Cosma Empire

Chapter 223: 800 [Three]

In the face of Juan's silence, Du Lin didn't rush. No matter which method he chose, Du Lin had a way to get him to the last step. The only difference was the size of his loss. After a long wait, the car stopped outside the largest bar in the first district. At this time, it was a long time before the sky became dark. Although there were many guests in the bar, they were far quieter than the crazy night.

After they got out of the car, they entered the second floor of the bar from the back door in the alley behind the bar, which is Juan's office in the first district. He usually doesn't come here because it is too noisy here. He is getting older and unable to bear the atmosphere here. He needs quietness and cultivation, not the strong hormones overflowing below.

After closing the door, the room gradually began to cool down. Although people have not yet invented the small air conditioner, there are already mature methods for using ice cubes. There are not only ice cubes in the interlayer of the wall, but also copper pipes with water flowing inside them, which constantly drives out the dry heat in the room. The temperature inside is lowered by about four or five degrees compared with the outdoor, which is enough to make people feel cool.

Juan looked at the crowded people in the street outside the window, and after a while came to grit his teeth and made up his mind. He faced Du Lin and smiled and said the answer that Du Lin was most satisfied with. "I chose the first option. We each set up a company for development, and then negotiated with the George family. I considered that this method is actually more flexible. More operational, as long as we stand firmly together in the final negotiation process, they must respect our decision! "

After considering so long to make a decision, Juan actually thought a lot, especially on the East Coast Entertainment Company. Although it looks like he spent $ 410,000 more than he actually invested, his equity is 30% less. He wasn't sure if Eric's disappearance had any direct relationship with Doolin, he had no evidence to prove it, and he arranged for people to look for Eric. Until he got the evidence, he couldn't do anything about it.

He saw this as a warning, a warning to him. It was precisely because of this warning that he finally made the decision to set up a company with Du Lin. He doesn't know if Du Lin will continue to play tricks after the two people invest in the East Coast Entertainment Company. He would rather set up the company's own investment separately rather than bear the possible consequences of one in 10,000. And he has greater freedom in doing so. Of course, Doolin's efforts are the best result. However, he will not prove to be the most suitable partner for the George family if he does not work hard. This one?

Du Lin shrugged without showing any dissatisfaction and complaints. "That line, I immediately arranged for the next step. So where do you plan to start? We can't repeat investment in a certain area. The construction of theaters will cause unnecessary consumption. "

Even if Du Lin didn't raise this issue, Juan planned to raise it. He smiled, "I plan to invest in eleven cities in the next state. You know, I'm older, and I'm too busy with health. There is no benefit, I hope you can understand. "

"Of course I can understand, then I'll go a little further!"

Du Lin stood up and left after discussing the next issues for a while. At the moment when the door was closed, they both breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time they converged on their faces with false smiles.

Du Lin licked his lips, and it was planned that neither he nor Juan could turn around.

In fact, when he knew that the George family planned to lay out the film industry, he had given up the idea of ​​becoming a film tycoon. Is the wealth and political power of the George family that he and Juan can compete with? To say something unpleasant, the other party only needs to say hello to Magus, and Du Lin and Juan will not even be able to buy it, no matter how much they pay! This is the worst kind of speculation. If the influence of political forces is removed, as long as the Georges want to ensure absolute control in the film industry, they will make more intensive repeated investments in the same area. Is not an opponent of the other party.

So Du Lin gave up some of the unrealistic ideas, focused on how to make Juan bankrupt, and then took over his brewery and bar, which was what he wanted most.

But before that, Doolin has one more thing to do.

After coming into contact with high society, he found that money is really worthless. This sentence may be very contradictory, but the specific explanation is not so contradictory. When there is no money, 12,000 may be a lot of money and can do a lot of things. But after really owning tens of millions of property, he realized that the money couldn't do much? !!

This is related to another situation, which is the polarization of wealth. Some people have said that 95% of the world ’s wealth is held by 5% of people, and everyone wants to be that 5%, but in fact they may only be 6% or 6% Seven or even ten percent of the other handful. Thirty million gold plus other money was an unimaginable sum in Durin's previous life.

But at this point he found out that the money was enough to make him a 5% in a city, but it was more difficult to become a 5% of the world.

He needs money, he needs more money, so he has a second step plan-continue to cheat money.

The intention of cheating money came from Eric's behavior, which made Du Lin realize that people's understanding of financial games at this time is still in a relatively primitive stage. He can rely on this method to make a big deal, but the opportunity is only Once or twice. Once too many attempts will inevitably lead to social-level turmoil, exacerbate the contradictions between classes, and thus attract the attention of high-level empires.

If Magus actually speaks the name Durin himself, he will have no other way but to flee the Federation, so the number of times cannot be increased, but enough money must be earned, which will require Cherish Street to help him And at the same time he would like to thank Juan for everything he does for him.

Before returning home, Doolin called Albert and asked him to set up the manager's company as soon as possible, and at the same time he called Kevin who had not been contacted for a long time.

Kevin was also very surprised when he received the call from Du Lin. At the same time, he was a little happy. People can't forget their poor friends when they were developed. It is not how much humanity and nostalgia they have. It is purely a kind of vanity that shows off to poor friends after they become rich.

It's a pity that Kevin's happiness is destined to be fruitless, because he is still not as rich as Durin.

"I'm surprised that you can call me. This shows that the infrastructure in Tenell is also close to that in developed regions. At least you have a telephone line now, don't you?" Kevin's words were full of The taste that makes people want a punch on his face, it seems that he is praising the construction of the Tener region, but in fact it is a slight mockery of the backwardness of the Tener region.

Although this ridicule has nothing to do with Dulin.

"I'm sorry, I'm not in Tener right now, I'm in Irian, and I'm currently settled here. Let's not gossip, I have something I need you to help ..."

"Wait a minute!" Kevin's voice in the microphone interrupted Du Lin's next words, and then said that Du Lin really wanted to talk to him, "My current consultation fee is 800 yuan, no By one hour, I will mail you the payment slip, and you will leave an address for me. "

Du Lin was silent for a moment and couldn't help but say, "You vampire, may the Holy Light be with you!"

"Every day someone scolds me, but I think the way you scold is the most innovative one. If you don't want to accept this price, I can give you five minutes and we can talk about something else."

"Okay, okay, is it 800 yuan? I will pay for it." Du Lin couldn't help laughing, and Kevin on the other side of the phone also laughed. Both thought of the first time they met. In the scene, Du Linna also said that smuggling is not as good as a lawyer. At least lawyers are not guilty of robbery, but smuggling crimes, "Help me find someone, someone on Xie Lisi Street, knows finance and companies, and it is best to have one. Attorney, I am very familiar with the law, and I am also very familiar with the financial law. I will hire them. "

"What's the age? Are there any needs? Gender? I suggest you choose women, because women are more meticulous in some details. They may be inferior to men in decision-making, but I believe you will not let others replace you Make a decision! "

"Do you believe it? Just such a few nonsense, I actually have to pay you 800 yuan ~ ~ Is your law firm still short of people?"

"We don't recruit illiterates!"

"The next time I meet, I promise I will choke you!"

"Do you know the intimidation? It's 1,000 yuan an hour now!"

After Du Lin left the address, he talked with Kevin for a while. After all, the consulting fee of 800 yuan an hour, he didn't say a few words, it was really a bit of a loss. Although verbally complained that Kevin was impersonal, Du Lin was willing to pay the money. He knows that Kevin has his own principles, and also knows that if this guy collects money, he will definitely get things done. He would rather have Kevin a little more, and he didn't want Kevin to have no money.

For someone like Kevin, feeding him money is the best option for him.

In the process of chatting with Kevin, Albert has arrived, along with Evan. Du Lin waved off after putting down the phone, and the two men came in from outside the room.

This was the first time they had entered Du Lin's study, and they were immediately attracted by the whole thousand books on the wall behind him, maybe more, but they were very shocking.

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