Cosma Empire

Chapter 254: Bewildered [1]

When you find that a fool often goes for shit, it means that he is not a fool, but you and others are stupid.

Du Lin fell behind the people, and Luke immediately realized that Du Lin might have something to say to him, so he slowed down, and the two core figures side by side.

"Now you should rest assured!", Du Lin patted the hardcover agreement with his signature. If you have any problems after this book, you can find help through legal channels. In many cases, the richer the more they like to litigate, in addition to showing their own fairness, it is also because the entire judicial system can always open up the rich.

Du Lin once saw in a dream a news that did not know where it came from. It is said that a woman sued a rich man and raped him. The rich lawyers told everyone that this was not rape, but an accident. In the process he described, the woman drank too much, and the rich also drank too much, and then the rich man's legs softly fell and he fell into a hole. As for why women are not wearing clothes and men are not wearing clothes, it may be because their place is too hot. Someone asked why some DNA traces were left, so the doctor took out a certificate of premature **** from the rich, proving that he only needed to complete one reciprocating exercise ...

The rich finally won, and the girl was jailed for extortion.

Look, this is the triumph of justice, the triumph of freedom, and once again proves that only you can't do it, nothing I can't imagine.

Formal documents have strong legal benefits. Luke nodded with a smile. The six million is worth it. His head may appear in morning newspapers in many places tomorrow morning. And this time he appeared in the news definitely not because he stayed at a hotel with a certain actress or spent a lot of money somewhere. Standing alongside him will be the prominent name of the George family, and this also means that he has the right to have an equal dialogue with the George family. This is an increase in status and an increase in reputation.

When he was in a good mood, Luke was not at all arrogant and unreasonable when he was in the west. The papers in his hand were packed in a pure steel suitcase, and he was being arranged to send them back to the west. He would feel at ease only if he put it in his small kingdom. He didn't get angry at Du Lin's ridicule. Haha laughed and said, "I have heard people say that communication is a very important part of social interaction. I feel so, because we were able to sit down and talk, which led to today's cooperation. "

"What to do next, I listen to you!"

Du Lin distributed a cigarette to Luke, and the two smoked as they walked. "We don't have much time. Once the George family negotiating team comes to Ilion, it means we need to take out our pockets. Come. Before they come, we must expand the resources in our hands as soon as possible, you need to figure this out. The more things we have in our hands, the louder the voice will be when negotiating with the George family, you will be yours , I do mine, but come according to the standards I give you. "

Luke kept nodding and didn't say a word. He knew what Dulin was saying was correct, and he understood the truth. It's like he participated in a gambling game that can only use cash. Once everyone sits down and starts to deal, you say that there are millions and tens of millions in your mine. It's meaningless, because what everyone needs now is only your hands. In cash.

Then Du Lin intentionally clicked another character, Juan.

Juan was not present at the signing ceremony, and Du Lin invited him. He didn't come to Du Lin and he knew exactly what it was. It was just that Juan felt that he had found foreign aid to suppress him. How could he appear in front of Du Lin if he did not pull back a game? Although he didn't come, what should be said is to say.

"We are partners now, which means we have a common enemy ..."

Luke immediately took Du Lin's words, "Juan?"

Du Lin pointed to him, "You're right, Juan."

"Actually, there wasn't anything about Juan in this plan that was the first to work with the George family, but when I talked to him about the plan in this regard, it was unbelievable that he actually crossed his hands. I was stuffed into my plan and I had to take him with me. This is not my original intention. Luke is different from you. You just want to cooperate with me, but Juan got in my plan. I kicked out and he took the opportunity alone. "

"He is a despicable villain. Everyone has been fooled by him, including me!" Du Lin's tone was a little outrageous, and he had no other sense of regret. "He knew that we had cooperated together, definitely Will try every means to undermine our cooperation, or even find other people to finance, overwhelming us in quantity. You must be mentally prepared, if you think I am not the best partner, you can always ask me for bulk cargo , I will not refuse. "

Luke's expression also became serious. He waved his hand and sneered, "I can't do such a shameless thing, Du Lin, please be sure to believe that I will always be on your side anyway! "It's true what he said, but what he really thought was only he knew.

"You have to be ready, Juan may do anything at any time!", Du Lin finally asked with a serious word, Luke nodded in response, Du Lin patted Luke's arm, "I'm going to entertain the guests!"

After watching Du Lin leave, Luke lost half of the cigarette in his hand, took a small iron bucket with a thick thumb, unscrewed the lid and poured out most of the land. He took a breath. The sweet smell of mycelium burned him a bit. His brain was sober. He knew that what Du Lin had just said to him was true, but at the same time Du Lin also exposed a weakness of his own. That is, he is not as "strong" as people think.

Some people think that Du Lin can compete with Juan head-on. Although they don't admit it, everyone can see that the titanic smell of gunpowder points to the fact that the two have parted ways just after passing the "honeymoon period". They have always believed that the relatively mysterious Doolin will not have less wealth than Juan's wealth, and maybe Juan will lose in this competition.

But through Du Lin's instructions just now, Luke realized that he could do well with Du Lin so smoothly. Du Lin was even willing to give up the very important position and honor of the "founder". All of them explained that he had treated him. The importance of the six million, or the importance of these six million to Du Lin! To put it simply, Du Lin has no money!

Luke applauded his judgment. He also firmly believed in his judgment. Luke, who thought he had seen through the "deepness" of Doolin, began to think about another problem just as the rumor had resolved that his companion had helped him.

Juan can kick Du Lin out and threaten Du Lin's plan. Does he have such a qualification? He didn't dare to think this way before because he hadn't got the "entry ticket" for this game. Just after they signed the agreement just now, the "entry ticket" for this game had been held tightly by him. .

He is a guy who still has animal wildness in his bones. He can call this wildness greed or desire. He doesn't want to share the benefits he can get by himself, watching the crowd communicate with smiles. For Doolin, Luke thought he might actually try it.

If it is done, you can't blame him for this matter. If you blame it, blame Du Lin himself. He has exposed too many things that should not be exposed. He has to force himself to swallow all the benefits. If it can't be done, now Du Lin who is nervous at hand will not take himself!

If Luke is highly educated, he must be a qualified capitalist, greedy enough, and ambitious. The most important thing is that he does not recognize his six relatives and uses whatever means to pursue his interests. His biggest flaw was not having a complete education, so he was a little worse, just a little worse.

Du Lin inadvertently looked at Luke. He raised his wine glass and smiled, and Luke returned a kind smile.

Dulin's meaningful smile is probably not understandable by Luke. This is actually a good thing. At least he will never blame anyone. No matter what he chooses, the person who made the first step is himself.

After the news spread, it attracted a lot of people's attention. The broken things between Du Lin and Juan were enough to attract people. Now the introduction of a third party has led to more people wanting to chat with Du Lin. sentence.

For example, the host here ~ ~ Alexandria.

Shaking hands with Alexander was a bit of a hassle, because his stomach was too big, not only simple but big, but also sharp. If you want to shake hands with him, either you have a long hand or you need to take a breath and **** your stomach in, otherwise you may very impolitely touch his big, pointed belly. When Doolin shook hands with Alexander, he didn't know how to think of a strange thing. With Alexander's body size, how did he reproduce his offspring?

"Hello, I have always wanted to talk to you but I always have no time." The two went aside, and the others also took the initiative to keep a distance and did not come together. Alexander and Dulin touched the glass and took a sip of wine. "Do you think it's too late for me to join?"

This sentence was a bit clueless. Du Lin's mind flashed to know what he meant, and this was what other people thought.

Since Luke can get a ticket with a partner, why can't these local rich people also get a ticket?

It is nothing more than an investment, and an investment with predictable returns. Some people always have a little money in their hands and do not know where to use it. This is also an opportunity for them.

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