Cosma Empire

Chapter 191: Investment [two / four]

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (Chinese version of the vertex), the fastest update! No ads! "Ili'an Sixteen Family Line was built by a company called 'East Coast Entertainment'. In these years, East Coast Entertainment's annual financial report Although it doesn't make a lot of money, but it is still okay. It will have a stable income every year. It was once considered as a company worth investing by the investment company of Xie Lisi Street in the capital. Cheryls is listed on the street. "After learning that Dulin was interested in these theaters, Albert immediately collected a large amount of information, not only this year, but also the information and financial reports for the previous five years.

These things may be trade secrets for some ordinary people, but for people like Albert, you only need to pay a little price to get this information. He was reluctant to invest in this kind of upfront, because he knew that as long as this transaction was facilitated, his return would be hundreds, hundreds or even more of his investment.

Under Jose's reminder, Albert turned the chair around. He was amazed by the luxury of the interior decoration of the car, and also by the clever thought that the chair can rotate. There is a table between the front seat and the back seat. He put these materials on the table. As a gold salesman, he has a high professional quality and ethics ... maybe. Du Lin took each document and carefully looked aside and then put it down. If only based on these written figures, East Coast Entertainment's book should be sufficient.

He thought about this, and decided to ask Albert, "If the company's financial situation is as perfect as those statements said, why do they need financing to have funds for the theater's broadcast equipment? Makeovers? Remember that 200,000 is not a lot of money. "

Albert grinned twice, and once again made a huge leap forward in his guess about Doulin's worth. What is 200,000 and not a lot of money? It's as easy as saying that the twenty dollars in his pocket are not a lot of money!

At this time he remembered what the predecessor who had taken him on the road told him, as long as he could hold a golden thigh in his life, nothing else needed to be considered. Albert's fierce gaze stopped for a moment, and he lowered his head and became more humble.

"East Coast Entertainment has three founders. One of them left the company at the beginning of this year and sold the shares to the other two founders, so their argument is that they do n’t have much liquidity in their hands. Because of the transformation and upgrading of the theater, they plan to find another partner to solve this problem. One or more, it does not matter, the key is the money. "Albert took out from the briefcase again A newspaper was placed on the table. Half of the page was dedicated to the gossip of the East Coast Entertainment Company's equity owner change, saying that it was because a female star caused problems in the friendship between the three good friends.

Du Lin just glanced aside and set aside. He wasn't sure if it was a scam, but among the scams he knew, some scams have been in place for more than five years, and the five-year operation is only for the final blow. He believes that in the world of dreams, some people can turn themselves into another person for 60 million, and that change is five years. In this world, maybe someone can do these things.

Of course, this reason is acceptable, but there is also a doubt. If the purpose of repurchasing shares is to ensure the integrity of the company, then why sell it now? Everything that Du Lin experienced in his dream was much more sophisticated and advanced than some things of this era, so he felt this was a doubt. And as an entertainment company that is closely related to the film industry, how could it happen that it was just before the thought of replacing the upgraded equipment? These are all doubts and are loopholes.

The temperature in the car is pleasant, at least five degrees below the temperature outside. It is not that this car has black technology similar to air conditioners, but there are ice cubes stored in some parts of this car to solve the problem of overheating in summer. Albert already had sweat on his head, and he took a few more documents on the table, all about the founders of East Coast Entertainment.

Du Lin rummaged casually for a while. If the other party was a liar, the information was absolutely perfect, and no problem could be found, so it was also a blank look. When he put down the information, he suddenly asked, "Are all three founders local? Have they all formed a family?"

This is a very strange question. Although Albert did n’t understand why Doolin asked this question, he nodded. ? "

Du Lin smiled, "The complete social relationship structure represents a person's sense of social responsibility. A responsible person is a useful person. You may not understand what I say, but just remember it."

Then in silence, in the eyes of passers-by, the silver House Luwei stopped at the middle of the third avenue in the second district of Ilion, opening in front of a four-story building with the East Coast Entertainment sign. Door. The signboards of this company are a bit dated and look a bit weather-beaten. In fact, these signboards are not old, and they were made only the year before, but the air on the coastline is salty. It is only natural that these signboards are old.

Albert took the initiative to open the door for Doolin, and the first impression of entering the company was like visiting a museum. The lobby on the first floor is very empty and the marble floor is well maintained, reflecting the shadow of the chandelier on the ceiling. Surrounded by neat display cases, there are rolls of film reels in these display cases, and there is a small card under each film reel, annotating what movie is in this film reel, in which year it is played, starring With who the director is, and how much box office has been sold in East Coast Entertainment's theaters.

When I saw a customer coming in, the receptionist at the front desk immediately greeted me. The navy blue professional jacket and the exquisite ladies shirt made this lady look very capable. She has long linen hair and laughs very well. Touching, facial features are like living. She did not disturb Doulin's visit to the exhibits in the counter, but just followed them quietly, and she did not speak until Doulin took her eyes away from those exhibits.

"Hello, what can I do for you?", She slumped slightly. During this period of observation, she felt that Du Lin's momentum was very strong. She should be a big man, so her attitude was also set. Put it low, "You can call me Lilith and I'm happy to serve you."

Albert took a step forward and stood between Lilith and Dulin. Dulin was his client, and he also planned to use Dulin as his sole customer. How could a company's front desk reduce his value? He was polite and greeted Lilith with a rejection smile and explained his intentions. When she heard that she had come to invest, Lilith became more enthusiastic. After notifying the founder of the company, she took the two of them to the second-floor meeting room and gave them mellow coffee.

From the current point of view, all of this seems so formal, that is, Du Lin himself has a little doubt whether he is a bit too jealous. A company can display a display cabinet to show glory, and it is in the entrance hall. The founder of this company attaches great importance to history and honor. Is it not a pity to be a liar with such a culture and heritage? But sometimes when one starts to doubt something, all the impossible becomes less certain.

One of the founders' "beard Eric" soon appeared in the conference room. He wore a short-sleeved shirt with a red check on a blue bottom, beach pants and a pair of sandals. Messy brown hair and beards were mixed together Clear who is who. He wears a pair of black-rimmed eyes, a little fat, and does look a bit artistic. He greeted him enthusiastically, shook hands with Du Lin, and invited the two to sit down. "Hello, I'm Eric, a filmmaker." He shrugged his shoulders as if a hill shook. "I heard Lilith say you want to invest?"

Du Lin nodded ~ ~ Albert put the prospectus on the table, Eric flipped through two pages, "I don't know how to call you yet ... Okay, Mr. Du Lin, Now that you can get this prospectus, it means that you have a certain social status in Ilian. In fact, we are not willing to recruit those ... you know, not very friendly funds to enter the company, I need to explain to you a few Point to avoid unpleasant differences in possible future cooperation. "

He pushed his eyes, "First of all, after your investment came in, we became our partners, but the decision-making power of how the theater operates is my partner here, and you only have the right to dividends. Of course, for both of us There is a perfect cooperation process, all financial status is open to you, you can check our income and net profit at any time. "

"The second point is that we will make additional investments from next year to the following year, which may reduce your share of the shares. You can choose to invest additional funds like us, or you can choose to give up. This is your freedom. I hope you understand that, after all, the purpose of starting our company is not just to grow in the Ilian region, we will also consider expanding our business elsewhere. "

"Third point, we plan to make a film production plan within this year. This is an additional investment. You can invest it or not. This part of the capital is not included in the company's financing and does not own shares. During the show, the money collected will be slightly lower than other movies, and I hope you can understand. "

"The main point is that these three points are more important, and there are other details in the contract. If you are sure to invest, you can take this contract to look for professionals. If there is no problem, we can sign a contract anytime, anywhere! "

"Do you have any question?"

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