Cosma Empire

Chapter 288: breakthrough! [Four] for the "King King" plus the second [two] more

Anpu always believes that there is no "perfect crime" in this world, and any crime process will inevitably leave a little trace of crime. The reason why many criminals are impunity is not the incompetence of the law, but that the investigators cannot find these clues. Since graduating, Anpu doesn't think he will be an incompetent person, but this time he has to admit that the honor in the past is not because of how great he is, but because he has not met his real opponent.

In addition to Kevin's shameless lawyer, Amp has a second opponent, this guy durin.

Judging from these accounts, most of the profits of the jewellery company were divided by the other three shareholders. Du Lin only occupied a small part, but Anpu believed that the money in these accounts would eventually fall into Du Lin's pocket. Just don't know how he accomplishes this.

At the same time, Du Lin also taught Anpu a valuable lesson.

For the past six months, the Empire State Bank and the Police Investigation Bureau have gone crazy looking for the batch of gold throughout the empire. Thirty million gold is not a gold ring. You can find it anywhere you want to sell it. Even if so much gold flows into the underground money laundering channels, it will definitely reveal golden flaws. But they went through almost the entire empire and did not find the batch of gold, so that the Imperial Bank and the Police Investigation Bureau believed that the batch of gold was still hiding somewhere and did not cash out.

But how can they think that this batch of gold has not only turned into money, but also placed on the most prosperous street in the tourist area in the brightest, the best jewellery store in the city mouth is open for sale? It is impossible for anyone to think that those duolins legalized the gold for him through those travelers, which made Anp feel funny that Dulin also paid a considerable business tax for this, and then the Imperial Taxation Office and the Imperial Bank The stolen money was stamped with a legitimate seal.

The absurd is like the same comedy. What is even more funny is that even if I have guessed most things, I can't say it because there is no evidence. Du Lin may have figured this out. Once the gold in his hand is released, he will shape himself into a celebrity in the high society. Moving it without conclusive evidence will cause the roar of capital forces, so Anpu what I know everything, but I can't say anything.

"Can I take this information away? I will print it and send the original back." An Pu shook his head and pointed at those documents. The bank employee had no reason to object. He took out a form and asked An He signed the specific list and usefulness of these documents and signed him personally before letting him leave.

Back in the office, he turned the data over and researched it several times. Each amount was marked with pens of different colors. He carefully studied all the capital flows, but he could not find any unreasonable. Somewhere, maybe Du Lin has other anonymous accounts. What Anpu hates most is the Empire Central Bank. Anyone can go to them to register a bank account. No documents are needed for the record, even a child.

This has caused great difficulties in the detection of many cases. The Minister of Finance of the Cabinet also interviewed several directors on the board of directors of the Imperial Bank, but in the end everyone broke up. Except for a few people who require the imperial central bank to file basic information, the vast majority of people are opposed, especially those of the nobles and members of the old party. The only access credentials for anonymous funds accounts are tokens or passwords, which is too convenient for them.

Even within the New Party, some people do not think it is necessary to make a change. Everyone has a little "private money" to let everyone decently serve. Isn't decent retirement good? Do you have to tear your face to be satisfied?

The imperial central bank is even less likely to agree that it is not that they are unwilling to assist the ruling party in doing this work, but that they have been abducted by those anonymous accounts. It is conceivable that once they announced that they would record the basic information of all anonymous accounts, the funds in these anonymous funds accounts would definitely escape. This is not a matter of millions or tens of millions, it may involve big problems of billions or even tens of billions!

Without these people and their anonymous money, it would not take a week for the Empire State Bank, the largest economy in the empire, to declare bankruptcy. The appearance of the run-on tide means that they do not have enough cash to pay for these escaped funds. They are finished in an instant, and there is no chance of recovery and regret.

An Pu sighed and gathered up all the documents. He couldn't find any problems from the perfect flow of funds in the account. Just as he packed the documents, a piece of paper showed a corner, which was the name of a shareholder . When he reached out to press the document into it, when his fingers touched the paper, it seemed as if a lightning bolt had struck him.

He immediately called and called the director of the Irian Police Department, and informed him of his current position and name. He asked to see the information of the three Irian citizens. It takes time. After hanging up the phone, he waited for this information in anxiety, constantly turning his eyes to the phone, and even hearing it several times. It wasn't until half an hour before the phone ringed. He couldn't wait to answer the call, his heart beating fiercely.

"Leader Amp, from the information you asked us to find, we did not find the information of these three people. Are you sure they are residents of Ilion?"

An Pu smiled again on his face, "I'm very sorry to interrupt your work. This may be a misunderstanding caused by the mistakes of our staff. I will investigate it and make a reply. In short, thank you for your help, thank you."

After a few words from the two, An Pu took the coat and left the office. He went straight to the first floor and got into a military vehicle. He gasped slightly, "Go to the Chamber of Commerce!"

Yes, he is going to the Chamber of Commerce. If the other three shareholders of this jewelry company are not from Ilian, then it is possible that all three accounts are "pseudo-anonymous" accounts. To put it simply, there are many channels for money laundering in the Empire underground world. . These channels have a large number of bank accounts that appear to be real names. While carrying out money laundering activities through these accounts, they keep some high-quality accounts in their hands, and then sell them at high prices to make a profit.

Many people who are engaged in gray or illegal businesses need such an account, and they will put their money into these accounts that they do not touch at all. If something goes wrong, no one can find out what these "real" accounts have to do with them. This is their final protection against their wealth.

There is no doubt that Du Lin's three "partners" were most likely "buyed" by him. If these people don't exist in reality, who registered this jewelry company? Registering a company is not the same as depositing with the Imperial Bank of China. A living person must bring their basic information to register with the company. If it proves that the other three do not exist, it is sufficient to prove that Doolin owns the jewelry company alone.

At the same time, by investigating the registration information of the jewellery company, finding the account that may have abnormal fund flow is enough to get the most critical evidence to nail Du Lin to this case!

No sly prey could escape the capture of a good hunter. An Pu took a sigh of relief and prayed at the same time. Be sure to get this key evidence!

The building of the Chamber of Commerce is also one of the landmarks in the capital. The Founder is a huge cube. It is said that this design is to make people feel heavy and oppressive. Standing outside the Chamber of Commerce and looking up can give people a small feeling, and this is what the members of the Chamber of Commerce hope.

An ordinary reported his position and name, requested access to Ilian's original files, and a soldier with a gun guarding An Pu was more convincing than any explanation. Immediately, a senior executive from the Chamber of Commerce appeared and took Amp to a room to wait for the news.

The senior management sat with Amp for a while, and left after the items were delivered. He did not ask Amp what these things had to do with the 70 million big case. By his level, he had understood that there were some things he could not know. of.

Anpu flipped through the pages of documents quickly, and hit the table with a final punch, and he found it.

A man called Tux, a native of Irian, has very basic information, and this is the breakthrough point. But when Anpu felt a burst of excitement, he calmed down quickly. If he had followed the trail behind Du Lin before running ~ ~ and found that Du Lin did all the evidence perfectly, Will he let go of this clue? Will he also handle this thread perfectly?


An Pu's original relaxed mentality disappeared. After thinking for a while, he returned to the headquarters of the Empire Central Bank, took out the basic information of this person called Tux, and asked to consult. Soon Tuck's account information came out. This person had two accounts under his name. Every month, a considerable amount of money was transferred from his account, and his account was only a few hundred dollars. An Pu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to ask the staff to find out all the account information of these transfer accounts.

He had a hunch that he might have touched Du Lin's tail!

This was an absolute breakthrough. He waved his fist a bit, and the next workload was relatively heavy. At this time, he realized that he had not eaten at noon, and his stomach had already begun to protest. After explaining to the bank staff, he ran to the small shop on the side of the road and asked for some bread and patties, and also a piece of juice.

I hope that after eating, filling my stomach, I will have a new breakthrough when I go back!

He's amused, hope it!

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