Cosma Empire

Chapter 224: Gold Master [Four]

"How is the preparation of the company's affairs?" Du Lin pointed to the two chairs across the table and motioned them to sit down.

Albert and Evan sat opposite Du Lin honestly, even if Du Lin was only half or even a third of their age, they could not violate the will of the young man. This has nothing to do with inferiority and humble status, and has to do with wealth status. In the era of rapid capitalist expansion, the more struggling people in developed cities, the more they understand the importance and significance of their own value.

What Dulin asked was what Albert was responsible for, and he immediately took out his own list and some documents and put it in front of Dulin. The company has already been registered. Like other cities, the company is not registered in the official organization, but in the Irian branch of the General Chamber of Commerce. It is said that Magus deliberately withdrew this authority, but after being strongly resisted by all parties, he could only give up.

It is difficult to say whether he will compromise or stay on hold temporarily. Magus is a very wise, calm and capable politician. He can use everything that can be used to achieve his purpose, even the death of his son has been written by him. A group of businessmen who opposed his opinions absolutely could not stop his determination to execute, he was just looking for opportunities. Once he finds an opportunity, he will never leave any emotions to die, and will not close the knife without blood.

Du Lin first looked at the list provided by Albert, which basically listed the talents needed by a manager company, including some talents that Du Lin himself did not consider, such as accounting.

The importance of accounting in the current society has not yet been valued. Only listed joint-stock companies need accounting. There is no mandatory requirement for those private companies, but Albert has recruited a novice in the accounting industry for five years. .

Du Lin did not expressly release the list and the information of these members, and turned to several other documents. In one of the documents, During accounted for 70% of the company's equity, Albert accounted for 10%, and Evan had 5%. He shook the document in his hand and looked at Albert, who immediately explained it.

"I want to use the remaining 15% as an incentive share. If someone is exceptionally good, give him a share and let him become a partner of the company. Only in this way can they be motivated to work harder for the company and for you. Make a contribution. "Inspiring shares is nothing new. Capitalists have reached a point where they can squeeze the potential of people.

The first to put forward this idea and implement it were those financial tycoons on the street of Sherrits. They gave very favourable conditions to their economic people, including working hard to create better performance and obtaining this part of the shares. Become a partner of the company. This method has greatly stimulated the "elites" who are constantly struggling for the company by sipping the cheapest bread every day and drinking free drinks in the company.

I have to say that this method is very effective.

Du Lin shook his head and put down the file. "I don't mean the shares left, but I think I have too much equity. Albert, this belongs to your company, I just buy it." Albert seemed to want to say something, but Du Lin raised his hand to stop him. "I do n’t mean that I have to control this company. If I control this company, this company may only serve me alone. . "

"Then it makes no sense for me to let you build this company, because I can hire you directly. And what I need you to do now is to serve me and increase the value of the company through your work as much as possible to complete your own life. It ’s not that complicated to plan and benefit my investment, right? ”

Doolin wasn't deceiving Albert, it was his real idea. How much profit does a manager company bring to Du Lin? Maybe some manager companies have done well, but how many years have those companies existed? If he came to control and control this company, he would not be able to devote all his energy to this company, and everyone in the company would not work hard, which is not his original intention.

Give Albert a chance to let him and his employees develop their energy to better serve themselves, which is what Dulin needs. And there are shares, and today's affection, Albert will not betray him, but will better serve him to prove his value. If one day Albert really does not want to do it here, or is unwilling to serve Doolin, or is tempted to sell Doolin's profits.

Even if Du Lin controls the company, he can't stop him or even accelerate his reverse behavior, because his previous efforts were not for himself but for others.

Albert was a little excited. He raised his fist against his eyebrows, and it took a while to soothe him. He put away a document on Doolin's desk. "My parents gave me this Power, Mr. Yiwen taught me how to face this world ... ", he looked at Du Lin with some light in his eyes, and lowered his head sincerely," And you gave me the most important thing in my life, I dream!"

"Boss ..., Mr. Du Lin, I thank you. At any time, if you need, please contact me!"

"This is my promise to you!"

Yi Wen sighed deeply, as a former salesman with rich social experience, he had seen too many people and things. I have to say that Doolin is not very old, but of the people I have seen in these years, it is definitely the best one. He and Albert actually knew what Dulin was doing, but they couldn't refuse to accept the goodwill and affection from Dulin and could only fall into it.

Perhaps this is the difference between successful people and others.

Du Lin smiled and accepted Albert's "loyalty." He raised his hand to press and let Albert sit back. "Thank you for staying and say later. I need to set up a company. Go and register for me. The name will be Called 'Irian Star', it mainly provides movie playback and movie-related service provision. It is wholly-owned by me, and the specific cost will be implemented according to the company's regulations. "

Albert wrote down what Du Lin said in his notebook. He nodded hard. "I'll do it in the afternoon and I will send you the relevant certificate tomorrow morning."

Du Lin looked at Yi Wen, and Yi Wen's performance at the auction site was very exciting, which can be said to exceed Du Lin's expectations for him. At the auction site, Yi Wen played an investor from other cities, helping Du Lin raise the price by almost 100,000. The expression he showed was in place, and there was still a bit of hesitation in some hesitation, and he successfully sent the price to the price of 800,000.

As one of the investors of the East Coast Entertainment Company, Yi Wen also received some compensation from the premium. He originally planned to send the compensation to Du Lin, but Du Lin decided to continue to give him a chance to act and let him play another role. .

And that investment compensation money, even if it was given to him. Du Lin knows what these people at the bottom of society need. They don't need love, fairness, justice, and everything that people think is meaningful. They just need money, more money!

Du Lin fiddled with the pen inserted in the ink bottle, and then looked at Yiwen and said, "During this time, you should go to a more reliable etiquette company and learn the expressions and appearances of the rich people in high society, including dining, travel You have to learn things like communication. All expenses come to me for reimbursement with a receipt certificate. I will give you a month to complete the task? "

Yi Wen nodded hard. He didn't know what Du Lin needed him to do in the future, but he knew it was an opportunity, a chance to fly Huang Tengda. He doesn't care at all whether the things he does violate the law. Just playing a price-raising role has thousands of dollars in income, so how much income can Dolin do? He looks forward to it and believes that his income will never be less than this time.

After a lifetime of poverty, I finally have the opportunity to change my destiny. No one will give up this opportunity.

Yi Wen immediately stated, "Mr. Du Lin, please rest assured!"

At this time ~ ~ In another city, a slightly fat guy dropped more than 1,000 pieces of crafts on the ground and turned them into fragments. Yesterday he received a phone call from Irian. The crew he invested in and the actress he was going to make a hit with, entered the hospital because of a car accident. This is actually not enough to make him angry. As an upstart with a face and face, he doesn't care much about these losses, he only cares about his face.

It is often said that the more something is missing, the more sensitive it is. When he knew from his friends that Ilian City Hall and a local rich man were going to jointly launch his "first" tinted film, he realized that the accident was absolutely no coincidence.

It was hitting his face and letting others see his jokes, and he couldn't hold his breath.

As a mine owner, the protection team under his hands is not a kind person. He has also done many things that these people can't do through these people, making himself a head and face in the city. Now, he is going to take these people to find justice for himself, and let the "barbarians" of Irian know what happens when they offend a "gentleman"!

Moreover, he also intends to use this incident to let more people know his existence and his own power!

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