Cosma Empire

Chapter 192: Clan [three / four]

Genius remembers the address of this station in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! After coming out of East Coast Entertainment, Du Lin stood by the car and looked at Albert who opened the door for him, raising his hand for him Playing the ash on the collar, "Help me do one thing!", Before Albert reacted, Du Lin continued, "East Coast Entertainment has sixteen theaters. Find out the scale and size of these theaters. , Construction costs and time of existence, as well as the business situation in the past year, you can record all the expenses in your work, and I will settle it with you at the end. This is an opportunity, Albert, I hope you can seize it! " He patted Albert's arm and got into the car.

It wasn't until the silver House Lowe was almost dazzling that Albert reacted. His excited face turned red, he shouted without a picture, and stood on the street like a boxer. I stroked the light pole several times. Of course, he didn't know what the last sentence of Du Lin meant. He was also relieved that he had paid so much, and finally paid off. If he can do this well, it means that he may become a "Dulin", specialize in serving a large customer, and even start a real manager company instead of working under a sales company.

By that time he was also a boss and could be considered to have completed the goals in one stage of his life, but all of this was based on the premise that he could complete the tasks Du Lin gave him. He didn't care that the people around him looked at his startled eyes. He took a deep breath, shouted "Albert", and ran towards the nearest cinema with a briefcase.

Durin's mission to Albert stemmed from his distrust of Eric. Eric asked him in the conference room if he had anything to say, and he asked a question, that is, the East Coast. What is the net worth of entertainment. This question made Eric hesitate for more than ten seconds before giving out a number, more than one million.

This is indeed not a small number. You should know that the deposit that Du Lin found from the Treasury's vault was only this number, but Du Lin did not believe that the number Eric said was true. He said that he needs to go back and think about it. After all, it is a huge investment of 200,000 yuan. He needs to find a professional to look at the contract, and then he leaves the conference room and bids farewell to Eric.

During this brief meeting, Du Lin had two new doubts. The first doubt was that Eric emphasized that Du Lin, as an investor, only enjoyed the power to distribute dividends, and could not judge the company's operations and development. Since they want to guarantee the company's sovereignty so much, it is still the problem, why not take a loan? The second problem is that they stressed that they will continue to invest in the company. Since there are funds that can be used for additional investment, why not take it out now. It is nothing more than trying to create an illusion. This company is very important to them. The company has a comprehensive development plan and great goals.

It is unclear how to explain when you see someone with colored eyes, and now Du Lin wears a pair of colored glasses called Doubt. Although he felt that the investment was very problematic, he was equally interested. He was interested in how to swallow the company without spending a penny as much as possible. After all, he was a civilized man and was considered a Famous high society successes.

The Buddha was already here when he returned to the manor, and there was a stranger besides. Upon seeing Du Lin's return, both the Buddha and the stranger stood up and greeted him. "This is Abien. Among the compatriots living in Irian, he is the most famous and has the best evaluation." At the same time, he also introduced Du Lin to Abien. "This is my boss, Du Lin."

Abien immediately took a step forward and stretched out his own hands. Du Lin shook him casually and invited him to sit down.

Every piece of decoration in the empty and luxurious living room, every piece of furniture is equal to money in Abien's eyes, if not all these years he has a high prestige and With a good reputation, he may not really be as calm as he is now. This fellow is really too rich, and the money to make a house of his own is more than the wealth of all the Guarts of Irian combined.

In this relatively more open and free city, the Guarts are a little better than other places, and they can also reach some high-level characters, so Abion has nothing foreign, despite the speed of his heart beating. Very fast. He didn't know what the rich and overwhelming Guartt was looking for, but he knew that no matter what the other party said, he had to deal with it carefully.

"I think all Guarts are one family, and the blood from the ancestors is flowing in the blood. We all grow up under the watchful eyes of the gods, and we are all one family." Let Abien's heart be mentioned. If Du Lin talked about something grandiose, he would be very relaxed. Such people would not make anything amazing. They might just want a satisfactory effect. But Du Lin mentioned the ancestors and gods as soon as he spoke, so his next words may not be too small.

Abien nodded, and Doolin continued a little while before he said, "As a family, I have reason to give the happiness I have to my family. I will not give you money directly, I will not give Everything you want, but I will provide you with an opportunity. Mr. Abien, where I was born, I established an organization called the Hometown Association, which only allowed Guartes to join. This is actually not a Organization, this is a home, a big family, and this is the opportunity I give the Guartes living in Illian. "

"Joining the fellow villagers, we are one family."

"If you don't join, then we are just passersby!"

"Here is the charter of the Association. You can take it back to see. I hope you will be the first family to join the Association. Fight for the Guarts." Doolin asked Jose to teach the organized charter. Abien was given, and Abien nodded all the way, never speaking.

He saw that the rich fellow had great ambitions. In the face of such people, he just wanted to refuse and didn't want to cooperate. In Irian, the Guarts live in a better environment than their compatriots elsewhere. At least here, as long as you work hard and can endure hardship, you can find a pretty good job. There is no need to group people for the benefit of someone Involved in chaotic struggles. As a representative of the Guarts, he has always maintained a very neutral attitude, and he definitely does not favor any forces.

A neutral attitude did avoid several crises, but at the same time, it has made the development of the Guarts very slow. So far, there has not been a rich Guart in the city of Ilian, full of opportunities. This is where the problem lies.

From Abian's point of view, he feels that he is doing a good job and has already secured enough living space for the Guarts. There is no need to compete with other races. But he did not understand that if a race could not make a strong voice, it would always be a lower race. Why is the social status of provincial ya people higher than guartes? Both are descendants of the country and are essentially no different.

The reason why this can happen is that, on the one hand, the elegant people of Shaanxi Province actively integrate into this society and compete for social resources, and are willing to do bigger things and contribute more abilities to this empire and society. On the other hand, the Pro-Extremist Organizations of the Provincial Ya people are still active in various parts of this country. They have adopted various methods to annoy the high-level empires. Only in this way will the high-levels agree to improve the social status of the Pro-Ya people. The reduction of the province ’s ya people was forced by life to join the extremist organizations.

On the other hand, the Guartes are independent, not gregarious, do not fight or snatch, and obey, so who do you not bully? Even though a few Guarts stood up and carried the banner of the nation, they were quickly stunned by their own people and high-level empires. There is a sentence in another world that Du Lin feels very right. Only crying children have milk. In this world, it is the same principle ~ ~ People who can make trouble can attract attention and get policies.

Let ’s just say that the group of revolutionary forces in the state next door when Turin left Tenell should now be called the Progressive Party. After several **** conflicts and armed confrontations, the empire has now recognized their social status and the Progressive Party. It is a legitimate social party organization, and even agreed that they can enter the Imperial Parliament through elections and even compete for the scepter of power.


It's not because they are upset that makes the empire feel pain, and then they asked for a condition that is not so great. In order to avoid regional turmoil, the empire has incorporated them into the rules of the game and became a new member?

The Guarts also need such people, but Doolin believes that the leader's approach should not be as extreme as that of the Progressive Party. Extreme may get a good return in a short time, but it will also have some negative effects. His idea is actually very simple. When all guartes are rich, the country must give them enough space to get them to the forefront of society.

No room for negotiation!

"I will seriously consider Mr. Du Lin, this is also a precious opportunity for me, and I also thank you for everything you have done to the people!", Abien's attitude is very friendly and very kind Humble, but Du Lin frowned. He soon laughed again, and talked with Abien about the living conditions of the people of Irian, and invited Abien to dinner after some interesting stories.

Abiene declined Dulin's invitation for other things, and Dulin was not angry and asked Jose to drive him back. When Abion left the manor, Du Lin pursed his lips and sat on the sofa. He shook his head. "Now you can tell Savvy that they are here. If anyone wants to come, bring them together."

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