Cosma Empire

Chapter 201: Method【?/?】

"Mr. Durin, your compatriots are now confronting our police in the fourth district. The mayor has entrusted me to communicate with you. I hope that you, as one of the few successful and outstanding people in Guarth, can be in this special Time to stand up and take on the great responsibilities entrusted to you by the society and the nation. You should be aware that once the riots really occur, the navy will intervene in the suppression. We have no right to ask the navy to obey our orders, which will inevitably end in bloodshed and sacrifice. Tragic conflict. So whoever it is for, please do something! ", The speaker is the office staff of the City Hall. This incident broke out so suddenly that no one prepared for the riot. Erupted.

Yes, until now City Hall has only defined this group of angry Guarts who want to gather together to do something as riots, which is only a little bit away from the riots. Once defined as a riot, local forces are immediately involved in intervention, and generally speaking, armed suppression is the most enthusiastic thing for all military forces. There is no danger in suppressing these defenseless ordinary people, and they are on the side of justice. After the suppression, not only can they receive rewards from high-ranking ruling empires, but also awards from the military. There is no more cost-effective "war" Behavior ".

However, the town hall was unwilling to see this happen. Ilian is a tourist city with tourism as its main economic pillar. A large number of tourists who come every day provide jobs for more than half of Ilian's residents and also provide management for Ilian. The participants provided sufficient taxes. Once the riots occur, even if they are suppressed immediately, but the impact has already been caused, the number of tourists coming here will decrease sharply in the next period.

Without a large number of tourists, it means that some small factories and handicraft workshops will be closed. A large number of socially unemployed people who lost their jobs will cause social unrest, sharply disrupt the security and prosperity and stability of the Ilian region, and enter a vicious circle. This makes those tourists who are waiting to see it even more unwilling to come to Irian. At that time, if you want to recover the lost impression points, it can definitely not be done in a sentence or two, and the economic value of the loss will be tens of millions!

Du Lin shrugged and said slowly: "I understand what you and the city hall mean, but you should know that I have only been in this city for half a year and have not yet fully integrated into the ethnic groups of this city. I It ’s really too far from them ... ”, he drew a long distance, and the guy from the city hall smiled bitterly.“ So you said let me calm down this riot. I am very grateful to you and the city hall for treating me. I value it, but how do you think I should calm down? I don't know any of them. I don't even know what they want to achieve. If I can calm down the disturbance as long as I stand in front of them, then we set off. "

What Du Lin said is not bad. A rich man who can buy a mansion worth 350,000 yuan and can open a jewelry store in the first district, how could he bend to associate with those inferiors in the fifth district? The difference between the two seems to be the difference between Baiyun and the soil under his feet, which is completely incomparable. But the problem is that it is only Du Lin who can blame them for now, at least Du Lin also has some responsibility in this matter.

The office worker named Scott took a breath, converged the smile on his face, and leaned forward slightly with an intimidating attitude and tone: "Mr. Du Lin, you may not know, your The root cause of this riot is that they suspect you have murdered their spokesman, Mr. Abien. If this riot can be calmed down as soon as possible, it will be a good thing for you, the government and the Guarts A satisfactory solution will not leave any sequelae. But if there is a bloodshed, the city hall must give an explanation and a reasonable explanation to all the Irians. At that time, all relevant personnel will be investigated for the crimes and a fair judgment will be given. ! "

Du Lin smiled indifferently. He took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth. Jose immediately stepped forward to light a fire for him and exhaled smoke. Du Lin narrowed his eyes after the smoke, "I know one The guy named Kevin, he has never lost a lawsuit. I also know the members of the General Chamber of Commerce. He and I are friends, and I have many other friends. I believe they will not sit by and watch me trapped. "

"Even if they don't care, I still have money, don't I?"

As Du Lin couldn't help laughing, Scott's face was as ugly as someone pulling a **** in his soup pot. Just as Scott was about to turn his face, Durin's voice turned around and he came back again, "Although I'm not afraid of any slander or slander against me, you're right, as a socially responsible Guart , I must stand up at this critical moment and assume the part of the responsibility that society has given me. "

In a word, Scott has no temper. He said it was you who was uncomfortable. It was you who said he was good. It was you who threatened me. Now it is you who hold me. How do you want to go? Of course, he wouldn't say these psychological words, he just smiled and nodded in praise of Du Lin's sense of responsibility. "You are a rich man with conscience. We welcome people like you to settle in Ilian and treat you here as you. Home. If you have any needs, you can contact me directly, or you can directly contact the City Hall and the Council. We will be happy to solve your problem. "

"I just happened to have a problem ...", Doolin took the hat from Jose. "I heard that Irian issues medals for outstanding citizens every year, doesn't it?"

Scott smiled bitterly again, he nodded and said, "I will pass your opinion on, and as to whether it can pass, I can't interfere."

Du Lin extended his hand in time and held him tightly. "Thank you very much for your personal visit and help to me. In the future, you will find that I am a very good person."

The two walked outside together while walking, and Scott asked curiously: "So how do you plan to calm down the riot? I'm sorry, I'm really curious, as you said, you don't know or don't know One of them, but to resolve this riot, I really can't think of a better idea. "

"You'll know after a while."

After leading the meeting, Scott led Du Lin toward the mayor's office, and whispered anxiously, "Aren't you going to District 4? Why are you coming to the mayor's office now? The situation there is always at any time. Everywhere will erupt, time is running out! "

Du Lin answered as he walked, "I don't know if you have heard of it. Smart hunters will spend a week preparing the traps, and stupid hunters will chase the prey for a week. I'm here for more Resolving this riot faster is not a delay. "

Scott had seen the slippery degree of Doolin's mouth, and he cleverly closed his mouth.

The mayor is a strong man in his forties and above, wearing a straight suit, with very vivid eyes, and the office is very simple in layout. He got up and greeted Du Lin's arrival, and then sat on both sides of the desk with Du Lin.

"I know you don't want to tell me nonsense nonsense, so let's go straight to the topic, how much economic loss will you bring to Irian after this riot develops into a riot?" The mayor frowned. He did not answer Du Lin's question because it was not easy to answer, and he was not sure what the purpose of Du Lin asked.

"I now have two ways to deal with this riot. The first method may take longer, but the cost will be less. The second method is fast, but the cost will be large. We all have the same The goal is very urgent, so I do n’t want to get in touch with you. I need to spend money to resolve this riot. This money can be paid by me first, but I wo n’t fully bear the cost. Do you understand what I mean? ? "

The mayor pondered for a moment before asking, "How much would it cost to resolve this matter as quickly as possible?"

"No more than 400,000, I will take half!"

The mayor was relieved. He thought that Du Lin wanted the lion to open his mouth, but he didn't expect that the money was not a lot. He waved his hands directly. "300,000 out of the city hall, 200,000 out of you. To hear the good news in the shortest time! "

Du Lin stood up with a smile, and bowed slightly, "In thirty minutes, you will hear the good news!"

"What are you going to do ~ ~ With the guarantee from Du Lin, the mayor is relieved, but is curious about Du Lin's approach. If you say that you can use the money to calm down the riots, I am afraid it will be The problems could be solved perfectly, but Du Lin smiled, put on his hat and left, making the mayor as uncomfortable as a cat scratching his heart.

After leaving the city hall, Du Lin first went to the Empire Central Bank, accompanied by Scott and as the bank's top customer, he easily moved four boxes of money out. Scott looked at the boxes of money a little bit inexplicably. He drove behind the car without a word, and wanted to see how this guy, who was rumored to be "Mr. 350,000", solved it. This riot.

At this time, the Gentells who had flowed into the fourth zone had been in friction with the police. They threw things at each other to attack each other. When the conflict was about to escalate, suddenly people seemed to be enchanted and looked up. sky.

One, one, and another!

Under the shocking picture, people seem to forget what they are doing. When the first guarth reached out to catch a one-dollar bill, he played the one-dollar bill, and his face suddenly showed a shocked look. All the guarts were boiling ...

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