Cosma Empire

Chapter 193: Domestic violence [four / four]

Genius memorize the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Do you think Abien will not cooperate with us? I think this guy is very good at talking, and the people ’s evaluation of him is very On the front, shouldn't it? "Dufo closed the door and walked down to the sofa. He took an apple from the fruit plate on the table and took a breath. This guy has a soft spot for apples, as long as If he can see the apple, he must make a poke.

Du Lin nodded. After the bank robbery, his relationship with these brothers got closer. Naturally there was nothing to say. He looked at the incense of the buddha and the apple, and grabbed one in his hand. "He seems to be very good at speaking and very opinionated, but you need to consider his identity and status. You say that he is a representative of the local people, How could a representative of a group be so resolute? If he didn't want to leave here as soon as possible to perfuse me, then he is just a puppet. "

"If he is a puppet, then in the face of such an opportunity, he will definitely join us without hesitation, and get rid of his status as a puppet. But if he doesn't, this is equivalent to telling me that he refused Du Lin laughed when he was here. He took a sip of the apple, and the juice was fried out of the pulp during the chewing process. The sweet taste really brightened his eyes. On the side, he said, "He may feel that he has become less important after joining the fellowship, so in order to protect his personal rights, he chose to avoid. This is shameful, you know? Let a community for the benefit of one person It ’s a sin! If he had done it before, he would betray the country and the people! "

Du Lin stopped suddenly, he put half of the bite of the apple on the table, straightened his posture, looked straight at Dufo, and said to Dudu's eyes, "Dufo, my brother, you believe me Can we lead all our peoples out of a different way? Do you believe that I can lead everyone to stand on the wave of this era and make our own voice to the world? "

Dufo also became serious, he nodded hard, "I believe, I always believe, I firmly believe!"

Du Lin smiled and leaned on the sofa with a playful expression. "Then let our stormtrooper clear us all the obstacles that hinder the rise of our race! This is your glory, and it belongs to Savie. Glory, one day we will stand on Parliament Hill to witness all the paths we have traveled, and then we will see that everything we do is extremely correct! "

Durin had already made a decision, and Abien had just come down from the eye-catching Hausluwe that would be dazzling in the sun. Residents living in the fifth administrative district stopped and looked at the luxury car and Abion from the luxury car.

The city has seven administrative districts, the laws vary from state to state, and there are differences in urban planning. In remote places and underdeveloped areas, cities are mostly crowded together and lack sufficient planning and design. However, great efforts have been made in the planning and design of cities in developed regions to ensure the balance of each class and industry.

The first administrative district is the most beautiful and prosperous area on the coastline. It is inhabited by rich people. It is a city that never sleeps. It is also the business center and heart of the city. The second administrative region is where the successful people of the mainstream society live. There are many companies gathered here, and the working atmosphere is stronger than the first administrative region. The third to fifth administrative districts are where the middle and lower levels live, and there are some handicraft workshops and factories with no pollution. The sixth and seventh districts are like another city, twenty kilometers away.

There are gathered heavily polluting factories, factories making huge noises, and "volunteer work groups" made up of many homeless people and beggars. The city will collect these "garbage" and send them here for voluntary labor. They will be given enough food every day and a "labor fee" of five yuan per month. They will be here for a lifetime, or they will be sent to the wild for self-destruction as a more useless "dregs".

Such a simple division may be a kind of class crushing in the eyes of some people, but for this era, this society is indeed the best way to divide. Separating each class can avoid conflicts between classes. The poor are always with the poor. The contradiction between them is only an internal contradiction. Even if they hit the dog's mind, it is a matter between the poor and the poor. It will never become a class contradiction.

Abien and most of the Guarts live in the fifth district, which can also be said to be the fifth district. The biggest dream of people living here is to find a better job, earn more money, then buy a house in the fourth district and take their families with them. There are better medical resources, better education resources, a better living environment, and even better job opportunities.

These people's desire for wealth was beyond the imagination of the residents in the previous four districts, so when Abien got out of the luxury car, everyone's eyes were focused on him. When some people saw his face clearly, he cursed and left. They thought they were rich and wanted to take a break, but the person who got off the car was just as poor as them. But some guartes gathered around, wondering if something had happened and if there were any good things waiting for him.

Facing his compatriots around, Abien shook his head calmly and explained, "There is a respectable gentleman who wants to consult something. It just happened to me that I knew something, so he sent me a car after I finished speaking ... Well, go back and do your own thing, if there is something good, I will definitely inform you! "

In view of people's understanding of Abien, he did not consider that he was lying and left. Abien returned home calmly, his gentle wife opened the door for him, and when he was about to ask him what to eat at night, he punched him with a pale face. His wife closed her mouth in fear, not letting her make a sound. Abien vented his anger as well as hitting a sandbag, then stopped.

He pulled up the weak wife on the ground, patted the dust on her body, and took out two dollars from his pocket and shoved it into her hand. "Go buy some chicken and come back at night, please call me.", He was very sensible and didn't start on his wife's face, so that people would find out that he was not a good person that he showed to everyone, and he would take offense with her wife whenever he had something unpleasant.

His wife had also wanted to resist, but Abien told her that if she said to others that he had beaten her, then he would tell others that she was cheating on him with other men, so he would beat her .

Facing such a situation, his wife could only endure it. Fortunately, Abien was very restrained even when he vented his anger. In addition to making his wife feel pain, he had not beaten his wife to the hospital.

Perhaps this is not what he intended, or it may be that he has only so much combat power.

The body under the woman's clothes shuddered, pouting, tidying her hair, and leaning against the wall to leave the house. Abien went up to the second-floor room and sat on the table. He looked at the charter he had thrown up, and the anger rose again.

It is simply unforgivable that someone wants to undermine his position among the Guarts! He managed to pretend to be where he is today for more than ten years. Do you say you want to take it? His face was a bit distorted again, grabbing a paper knife and inserting it into the thin charter, tearing it hard, cutting it hard!

At dinner, there were only two couples ~ ~ they had three children, the eldest was in college in another city, and the other two were not in Illian. This is a tourist city. The education level can only be said to be average. People with a little ability are willing to send their children to school in other places, instead of studying "travel majors" here. Maybe in the eyes of some people, the tourism major is also a very good knowledge. You can find a job as soon as you graduate, but Abien feels that his child should have more ambitious goals and ideals and cannot be limited to a small Yili. Ancheng.

The silence between the couple made Abien even more irritable. He slammed the knife and fork on the table, and the table jumped. His wife curled up in a moment, and after a stormy boxing, Abien sat down at the table again, "After the sky is completely dark, I will go back to your parents' house for a few days, and I will give You travel expenses. "Just now, he accidentally hit her face with two bruises, which will let others know that he is a domestic violence man, thus changing his impression on him, but he changed again Can't get used to this natural behavior.

His wife tidy up her clothes, touched the pain on her face, and sat back to the table without a word, continuing to eat dinner in a small bite.

After dinner, Abien gave his wife five yuan and urged her to go out in the night. After closing the door, he sat on the cheap sofa in the living room and thought about many things. He thought that he couldn't let it go. With the richness called Du Lin, he could just go over him to find other members of his community who joined him. Once someone joins and gains no benefit from him, people will soon give up on him, so he must do something.

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly stood up and left the house with his coat. He needed to discuss it with others.

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