometimes when more people are crazy, reason and calmness may be a deeper madness, just not showing it.

His remarks made His Excellency think for a long time, and in the end he did not evaluate right and wrong, but His Excellency is not suitable to do so now, and it is not appropriate to start directly from the civilian side.

Once you start, it means intensifying the conflict between the civilians and the New Party, which will make the consciousness of the two sides more confrontational. This is not a good choice unless the situation continues to erode until the last time you have to do so. In order to do so.

The thought of His Excellency Chairman here is inevitably a bit sighing. If Magus had not been admitted to the hospital, how could there be so many troubles, he could solve everything by patting his head alone.

After talking with Holmes for a while, inside and outside the party, Holmes quit and left. Everyone ’s time is precious, there is no time to stay for a regular meal or something.

He walked in less than ten minutes.

In fact, he had been here a long time ago, but he had waited for a while elsewhere, but did not show up immediately. When Holmes left for a while, he knocked on the door of the villa.

After waiting another two or three minutes, His Excellency personally opened the door for Du Lin and invited him to sit down in the study.

After a round of refreshments and scented tea, the room was faint with tea. His Excellency looked up at Du Lin and asked with a smile, "Have you seen Holmes?"

Coincidentally, Du Lin came here, so that the Chairman could be sure that Du Lin had been here for a long time, but just hiding around and observing, he would come over immediately after Holmes left.

This is not offensive, it only shows that Doolin attaches great importance to his meeting with Holmes, and he is very careful.

Du Lin nodded generously and admitted ~ ~ I saw him leave when I came. "

His Excellency the President smiled and continued, "Just now I talked with Holmes about some ways to solve the current internal difficulties of the party. Are you interested in learning about it?"

"Why not?" Du Lin took a piece of pancake and took a bite. The pancake still had some temperature left, and it should have just been baked. This is much better than Mrs. Magus, at least not so sweet. Some floral notes, "This is a great opportunity to understand the gap between me and Holmes, and if I can, I want to find out."

His Excellency The President did not hide his secrets, and took out Holmes's plan directly. Du Lin listened very carefully. After listening, he thought and ate another blog while shaking his head. "Too rigid and not enough Flexible, rigid thinking, this is an old-fashioned and his stupid way. "

Holmes laughed. He pointed at Dooling and ate a piece of pancake. "It's a mean evaluation. Can I know why?"

Wonderful book house

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