Cosma Empire

Chapter 255: Gao Lun [two]

All the capitalists and the capital in their hands are like sharks swimming under the sea. The chance of getting rich again and again is the minced meat mixed with blood, even if separated by 10,000 meters, as long as they smell a little **** smell of these sharks. Will quickly rush to compete for every trace of flesh, even the **** water will not let go!

Luke made a good start for everyone. When Dulin and Juan said they would cooperate with the George family, the rich men of Ilian laughed and became jealous. The biggest desire of any capital trapped in a region is to go out, rather than continue to grow locally. The George family is a good opportunity, not only because the George family has a very prominent position in the empire, but more importantly, they have a wide range of tentacles.

It is very likely that catching a ride will spread your industry to all corners of the empire with this cooperation. As long as you can sink and calm down, ten or twenty years later, it may not be the birth of another trust.

Before that, they had no excuse to intervene in this opportunity. Although the capitalists "do no evil", they will still abide by the established rules, such as not touching the cake of others as much as possible. People hate spoilers. If you don't want your own business to get involved, the best way is not to get involved in other people's business.

Now, they have a chance, and they can ask it outright.

So when Alexander raised this question, Doolin was not surprised at all. He was quiet for a moment and shook his head. "So let's say, Mr. Alexander ..." At the strong request of Alexander, Doolin removed some unfamiliar gentlemen. Words, "Alexandria, my friend, have you considered not, instead of rushing into a field you don't understand, why not continue to develop in an area you are already familiar with?"

Alexander froze. He spread his hands as if he had taken the hotel into his arms. "Do you mean the hotel industry?" Du Lin nodded, and Alexander frowned and shook his head. "No I want to refute your opinion, you may not know the hotel industry. The hotel industry is still in the "winter break" throughout the empire. Except for some cities on the East Coast, the development rate of the hotel industry in the Mainland It's extremely slow, and I've also inspected it, but there is nothing worthy of my attention. "

With regard to Alexander's view, Du Lin held an objection, "I came from a small place, and some people even laughed at me as a fellow, but because I came from a small place, I understand the changes of this empire better. Do you know why the Georges suddenly set out in the entertainment industry? "

Du Lin raised a very immediate question, which made Alexander shake his head, and the ghost knew how the giant of the George family would want to do it.

"Because they also saw the revival of the empire!", Doolin's voice was firm and unquestionable. "There was no movie theater in the small place I've been to before, but there is a theater, and people like to spend there. The theater was originally It will only be open every Saturday night, and about five stage shows will be performed. If you want to continue watching, you will have to wait until the next week. But when I leave, the theater will perform three times a week, basically every other day. Once, do you know what this means? "

Without waiting for Alexander to answer, Durin affirmed with a very powerful voice: "This means that the economy is recovering, and people have more money in their hands, so after the necessary conditions for their material needs have been reached, they start to consider How to make yourself happy with the remaining money. Consumption, travel, and entertainment are the best means. "

"I have only been here for six months, and I don't know much about it. Alexander, do you think about it, the passenger flow and your income have changed a lot ten years ago, five years ago, and now?", Alexander Falling into contemplation, he never thought about this problem carefully, but only felt that the business of the hotel in the past two years was not bad, and did not think deeper about the changes behind this.

Du Lin waited for a while, and when drinking and moistening his throat, he found that there were already some people standing around him. They smiled sincerely, and silently listened to Du Lin's "high opinion" in the back. Du Lin didn't say anything about this, but raised a toast to them.

It took a while for Alexander to recover from his thinking, and he nodded with a bitter smile, "If it wasn't for your straightforwardness, I might not have noticed this for a long time in the future. Yes, from the beginning He can barely make a profit and now he is making a profit every day. There has been a huge change! "He laughed first, and patted his stomach," It wasn't that big 10 years ago! "

People around laughed out in good faith. In such social situations, self-deprecation and humor are the most powerful weapons to pull in a relationship. Du Lin continued to say, "The economy is recovering, and people are beginning to use the extra money in their pockets. To meet their spiritual needs, entertainment, religion, education, tourism, etc. are all their choices. Based on this, the George family, who is in the capital and has the mouthpiece of the empire, has a huge information channel. The empire sends out daily information. They knew what was happening and what was about to happen. So they realized that the industry, which was considered frozen in the past, was quietly recovering, and they had such a plan. "

"If it weren't for me to have a specific industry to do now, maybe I would not reach into this industry. Maybe everyone thinks this is a very good opportunity for cooperation, but in my opinion this is actually a difficult game .Because no matter how well I do, it is impossible to do better than the Georges, and it is impossible to have more financial resources and connections than them. So no matter what I do, I will always be the passive one. "

"I never saw this as a cause that I dedicate all my efforts to, and I tried my best to run it. I just used it as a springboard. After I completed the cooperation, I had a higher level, after all, going out When I talk about business, I tell those guys that John is my friend more useful than waving money! "

People once again sent out a good laugh, and Du Lin described himself as very cowardly, just like the treacherous little businessmen on the street. This made them feel funny, and was also charmed by the personality charm shown by Du Lin. attract.

Young, talkative, humorous, educated, personable ... He is like a guy who came out of books, a darling of God, he also has a keen eye, and more importantly, he does not have those "genius prodigies" They have a lifelong attitude. This is a person who wants to communicate with him after you say a few words.

After the laughter ended, Alexander's mentality had changed. He asked in a consultative tone: "So what do you think I should do?"

There are already more than a dozen people around. These people are local wealthy people, and they are very concerned about this. It is difficult to figure out what the world will look like in this changing age. They have money in their hands, but they don't know how to spend the money, which makes it difficult for the rich of Irian to get out of this area.

"Continue to strengthen my industry and consider the layout in other places!" Du Lin took a sip while holding a wine glass. "I have been building cinemas in other places recently, so I know a little about these things. Many places are very big People ’s development potential, but people ca n’t see it. The land there is cheap, the prices are cheap there, and the labor is cheap there. A penny is not even willing to bend over to pick it up, but the beggars are there for a penny. Break your head. "

"It's the most reliable way to go out and set up your own business before people realize that the great changes of the times have come.

Someone couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Durin, what do you think of speculation? It is well known that both Old Froth and Mr. Luke started from speculation and became rich quickly, then we are Can't you try to speculate? "

This is a consultation. The real consultation is not difficult.

This means that Du Lin's words have made them realize Du Lin's eyes, affirmed his thoughts, and hoped that he could get something valuable from them.

Du Lin shook his head with a smile and said, "I don't approve of any speculation ~ ~ This is like gambling, the final result of gambling. This is how the name of the farm tycoon in our next state came! People laughed again. Everyone knows that the couple, like Old Fowles, have put all their net worth on the development of the city. It was only that Fowlers was right, and they were wrong. They have changed from rich to farmer, and this is perhaps the biggest joke.

Du Lin raised his hand, and the laughter of people stopped, "I think that gambling investment behavior is speculation, but investment without gambling nature and not taking too much risk is normal business behavior. Empire's economy The beginning of recovery means that in the next two decades, the real economy will have a period of rapid development, and I personally prefer to carry out industrial layout in the physical aspect, rather than gamble. "

The man who raised the question showed a thoughtful look, and he raised a glass of toast to Dulin, whether or not Dulin's guess could be realized, at least he was right.

Businessmen can invest, and only lunatics can speculate!

Du Lin jokingly said, "Alexandria, if you are not assured, it is better for us to invest in the hotel industry. I am also very interested in this!"

Facing Du Lin's invitation, Alexander suddenly didn't know how to answer.

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