Cosma Empire

Chapter 31: Who to spare?

Early in the morning, when the newspaper boy threw the newspaper outside the door at 117 Queen's Road, the door opened a seam, and a black hand with too much body hair appeared out of the seam and grabbed the newspaper to retract it. Closed the door while going. The newspaper was placed on a somewhat dated table after the man passed the corridor and a door. There was also a layer of dark putty on the bottom of the edge of the table, exuding a strange smell.

About ten minutes later, a young teenager walked into the restaurant. He sat on a chair by the dining table and picked up the newspaper rolled into a stick. The first page of the newspaper was printed in black and bold. Reported the most eye-catching thing in Tenerife yesterday.

The Death of the Demon

Very frightening title, if you do n’t know, thought it must be a movie or a novel, not a newspaper. Du Lin nodded with satisfaction. The newspaper was very accurate. After saying thank you, he looked back from Dufo and took a warm milk and took a breath. The untreated and skimmed milk is heated to evaporate some of the water, and after condensing a little, the mellow taste is fascinating.

His eyes began to read line by line.

"A homicide occurred in this city late last night, but it is unpredictable that the deceased is the real 'murderer', and the murderer is the victim. The reporter followed up and interviewed the police to find out this. The truth about the murder. Morris, known as a gang member Morris, died in a hotel room. Before he died, he also brutally violated a schoolgirl ... "

The whole report centered on the death of Morris and collected materials, including the information of the girl named Nasha was pulled out. She's not Tenell, she just goes to school here. Her home was in the Empire's capital, her father was in business, her mother was ill, and unattended Nasha was sent to the countryside of Tener. If Morris' soul hadn't dissipated when reading this, maybe he would sigh, this is a cycle.

In short, Nasha killed and Morris died.

More importantly, the scene of the omnipresent murder was nothing like Nasha's initiative in revealing in the newspaper, she didn't remember anything. Tenell City Prosecutor Domir also briefly discussed the homicide in the second edition of the newspaper. In his opinion, Nasha apparently hid something because of the evidence collected from the murder scene and the scene. Judging from the situation, there should be three people in the room, not two.

Moreover, Prosecutor Domir also said that even if it is stimulated trauma, it is impossible for a person to completely lose the memory for a period of time. At the same time, it is not like a girl who has just been raped in the way of Morris' death. Can do it.

So Prosecutor Domir believed that Nasha had lied about it, she concealed the most critical evidence, and thought it might be a premeditated murder.

Dulin casually threw the newspaper on the table, and he had to admire Kevin. The name of a lawyer was not arrogant. He knew exactly how Prosecutor Domir would react and thought. No wonder there was no case in which he could not win in Tener City.

杜 At the time when Kevin said his plan, Du Lin still felt there was a certain risk, but from this point of view, this guy should be a monster.

Of course, a thousand dollars are spent for peace of mind. The next thing depends on Kevin himself. If he fails, his whole life will be all over, which is why Du Lin is at ease.

Looking at the time, it was almost eight o'clock. According to the plan, 30,000 bottles of wine now belonged to the station's temporary warehouse. According to his agreement with the suppliers, he needed to pay down the deposit first, and more than 2,000 yuan bottomed out in an instant. There are not many complaints about the three major suppliers who only give 10% of the deposit. After all, they asked Doolin to buy their things. Even if they sold half to half, they would not say anything.

Moreover, it is normal to just pay a deposit for such a large supply.

In this way, 30,000 bottles of wine entered the station's temporary warehouse silently. Perhaps Du Lin ten days ago had not thought that it would take just half a month to make the business so large.

That's a sale of 100,000 yuan!

"Yes, do it well, lift it up a little more ... Okay, don't move!", Under the direction of Du Lin, the teenagers lifted up the parts of the large still and installed them one by one. They don't necessarily know what these things are, they don't need to know what they are, as long as they know that this thing is good.

仓库 The warehouse was quickly built under the Golden Bullet Offensive. Such a warehouse does not need any luxurious and high-end decoration. It only requires no rain and no wind. A foot of floor is enough. This simple requirement is quickly covered by everyone's concerted efforts. After assembling these stills, you can pull in the low-grade wine in batches and distill it into high-grade wine for sale.

Countless amounts of money were right in front of him, making Du Lin full of energy.

After bringing the teenagers of the township association to assemble two stills, Du Fu, who had been watching outside the door, walked in. He went to Du Lin's ear and whispered two words, and Du Lin wiped with a towel. After cleaning the dust on my hands, I ordered everyone to assemble the other stills according to the two assembly methods just now ~ ~, and then left the warehouse after turning around.

As they walked, both Buddhas said, "Our people went to the passenger station to check the whereabouts of the Hu En family, and after they got there, they caught them. They have just returned, and now they are on the tenth.", He The tenth is the last warehouse, which was built yesterday and has not been painted.

Du Lin nodded, said something well done, and didn't talk along the way.

At first he gave Hu En 1,800 yuan because he still had compassion in his heart. After all, he felt that there should be a little bottom line and kindness in his heart. He can wait until Hu En is completely desperate before buying this ranch. Not only does it need 1,800 yuan, but he does not need to pay another 1,000 yuan for consulting fees. His idea at that time was very simple, one thousand eight hundred yuan, plus there should be a few valuable things in his home, it should not be difficult to put together two hundred yuan, so there are two thousand yuan.

With two thousand yuan, whether it is to borrow it from relatives or friends, ten yuan for one person and twenty yuan, and two hundred yuan is not impossible. He left the family a trail and gave them their last hope, because he was not the person in his dream and could not be completely resolute and decisive at once. But he never thought that it was precisely because of his kindness that he had caused him so much trouble.

So when I saw this family again, Du Lin's psychological dynamics were very complicated, and it was hardly a feeling. A little embarrassed, a little bit hated, and a little dazed.

He pushed open the door of the warehouse, and a peculiar smell of wood emanated from the warehouse. The bright light slowly shone into the warehouse, and Du Lin saw the Huen family tied together. He turned his back to the sun, hiding his entire face in the shadows, and no one in the warehouse could see the expression on his face.

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