Cosma Empire

Chapter 203: Plan [2/4]

The old man spoke first, and after considering for a long time, he licked some dry lips. In fact, there are fruits and cups on the coffee table, but none of them have drank water or sipped a fruit. The old man stood up politely and introduced himself after saluting. "My name is Rati. People call me Rati. I have lived in Illian for almost 50 years. I can say that I am a qualified local People. "Scoo, who was sitting aside, nodded, and he explained a little for Du Lin.

In the early days, Irian was not a bustling city. There was almost nothing here, except for one-man tall weeds and shrubs that could never be cleaned, and countless mosquitoes. The only place that is satisfying, or slightly fancy, is the deep-water port where large vessels can be docked. At that time there were not many deep-water ports on the East Coast, and even fewer could be used. There were only three, which are now the three most prosperous cities on the East Coast.

At that time, many freighters docked in Ilian. After the cargo was unloaded, they needed to be transported to other places. So the bottom of many societies fancy the factors that make it easy to find work here, and gathered around this area to form a community-like lake area. They were the first residents of Ilian, and as more and more people lived there, inconvenient living conditions made them decide to renovate here. At that time, the New Party had begun quietly in politics. A nobleman who had failed in the political struggle moved his fiefland near the core of the empire to this place. He looked desperately at the fiefland like a wilderness and took out a few of his own. Save for the workers who live here and let them build a small town here.

From then on, Irian was truly born. In the subsequent Patriotic War, the unfortunate aristocrat was recruited into the army and became the commander of the second detachment of the Third Fleet of the Navy, sleeping forever on the bottom of the sea. After the New Party came to power, Ilian was controlled by the New Party, invested a lot of funds to transform it, and became one of the main ports to defend the empire ’s borders. In the last decade, the Empire opened two other super naval ports before releasing Irian from militarized control.

With a very good foundation, the development of Yilian is very rapid, especially the policy ideas of the city administrators in the previous two years are consistent, which has brought great benefits to the construction and economic development of the Yilian region. Consistency has ensured that this area has not stopped on the highway of development and construction, and only today's Ilian.

Durin didn't know much about this, and Scott explained a little. He immediately understood. Rather than say that Irian had a unique geographical environment, there were two hard-working city managers.

After the two whispered, the old man continued, "The people living here and the people living elsewhere may live in different environments, so you may not know much about our pursuit. We do n’t need to be great or Great life, we just want to live here peacefully and live this life. I ’m not very knowledgeable, so do you understand me? ”

Du Lin nodded his head, this is a vaccination, also shows that there are smart people in this group of guartes. This clever man was very clever with this sentence to block a lot of unrealistic things that Du Lin might promise in the next, and explained the words of Father Rati in a simple and popular way, that is, "Don't be with me Bluff, I just want to be practical. " He raised his hand and pressed, and asked Ratty to sit down, and replied, "You are an elder. All elders should be respected by people. I understand what you say, and this is what I need to do. Now we Not to mention this topic, you will see it with your own eyes in the future. "As he looked at the other two, they shook their heads one after another, and Du Lin began his own speech.

"There are many wisdom-filled proverbs circulating in our ancient history of the Guarts. One of them is that when the nail penetrates your palm, it will leave scars even if the nail is pulled out." He paused. To give the three delegates a time to think and understand, and when they understood, Du Lin continued: "Although the riots this afternoon have subsided, the negative effects still exist, and we need to pay attention Another thing, who directed all this? "

He nodded surely, "I used the term director because I think it's all a conspiracy. There are a few people who want to stir up a turmoil that has shocked the entire empire through assassinations, marriages, and planting. To achieve their unspeakable despicable purpose. It is conceivable that if I did not quell this riot today, the Navy would come forward to suppress the riot, and many Guartes would die from this completely unjustified and necessary conflict , So who is the beneficiary? "

"It wouldn't be me, nor could it be me, who would it be? Who organized you to convey your appeal through such irrational behavior? Who stood up and misled when the big guys were just guessing and doubting? Yours? I do n’t know, but I believe you know, someone knows. The purpose of these people is despicable. They want you to have a rift with me, distrust or even hostility. In order to achieve this, they are even willing to sacrifice their fellow citizens. To accomplish this, your enemies are not me, but these people. "

"And that's exactly why I talked to you. It can't end like this. Someone has to pay for it. Those who hurt you, those who cheated you, and assassinated Mr. Abien. People. "

"I haven't talked to or met with Mr. Abien, but I have learned from others that it is a very good guy. His temper is very gentle. He has been running for the rights and welfare of his fellow citizens. He is a role model for all Guartes, and I have always hoped to sit down with him and have a good chat. "Du Lin's voice was very low, full of a regret of resentment," It's a pity that this wish is no more It is impossible to achieve, I think I should do something, that is to find the killer, to find the lost fairness and justice for all the injured people, and to avenge them! "

Du Lin's words were very emotional and the content was very moving. Rati lowered her head and rubbed her dry eyes. The turbid eyes were slightly red, and his lips trembled slightly. "You are right, This is also what we hope. We should resolve this accident friendly and sanely, and I will convey your statement. "

Du Lin glanced at Scott, and the latter was somewhat inexplicable. "The eighth district is about to break ground. I am actively preparing for a bid and more than one project. Once successful, I am willing to provide for all my compatriots living in Ilian City. We provide a well-paid job. I will refer to the union ’s standard of treatment and even increase it slightly. Eight hours of work a day will increase the hourly wage to at least 15 points. There are lunches and dinners, among other things. welfare."

"Of course, all this will be discussed in detail after we find the killer and the maker of the riots this morning. As for how to find the killer and the rioters, I believe that Mr. Scott and the City Hall he represents will give us The perfect answer is this? "

Scott nodded again and again, "Yes, what Mr. Durin said is exactly what I want to say. For any criminal and criminal behavior that has disrupted the prosperity, stability and tranquility of the Ilian region, we will definitely strike hard. We You will never miss a bad person, nor will you misjudge any good person. Mr. Raty, you must be very clear. Next, our investigation team will go into District 5 to collect evidence and investigate. I hope you can let everyone Cooperation, even if any problems may arise, they need to be treated calmly and rationally. You can find me or Mr. Du Lin! "

Then Scott smiled, pulled Du Lin aside, and complained, "You haven't told me you're going to bid in the eighth district!"

Du Lin issued him a cigarette. "Now I said."

"Damn, I have to react to the Lord Mayor. You don't have to disclose it for the time being ...", saying he hesitated to light a cigarette in front of the light of the Doolin lighter, "Even if I agree with you You have to have money to enter the auction. This is not something that can be done by hundreds of thousands, and you say that you have more than one project to bid for? "

The eighth district is the main area for the economic construction of the next Irian region ~ ~ The city managers in the city hall will focus all their efforts on the construction of the eighth district. With the birth of color film technology and the completion of the final stage of research and development in the "Mini Black and White Visual Home Player" project at the Imperial Research Institute, the managers of Irian believe that in the next ten to twenty years Entertainment-type consumption will become the mainstream in the economic field.

Especially during the post-war period, people were still at a loss, social mood was low, and entertainment could well alleviate the pain caused by the post-war period, and at the same time could improve people's living standards. So the eighth zone is to grab the front of the whole empire and pull the most popular part of entertainment-the movie, into the camp of Ilion.

This eighth district, built entirely for filming, will become a movie sacred place for the entire empire and the world. People will form a new economic circle here and radiate the entire world!

Such an important project is not for anyone who wants to come in. There are many aspects of coordination involved. Even if Du Lin is rich, he may not be eligible to participate in the bidding! In addition, even if Du Lin is really rich, there are more people in the world than Du Lin. It is already difficult to give him a project. He wants a lot?

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