Cosma Empire

: Chapter 1311

"Her Chairman, do you know about an animal like a wolf?" Du Lin said and took out a box of cigarettes, and asked for instructions. His Excellency, the Chairman did not interfere too much with someone smoking in the study. It can be said that he was It can also be said that he was actually used to the smell of smoke.

At a young age, almost every aristocracy, both men and women, had the habit of smoking. For a period of time, tobacco pipes even became the gifts that nobles often chose when they were giving gifts to society.

"I think you might be laughing at me ...", His Excellency replied with a smile. From the current situation, His Excellency is actually a very good person to contact. He is not old-fashioned and will not Arrogant thinks that only you are right.

Even though this small question from Du Lin looked a bit stupid, he also gave a very positive answer, "I was very obsessed with hunting for a while when I was young. Actually, young people of that period loved this sport, so I know Wolf . "

Du Lin nodded his head, he apologized first, then lit a cigarette, took a sip, spit, and said, "Then you should understand that when the wolf king in the wolf group deterrents to the group When the descent begins, there will be challengers and outliers within the pack. "

"The challenger will continue to test the physical condition of the wolf king, evaluate whether it can be defeated, and then slowly wait for the time. When the time comes, these wolves and very strong wolves will fight each other and compete for the next generation of wolves. In addition to this, there is also the possibility that some young males and females will choose to leave the herd and form a new wolf group headed by a young male wolf elsewhere. "

"That's why I think Mr. Holmes's plan is very naive and very old-fashioned. He has adopted the most common method to solve these problems ...", Du Lin shot the soot, looked at His Excellency, and continued, "He wants to wait for the Wolf King to die completely or to take the initiative to leave, and then set up his new authority."

"This plan is not wrong or ineffective. It is effective to a certain extent, it is limited in effectiveness, it is worthless to our current situation, and we cannot wait too long for all Everyone is aware of the weakness and incompetence of the New Party, and by that time it is too late. "

"The long hardships will make people adjust their impressions of the New Party. Once this impression begins to solidify, it will be difficult for us to break this prejudice."

He flicked the soot and tilted his legs. His Excellency's eyes were always attracted to him firmly, and he couldn't help but praise. Doolin was the kind of young man he had rarely seen in these years. He saw on Doulin There is something in Magus.

Self-confidence, wisdom, the ability to see through the surface of things, and their distinctive way of thinking.

There are also some things that Magus does not have, and that is his calmness and his manner.

It's ridiculous. In fact, some people in the aristocratic circle believed that Durin should have the blood of the Guart royal family. If he did not have this special noble blood, how would he behave and other things? Guartes are different?

To put it simply, judging by his style and technique, he doesn't look like an ordinary Guarth, with clear purpose, effective action ability, and his ingenuity. Only aristocracy and royal family can cultivate it. To produce such excellent talents.

This is also the reason why no one in the Ogdin aristocratic circle jumped out of opposition when Dulin and the Timamont family married. They all felt that Dulin was definitely not an ordinary Guarth. In some investigations, they even got some The terrible conclusion that Du Lin was called by the Guarts as the Messiah, the son of the first king, all reflected his noble blood.

It doesn't matter whether he is Guatt's blood or royal blood, as long as he is not a pariah, there is no reason to object.

Although His Excellency the Chairman has not discussed this issue with Magus, it is clear that he is also a follower of this statement. He also believes that Doolin must have extraordinary blood and identity, so he laments, laments that Magus will always be better than Others take one step, or even two steps.

For a long time in the past, the focus of the Empire's domestic security has been on tracing the cases of extremist Zionist organizations, which also involved a part of the Guarth organizations.

But if you look at it now, there are still some people in the province who are shouting for reunification, but among the Guarts, people no longer advocate that dangerous reunification, saying that more people are united by Du Lin. We will contribute to the economic construction of this society and contribute our own strength.

Isn't this magical enough?

Du Lin did not know that His Excellency the Chairman would think of so many things in this short period of time, and he was still talking about his thoughts, "Mr. Holmes' second wrong choice was to target the civilian population Pie, please forgive me for being rude, I think this is a very stupid choice ... "

His Excellency blinked and returned to God, sorted out his thoughts a little, and asked, "Why do you say that?"

Du Lin licked his lips, with a slightly weird expression on his face, and something embarrassing in his smile, "Sir, what happened 30 years ago ... have you forgotten?"

"Uncle Magus did not choose to sacrifice the interests of the small and medium nobles to sound the clarion call of change. He directly aimed at the largest of the nobles-the royal family of the Yaoxing Empire."

"He has shown us the most correct path, but there are still some people who don't understand, don't want to understand. They think that they must be backward after thirty years, and they will never understand. Truth is constant forever. Whether it was 30 years ago, 300 years ago, or 3,000 years ago, as long as it is truth, it is still true today! "

"A wolf king is getting old and full of strife and wolves. To change these is actually very simple. Just kill the wolf king and everything will return to the right place!"

This sentence made His Excellency move. If he hadn't found the place in the Holmes plan that made him feel something wrong, then he was immediately aware of this reminder by Doolin.

There is no way to deter people of other classes by using the bottom layer to establish a typical way. For these classes of people, even if the bottom group of people died 10 million, they will not make them feel horrified, at most Some disgusting.

Because in the eyes of these people, the people at the bottom and they are not considered "similar", this is not to say that they are different in biology about the type of species, but rather their status in society and the level brought by power difference.

They may be moved or moved by non-same sacrifices, but they will not be afraid, because they are not at the level of "victims", this will not cause them to fear, and they will not let them understand humility And awe.

Magus was also very clear that even if he killed all the little nobles of the entire empire, the big nobles and the royal family would not listen to his arrangements to promote the change of the empire system. Only by directly targeting the largest nobles in the empire would he let the Man has a fear.

There is a fear that "I may be killed if I do it the other way, and I have not seen people who are higher than me have paid the price." Only in this way can they realize their weakness and the ability to realize Obedience is valuable.

Surgery with civilians?

This will only intensify the contradiction between the civilians and the aristocracy, and make them more inclined to leave the New Party, but it is of no use to the aristocracy and those Magus, because everyone knows that Holmes did not dare to move them The interests of these people can only toss those humble little roles.

In the situation where even the consciousness has not been unified, they are still thinking about solving the problems within the New Party. Is this a joke?

After Du Lin shut up, His Excellency thought for a long time. During this period, Du Lin intermittently ate some pancakes so that he asked the housekeeper to get some more. His Chair ’s kitchen is good.

It took about ten minutes before His Excellency sighed and turned back. He looked at Du Lin with a complicated look, opened his mouth, took a teacup and took a sip to hide his emotions he didn't know how to express. .

Du Lin is right. If you want to make people understand awe and danger, then let them have a very clear understanding, let them realize that even if they are more powerful than themselves, even if they are the top one in this field Everyone may be overthrown, let them realize their weakness, and people will learn to fear and fear in order to protect their rights.

But it is clear that he belongs to this goal, and Du Lin regarded him as the goal.

He did not like Du Lin's so direct, but had to say that Du Lin's ideas moved him. He could even think that when Du Lin overthrew the bureau and ministers, the authority he established in the new party would not be shaken. .

Regardless of whether they are civilians, aristocrats, or people with other positions, they will respect him and fear him, because everyone who stands opposite him and whose status, power, and fame far surpassed them was kicked by Du Lin. Going out, aren't people of this level squeezing and rolling round at will?

His Excellency the Chairman did not think that it would be one thing that Doolin would overthrow Bowers, and remove them as chairmen, vice chairmen and ministers, and it would be another thing to destroy the leaders of the New Party.

Those people who really get out of business will get out of business, and the storms they bring will only be temporary, but if the leaders are ousted due to some political struggles, this will be a scandal, a big scandal.

Therefore, he believes that these people Du Lin refers to are mainly himself, the chairman of the New Party Committee, Count Odgar.

Understanding to understanding, emotionally unbearable is another matter, which is why he does not know what to say.

You can't say "I support you to knock me down" or "I shouldn't be knocked down." This will make him look down on himself and make him ugly and funny.

Dooling seemed to be aware of the psychological changes of His Excellency the Chairman. He explained with a smile, "If you think my goal is you and the other two vice-chairmen, then I must correct you, you are wrong."

His Excellency blinked, and the muscles on the cheekbones began to lift slowly, revealing an unnatural smile, "Oh? But I think if this idea works, then I must take me as the main target, others, Not including the Minister of the Interior. "

Although a little bit unpleasant, His Excellency still expressed his own thoughts.

The relationship between His Excellency The Chairman and Magus is very good. No matter it is a work relationship or a personal friendship, they are all from aristocratic backgrounds. They are good friends in their youth, and they have cooperated with each other for so many years. Relationships Very reliable.

But even so, he will not think that he is a reliable person because Du Lin is the niece of Magus. He only gives Du Lin limited trust. After all, Du Lin is Du Lin and Magus is Ma. Gus.

Now, he seems to understand some of the reasons why Magus chose Durin, "Is there any other more suitable person?"

Du Lin nodded and said with no respect, "We still have the leader, he is the number one in the new party system."

His Excellency frowned slightly and reminded in good faith, "But Bowers is not suitable to be overthrown as an example to warn others. He has already represented the New Party and the New Party to some extent. Decently, if something goes wrong, it will be a scandal and a disaster. "

Du Lin shrugged his shoulders, pressed his hands on the armrests on both sides of the chair, and tilted his legs, looking very relaxed and natural. "No matter how good he is, he cannot affect the operation of nature, including human beings. Old, sick and dead ... I mean, maybe our leader, you will get sick, and need to stay in bed for a long time is not suitable to continue to work, there are always things that can help us. "

Your Excellency did not respond after listening for a few seconds. laughed out loud again after a while, "You are really an extravagant child, you mean, you want to make him sick and hospitalized, right?"

Du Lin's face was solemn, and only the corners of his mouth raised slightly. "I definitely didn't mean that, and I didn't think of doing this, but it might happen naturally."

"Everyone knows how it happened, but it has nothing to do with me."

His Excellency Mr. Du Lin was amused boldly, shaking his head and saying, "People will discuss, this will be a big trouble, a big disaster!"

"Then let them shut up, and then find someone to show them what it would cost to chew their tongues indiscriminately." Du Lin raised his head slightly, confident that his smile was dazzling. "For these oppositions to progress, The reactionaries who are opposed to the New Party maintaining stability and unification and trying to undermine the good situation of the New Party's unity through certain opposition actions should let them understand a truth. "

He reached out a finger and pointed at the ceiling. "Neither the gods, or God, or me, will let a bad person go!"

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