Cosma Empire

Chapter 287: Amazing discovery [3] as "King King" plus [1] ...

Anpu didn't know why he wanted to laugh. He pursed his mouth, closed his eyes, raised his eyebrows, and shook his head with a smile. "Sorry, Clark, our opponent is smarter than we thought. This road won't work!"

If anything else, Amp said no, Clark would definitely agree with his ideas and suggestions, but this time it is different. Clark himself is in the financial sector. He is also very clear about the relevant laws of the bank. The "funds exchange" clause is sufficient to prove that Dulin and Luke are related. Luke, as one of the suspects in this case, Du Lin is obliged to accept the subpoena, which is an obligation given to him by the law and the power of the investigation team.

Amp did not wait for Clark to raise his hand and stopped him, "I know you want to use 'funds exchange' to prove that there is a clear relationship between the two, but do you know? See Lu five days ago From that day on, I thought about using this method to summon Du Lin, but I went to the bank to check it and found that it couldn't be done at all. And this is one of the reasons I think Du Lin has some suspicions. "

"According to Luke, the six million cash in his hands should be transferred to Du Lin and he partnered with Du Lin to become a shareholder of Oriental Star Entertainment. However, it was later unknown why Du Lin cancelled the idea and replaced it with He came to set up the company and turned himself into a shareholder. My initial opinion was that these six million people looked like they had returned to Luke's account after a round of Doolin's account. In fact, he was in the process. Got it. "

"But that's not the case!", Amp pinched his knuckles, and his eyes glowed with a luster full of interest. "This money from Luke has nothing to do with Dulin, this money goes directly into An anonymous funds account, and then six million of this account went to DreamWorks' corporate account, which was the funds announced in the second suspension. "

"Then the anonymous fund account gave Luke another six million. In Luke's view, the money went to Du Lin's account and then returned to his account because of a company problem, but in fact all this was the same. Du Lin has no penny relationship. DreamWorks money was diverted to hundreds of accounts after returning to this anonymous funds account, and then went to an anonymous funds account of the Commonwealth Bank. "

"As for where this money is now, we don't know. With the information returned by the Federal Bank, this money has been continuously hedged through thousands of accounts, and finally disappeared through consumption and cash withdrawal."

Clark opened his mouth slightly, and his eyes were a bit awkward. He woke up for a long time, and then asked, "This completely shows that Dulin is related to this matter, and we can apply to summon him."

Amp shook his head again, which made Clark a little angry. He frowned and asked, "Why?"

Anp unconsciously drew something on the paper while drawing, while drawing doubts for Clark. "First, Luke and Juan acknowledged in their confession that they had only contradictions with Dulin, and further that they were in Business betrayed Dulin and drove him out of his business. Their testimony against Dulin had no legal effect unless someone who was not related to them could prove that Dulin had given Luke an account, and Asking Luke to transfer the money in is the only way to prove that Dulin may have something to do with this. "

"Second, reasoning and guessing have no legal significance. It is impossible for a judge to rely on our reasoning and emotional judgment to think that Dulin is involved in this matter. Especially, Dulin is a big rich man, and the judge will be more careful. "

"Third point ... In the absence of other witnesses and physical evidence, as long as Du Lin infers that this is framed and slandered, we not only ca n’t take him, we may even be trained."

"And this is what Du Lin is clever about. He has no direct or indirect contact with all lines of evidence. When Du Lin gave Luke an account, only Luke and his assistant were there. His assistant did not know the bank account number. And at the same time, he does not have the right to testify for Luke, which means that as long as Du Lin insists that he knows nothing, he is enough to escape without charge. "

"If he is really a participant in this case, he will definitely do something we don't know to alleviate his suspicion. In the end, we get nothing, and he is launching a public opinion offensive, enough to make the big men above us right. We lose confidence and patience. They will kill Hodok, you will lose your job, and I will carry the first stain on my back, so let's not deal with him for the time being. "

"Make him feel like he still has it all, and when we find enough clues, take him down!"

An Pu put down the pen in his hand, a gorilla's head leaped on the paper, Clark left with a black face, An Pu smiled and packed the things, he felt that he should meet with Du Lin, go alone, and go quietly. He is very interested in Du Lin. Based on his many years of experience in solving cases, Du Lin is likely to be the main person involved in the case. Such a smart "bad guy" is very rare. He wants to see Du Lin and face to face. Looking at what this guy is like, he may find some other clues in it.

The case was deadlocked here, and customs had provided clues, and Joshua left the empire and went to the Federation. They asked for federal assistance, but the news returned was that Joshua died of a "fall," and his head hit the bathtub, then he lost consciousness in the bathtub and was drowned alive. And over there, the manufacturer of the bathtub was brought to court, and it is said that other things have been extended.

And those of Joshua couldn't ask anything useful at all, they only knew that they were operating a very promising stock, the constant inflow of funds and the increasing number of public accounts gave them confidence. . Even two of them were arrested at the police station, because Joshua had not appeared for a long time, which made them think that the boss had an accident, so they went to the police.

This group of people have not heard of any information about the investors behind them. They don't even know Hodok, but they need to be responsible for this fraud, which is one of the "cakes" left by the mastermind.

See, the main culprit is Hodok and Joshua. These young people or middle-aged people are obedient. The complete team is enough to shut up society and public opinion, and even make them sing praises.

As for where the money went, that's another issue, one day I can catch it!

Amp suddenly thought that if Du Lin had something to do with this, perhaps there would be some omen for the flow of funds in his bank. Through these signs, new clues may be found. Thinking of here, he immediately packed things in a briefcase, and then went to the Imperial Central Bank across the road under the protection of two soldiers. In the bank, he asked to check all the accounts related to Du Lin. In the end, he was surprised to find that Du Lin had only one account, and the flow of this account was very healthy, and he could not see any problems.

Every month, a profit is remitted to this account on time, and other amounts will disappear, and there has been no change from half a year ago to now.

"Can you see the account information of these funds?" Unable to help, Anpu thought of a stupid method, but after all, the stupid method was a stupid method, and all the fund transactions were not abnormal. What made him feel the most headache was that the account was created only six months ago, and it seemed as if Du Lin hadn't had it at all six months ago ...

What he thought of, the whole man was a little crazy walking around in the staff's weird eyes, muttered some incomprehensible words and sounds in his mouth, and after a while, his movements suddenly stopped. There was a flash of light in my head.

He ran back to the staff member in excitement, with a terrible luster in his eyes. "Check, check when the jewelry company account was processed!"

The staff patiently summoned several colleagues. At this time, there was no information office. All the information was recorded on paper. Several of them ran into the archive room like a warehouse and searched for a while. Out of a portfolio, "This jewelry company's creation date for the public account ... one day before the date of the Durin account!"

An Pu punched on the table, and the whole person was excited. "Yes, that's right, that's it. I'm checking the account information of other shareholders of this jewellery company, it's bothering you." Very embarrassing, but at this point he had caught a vein. He took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, and twenty dollars into the pocket of the bank staff ~ ~ and helped him pat the dust on his elbow.

At first, some unhappy staff members had a much better attitude and a smile on their faces. Soon they found out what An Pu wanted. An Pu won the treasure and opened these things one by one, and soon the excitement on his face gradually disappeared. In addition to Du Lin, the jewellery store had two shareholders, one for light and one for dark. The three shareholders accounted for the longest. One has been in existence for eleven years, and the shortest is more than three years.

The flow of these accounts is normal, and there is nothing wrong with it, which puts Anpu into an unsolvable cycle.

He already had a faint speculation that Du Lin is likely to be one of the protagonists of the Tener gold robbery, but the problem is that he still has no evidence to prove it. In fact, he can tell the matter to the Imperial Bank that the strength of the Imperial Bank is enough for Du Lin to accept their inspection and inquiry. Note that it is inspection and inquiry, not search and interrogation. Once the Imperial Bank can't find evidence from it that Durin can be thrown into prison.

It will be him who is unlucky.

This guy……!

Suddenly Amp's fierce roots began to itch!

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