Cosma Empire

Chapter 21: Buy ranch

I once saw a contract operation in Du Lin's dream that made him feel amazing until now. The guy finally cheated tens of billions and ran away. A few years later, he was secretly arrested and returned to China for trial. It doesn't matter if this person is good or bad, what he does is right or wrong, the economic criminal's operation methods and ideas are absolutely amazing, and there is his courage, no money in his hand, all with a mouth and him Plan, you can deceive tens of billions, it is just talent!

Dulin just borrowed a small part of his entire plan and a small part of the white wolves with empty gloves. He didn't plan to be a liar, nor was he going to exile.

After getting 1,700 yuan and a brand new letter of intent, Du Lin quickly found another four wine suppliers the next morning. This time it was more reliable than the last time. After all, the agreement could not be faked. The above clearly showed the signature and address of Moon Brand's agent in Tener City and Richard. Just ask someone to ask and you will know if this agreement of intent is true, and no one dares to fake it.

Two of the suppliers were unwilling to take too much risk and launched the initiative. The remaining two suppliers from abroad held the same mind as Richard and wanted to bet on it. From their hands, Du Lin got a new letter of intent, and two other liquidated damages, plus exactly five thousand yuan in his hand.

What can 5,000 yuan do?

Dulin was thinking about this while Graff sitting next to him. Five thousand yuan can buy more than ten facades, and make a dwelling house for a lifetime. You can set up a big house, buy a high-end car, and have a little money left for a small business. No matter which option, with 5,000 yuan, there is basically no need to consider a bad ending in this life.

That's five dollars!

But soon he got nervous. Doolin was playing too much this time, so fast that his heart beats all the time. That was a big business of 150,000 bottles! That adds up to almost 100,000 yuan! But Du Lin only had 5,000 yuan. What should I do? Want to run? Where do you go?

He glanced at Du Lin worriedly, let such a smart person think about it.

Uncle Graf's worry was a completely unfounded fear to Doering. Yes, he did want to buy 150,000 bottles of wine in a year, and indeed needed almost 90,000 yuan. But this wine was not given to him at one time, and his money was not paid to the other party at one time. To put it simply, as a big customer, he has every reason to pay a deposit of 10% of the total price of 10,000 bottles in advance.

After the wine is sold out, the entire payment of this 10,000 bottles of wine is settled, and then the previous process is repeated, the deposit is paid again, and the sale is purified. He had little pressure on cash. The deposit of 30,000 bottles from three suppliers was less than 2,000 yuan, and he had 3,000 yuan. What really needs him to expend time, energy and money is to find a place that can store so much wine, and also be able to carry out large-scale purification.

I ca n’t keep up with his speed with a small iron pot, so I must ask the blacksmith to build a larger distillation equipment, at least about 1,000 yuan. There is also a need for a warehouse factory that is sufficiently concealed, remote, not easy to be found, and also has a certain degree of convenience in transportation to complete the change from low-alcohol to high-alcohol. For warehouses alone, three to five hundred yuan will be needed to rent one year at a time, coupled with retrofitting, I am afraid that there will not be much money left in the end.

But these are not simple things.

During the next few days, Doolin split everything into separate things and gave it to Graff, letting him take the members of the township association to do it. Du Lin himself registered another company.

The newly registered "Tennell Leather Products (Bags) Company" just prevents fraudulent use of a sum of money out of the bank in case of insufficient money, and can also transfer property when necessary. Will use this company easily.

As the youths in the township associations continued to appear on the street, they put on brand-new clothes and pants, and put on some good leather shoes, which attracted the curiosity of many young people. The Guarts have a hard time. Everyone wants to wear new clothes and fill their stomachs. Under the propaganda of these people, some young people have joined the fellowship. Two hundred yuan from Mr. Heidler was delivered almost five days in advance, alleviating the embarrassing situation that Du Lin's funds gradually decreased.

I happened to have found the factory building.

Tenet is a border city, and the suburbs are outwards of farmland and pastures. After Graf found many places and was rejected by Dulin, he simply ran outside the city to find a suitable venue, and it really made him discover it.

A shabby pasture.

Because of poor management and the Empire during the war to suppress soaring food prices, a large number of edible beef cattle were compulsorily acquired by the government and its low prices. The rancher who lost money can only borrow some funds from the society to buy calves to raise, hoping that the calves will be able to make up for the lost money when they grow up. But after two years, he didn't take it easy, and people who kept reminding him kept coming. When no rancher was found, these creditors directly took the cattle from the ranch to offset the debt. There was another rancher who hoped to turn the book over and fell down completely and couldn't get up.

Those fierce creditors have made vicious words, if they can no longer pay back the money, they must sell the female members of his family to places where people can spend money for fun, and the ranchers who are unwilling to ruin this family can only list Sell ​​your own ranch.

He carelessly manages the ranch. The weeds in the ranch grow wildly. Many facilities and buildings are crumbling in the absence of maintenance. This kind of dilapidated scene makes some people desperate to invest.

Buying a ranch requires rebuilding and management, which is obviously not the most suitable investment project for investors who hope to see benefits in the short term. It is better to buy wasteland directly and the price is cheaper.

I dragged it down so much.

Until Graf came here with Doolin.

"It's desolate!", Looking at the weeds with one person, Du Lin sighed. In fact, when he saw this place, he was very satisfied.

There is a rural road next to the ranch. Although the road conditions are not necessarily good, transportation is basically no problem. It is very remote here, except for a small amount of farmland, that is, wasteland, pedestrians can't see one for a long time. In addition, due to poor management, the grass in the pasture is high by one person. If most people do not deliberately do something, they will definitely not come to this place and still get into it.

During the distillation, there will be some escaping wine gas leaking out of the still. If the strong aroma of the wine is not lost, it will definitely cause trouble in densely populated places. He hasn't even got a liquor license so far, and he must be closed if he is reported.

唯一 The only trouble now is that those shaky sheds are obviously unusable and must be rebuilt, which is another extra expense. Fortunately, Mr. Heidler's second money came in time, otherwise he really had to use some unwilling means to raise cash.

As he walked down a path to the rancher's home, Du Lin asked, "How much money does this guy owe? How much does he want to sell?"

As Graff opened the road ahead, he said, "I heard that it was two thousand two hundred yuan, and he offered three thousand yuan."

Du Lin frowned, except for other expenses plus the money given by Shanghai Dele, there was still a gap of 500 yuan, but in actual calculation, this was a gap of 1,000 yuan. Because he can't give all the money without leaving any points, he must still leave three or five hundred yuan as emergency funds. It is not a simple thing to get together a thousand yuan in a short time. Step by step, look at it.

Together, the two and two members of the fellowship visited the home of the rancher.

I opened the door to a woman who was in her thirties, UU reading www. She has blond hair, very obvious Ogdin characteristics. She has a good figure and looks good. No wonder those creditors said that she would sell her to pay off the debt. Such mature women, especially those with blonde hair, are most popular in entertainment venues. Ogdin has some populism and looks down on other "failed races", so even in negative places of contact with women in such entertainment venues, Ogdin women will be chosen.

What about other races, bullied or hostile by the Ogdin, when they come to such a place, they will definitely choose Ogdin women as their object of absurdity overnight. It seems that riding on them to ease the grievances and anger they receive on weekdays.

If she also has a daughter, I'm afraid the price will be doubled at least!

The woman looked at the visitors outside through the door with some vigilance, and her eyes always stayed on Graf, subconsciously thinking that if this group of people were bad, then Graf was the worst person.

Du Lin stepped forward and showed a smile. "Dear lady, noon, my name is Du Lin. The purpose of this visit is that I heard that the ranch is on sale, isn't it?"

The aunt woman nodded hesitantly. Her shoulders hidden behind the door moved, and she could hear a series of footsteps from near to far.

The result was not true, only twenty seconds, a heavy footstep slowly leaned over, and the lady took the initiative to let go, revealing a man's head. The golden-brown hair and beard illustrate his mixed-race identity. Most of the Ogdin people are blonde or a small amount of linen hair. His face is not very good, and he looks tired through the door, looking out the door The four of them finally fell on Graf.

"Do you want to buy this ranch?"

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