Cosma Empire

Chapter 202: Conversation [1/4]

Looking at the bills flying around in the sky, the anger in people's hearts calmed down unexpectedly, and even the police on the side were a little commotion.

Who doesn't want to pick up money?

If it weren't for the job, these policemen might have rushed to squeeze into this group of Guarts who might have evolved into a riot the previous second, watching the banknotes fall into their pockets during these people's scramble. The envious faces of the policemen on the side showed good fortune. It was such a good thing that they could encounter such a good thing. Some people looked up and saw the piles of banknotes waving on the tall buildings next to them, and there was no envy in their hearts.

The gap is too big, just look up.

Looking at the Guartes who had changed their minds downstairs in order to compete for banknotes, Scott shook his head with a grin and smile. This may be the gap between ordinary people and rich people. In his opinion, the sudden outbreak and the turbulent riots were hard to calm down. If they cannot meet the demands of these people, they will never retreat. Even after the mayor knew the news, he immediately consulted the Counseling Bureau and relevant persons with experience in handling similar situations. The answers these people gave him let him His face was getting worse.

But who can think of it, when many people think that the Navy may need to suppress these people, Du Lin throws out a handful of money, and the world immediately becomes quiet. This is the different thinking brought about by different status and status. the way.

The Guarts held their hands up, they had forgotten what they were going to do here, and there was only one thing in their heads, which was money.

As a poor man, no matter how small the money is, let alone the fluttering paper is not small. If you can get ten or twenty, it's tantamount to picking up a month's salary! This is too attractive for people who are very embarrassed in their own family conditions. Who remembers Abin in front of money?

Several people in the crowd showed disappointment. These people were members of the small group of Abien. When they first learned that Abien was murdered at home, they did not think of revenge for Abien. It's not sad, but a faint excitement. The mountain that was crushing their heads finally collapsed, and they could have a chance to turn their heads. When Abien was in the past, he always took the most, because people recognized him, and now he is dead, is it their turn to decide?

It is this group of people who even instigated the riots. They hope to achieve two goals in this way. The first purpose was to clean up a group of Abion's diehards, and the second was to hope that the managers of the city of Irian would pay attention to them, and then they stood up to calm down the riots, thereby stepping on Abien and his fellow citizens The corpse walked onto the stage he left behind. But unfortunately, all this failed in this **** money rain.

Qian Yu quickly turned into a coin rain, and the crowded crowd spread out a little bit. This was also what Du Lin prepared for considering that overcrowding might cause a stampede event. A lot of coins were sprinkled, and people changed from holding their hands high to bending over their hips, widening the distance between them.

I don't know when the money will no longer be dropped in the sky. These Guartes are still waiting, but at this time, a loud applause attracted their attention.

There is a young, very friendly guy who is standing not far from them in an expensive suit. His smile is as bright as the sun. His voice is also very nice. There is a magic magnetism that can make The man calmed down and listened carefully to what he said.

"Are you still satisfied with my meeting?" Du Lin drew a one-dollar bill from his pocket and played it. The clear voice was enchanting, "I have been thinking about the way I should meet with you, and what kind of greetings should be given to you for the first time. As you can see, I am a businessman and a rich man. Businessman, I do n’t know if there are any small gifts that will satisfy everyone, so I think I ’ll give you the money, and then you choose. ”

At this time, a five- or six-year-old boy ran out of the crowd. He ran to Du Lin in the eyes of people's worry, looking at the one-dollar bill held between Du Lin's fingers. Du Lin bent down and touched his head, then gave him the money.

"My name is Dulin, and some people call me Mr. 350,000!" Some exclaimed voices appeared in the Guarts, and at this time people remembered that their purpose of gathering here was to seek for Abien It is fair, but they put the money of the "enemy" into their pockets without knowing it, which made them embarrassed and didn't know what to do. As for getting them to take out the money again and then confront Du Lin?

Sorry, can't do it!

Du Lin is also very aware of the mentality of these people. He didn't care. He flipped his own brim. "I know why you gathered here, and I know what happened in the fifth district. I hope you can think calmly. Is it necessary for me to murder a destitute compatriot living in the fifth district? "Du Lin gradually became serious. He shook his finger and said with a calm voice slightly raised his chin proudly," No! "

"There is absolutely no need for this. I know that some people are pouring dirty water on me, saying that I am a rich man with blood on his hands and getting rich through smuggling and opening black mines. I also know that they have said even more outrageous things. Come to hurt me, come to slander me, but I don't care. You saw the roadside dog barking at you a few times, can you bark back with it, or bite it? "

The laughter in the crowd gradually spread, and the atmosphere suddenly relaxed, and Du Lin shrugged. "I can't do it, after all, I'm a **** Mr. 350,000!"

"The reason why we are here today is because the blood flowing from our veins is from our veins, and the gods you believe in are also my beliefs. All Guartes in this world are of the same origin. Family. Your actions and practices are too extreme, which will make those who instigate you to appear here to be treacherous, and it will also make your family, parents, and children sad. "

"Do you know? Just before I came, the navy's warships were docked. Just a few steps forward, they will start suppressing!"

Du Lin's words immediately caused a slight commotion in the crowd, and some timid people had begun to step back and planned to return to the fifth district. They may not have seen the real scene of the garrison's suppression of the riots, but they have heard people say, and still listen to this tragic process as news or jokes with a smile. But it was their turn to face such a thing, and they panicked. At that time, even if kneeling on the ground for mercy, it was useless. A bullet took away a life, and it could bring a medal and glory to those navies. .

"So I'm here, I can't watch my compatriots bleed and die here without being indifferent. The first king gave me a heavy responsibility, whether I want to or not, as a Guarth I must bear This responsibility. I hope you can calm down and send a representative to talk to me and the commissioner around me instead of using this stupid method to express your thoughts. "

"A small number of people have used your integrity and kindness to try to achieve their evil ends, but as long as I am here for a day, I will not let them succeed. If you still want to move forward, I will let go. But if you calm down Come down and want to find out what happened, then I will give you justice! ", Du Lin took off his hat, swiped his pants with his brim," Because I'm Du Lin! "

After the group consciousness was broken, people felt fear for the first time, because after they calmed down, they realized that they had done incredible things. Fortunately, at this time, they did not pay a bitter price for what they did, which made them At the same time, I felt fortunate and thankful to Du Lin ~ ~ The image of Du Lin became taller in an instant, and the Guartes began to slowly exit the fourth area. Sri Lanka Kurt breathed a sigh of relief, and he turned around and asked a police officer behind him to tell the mayor what had happened here, and the alarm could be lifted.

Watching people gradually retreat, the smashed merchants on the side of the road ran out at this time, they stunned Du Lin, and finally around Scott's side, asking questions about compensation.

Du Lin breathed a sigh of relief, as did Scott, even though he was surrounded by a group of people.

This sudden riot dissipated as quickly as it appeared. Except for those who lived around seeing the riot, most people who heard it took it as an exaggeration. If the riots can be stopped so easily, will there be **** conflicts in this world?

In the evening, Doolin greeted three representatives of the Guarts in his mansion. An old man who looks sixty or seventy years old, a young and strong man, and a woman in her forties. They have a certain prestige and status among the Guarts in the fifth district, far exceeding the members of Abien's small group. If it weren't for Abiene leading them, few people would have known them.

The first time I entered such a luxurious mansion, the three Guartes representatives were very restrained. They were afraid that something would be broken, only after the three of them were seated did they feel better.

"I invite three of you. The first is to understand the misunderstandings between me and you. The second point is to give you an account of what happened this morning. Before that, I would like to ask you and your fellow citizens. Do you have anything to tell me? ", Du Lin sat on the sofa, leaned his legs, and looked at the three men calmly.

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