Cosma Empire

Chapter 32: Fish pond

Du Lin walked into the dark world of the warehouse from the sun, and now the Hu En family finally saw who was coming in. Hu En was obviously relieved, and his wife and daughter seemed to relax.

The script is wrong?

In fact, the script was very correct. When Hu En just returned to the shabby little house in his hometown, a group of teenagers rushed up like wolf-like tigers. They held sharp knives in their hands, subdued them and tied their hands and feet, and gave them sets A black balaclava. The moment the black opaque hood fell down to cover his vision, he thought of the past, the present, and the future, because he thought he might not live long.

Hu En is relatively old and experienced, and he knows that only two people use these black opaque hoods. The first is the bailiff, who will wear such a hood for the prisoner, wear heavy fetters, hang a noose around their neck, and finally push the handle. It is said that before death, people can still hear the sound of their neck fracture, and then slowly enter the death.

Another kind of person is a gangster. When a gang puts a black hood on someone's head, it means that the person was sentenced to death.

Officials use black hoods for prisoners because it is said in the Lord's Scripture that when a person dies, his soul will be attached to the last person to see and leave him with strong hatred. Being possessed by such evil spirits not only makes the body sick, but also brings bad luck. Therefore, when the death penalty is officially executed, hoods are worn for the prisoners so that they cannot entangle an innocent person as a fool.

The gang used black balaclavas in order to make the opponents die more shame and disgrace. Gang members pay more attention to personal reputation and glory than people think. Any disgraceful death method is a great humiliation to the gang members. It is obviously also very dishonourable to bring a black wig like this, "You don't even know who killed you."

So Hoon thinks that this group of teenagers should be Morris's men. They came to arrest themselves and were also instructed by Morris.

Du Lin smiled and shook his head. Maybe this is the gap between people? !! If the person who appeared now was Morris, Hoon should shed tears and confess his wrongdoing, and begged Morris for forgiveness, because he knew that Morris would probably do something to him and his family. But what happened was that when he was durin, Hu En was relieved. Is it because he thought durin was a good person?

Or a good person?

Du Lin squatted down and lit a cigarette for himself. He has quickly learned to smoke since he came to the city, and in fact he has no smoking addiction. He smoked partly under the influence of Mr. Kesma, and partly under the influence of the guy in his dream.

The cigarette **** was ignited, emitting a dazzling flame of light. Du Lin took a sip and spit it out of his mouth after circulating through the lungs. He licked his slightly dry lips, "I don't like trouble.", Said He laughed and looked at the internal structure of No. 10 warehouse, and said, "From a very young age, I didn't like trouble. I didn't like to trouble others, and I didn't like others to trouble me. "

"Mr. Huhn, you're causing me a lot of trouble."

Hoon's mouth wriggled for a moment before he uttered an apology, "I don't want Mr. Dooling like this, but if I don't, Morris's won't let me leave, I can't lose my wife and my daughter For them, I can only deceive Morris a little. If Morris is bothering you, you can ask him to come to me. I still have 1,100 yuan here. I do n’t owe him much anymore. Find a relative to borrow some and return it to him! "

"No need!" Du Lin shook his head and said, "Morris has gone to **** to confess, and you are next."

While talking, Du Lin stood up and walked back and forth a few steps. "To be honest, I have a hard time believing that I would actually say such a thing, but I have lost a great deal of kindness Qian almost put me in danger, so ... ", Du Lin smiled apologetically," I'm sorry Mr. Hu En, as the chairman of the fellowship, as a less formal private wine merchant , I can only say sorry, my status, my identity does not allow me to have a second stupidity, if there is a chance, we will see you in heaven! "

Talking to Du Lin holding his cigarette **** on Hu's head, Hu En burst into a painful cry, and Du Linsong laughed after his hand. "Look, my good heart is in chaos again, you liars. But he won't go to heaven, then go to **** and wait for me! "After speaking, Du Lin turned and walked away, without the slightest stay because of Hu En's begging.

I walked out of the warehouse, Du Lin tilted his head, Dufo immediately came over, he left after a few words. There are so many things waiting for him, he can't waste too much time here.

It didn't take long for Dufo to let a few teenagers carry two wooden barrels. These barrels are used to hold wine. Each barrel can hold at least 75 gallons of wine, which is more than enough for people. Several people went into the warehouse with wooden barrels. Hu En looked at the boys and immediately begged, "Please, let me see Mr. Du Lin. I didn't lie to him. I really sold the ranch to After him, and even if it bothers me, it's Morris who's bothering me, not Mr. Durin. "

Du Fu lifted his foot and struck Hoon's face. "Morris? Morris first you go to **** to confuse with the demons. Since you want to explain so clearly, go to **** and Morris the dead ghost Say it. ", Saying he picked up a stick from the construction waste that hadn't had time to fall, and knocked **** Hoon's head. Hoon twitched and stunned.

Ba Dufo said, smiling, he touched the little girl's head, revealing a sunny smile. Coupled with being a Guarth, his three-dimensional features and his handsomeness made the little girl temporarily forget the fear.

"Are you afraid of the dark? It's okay, your mother will stay with you, as long as you endure it!", Saying that he looked at Hu En's wife again, "I'm sorry Madam, for whatever reason, I believe I ca n’t get your forgiveness. If your husband is going to hell, you will definitely go to heaven. "

Holding a stick behind the woman's head, she leaned forward and sat down. The little girl did not escape this, perhaps leaving the world in a coma was the last kindness that Du Lin left to them.

"Put him into this bucket, put them into the other, then back out and pour the mud to seal it and throw it into the Agate."

As the teenagers moved together, UU reading Hu En and his wife and daughter were put into two wine barrels, and then filled with a thick sticky mud and closed the lid. And rivets.

Perhaps no one will find that a liar is hidden in these two barrels.

桶 These two barrels were transported to the tributary of the Agate River outside the city after half a day of transportation. The swell of the Tongtong sank, and it was difficult to float the wooden bucket alone. Maybe after a long time, they will see the sun again, but this opportunity will not be available in a short time.

After processing this, all the Buddha returned to the ranch, and briefly described the course of the matter. Du Lin sat on the sofa of Hu En's house and waved his hand to let him leave. He couldn't help but drew a cigarette to light himself, his eyes staring forward without focus.

He didn't understand when he became so cruel, why could he decide the fate of the family in an understatement, and what made him take heart to take the lives of others? !! He recalled his past, dreaming of his dreams, and it was not until he took a sip of cigarettes that it burned to the bottom of his **** and burned to his hands, and then he took a flick of his body and flung out his butt.

Looking at the slowly rolling buttocks on the ground, he hummed twice, perhaps because he was unwilling that one day, like Hu En, he would be determined by others without his permission, so Is he so cruel?

It's not cruel!

这么 He told himself that this is to ensure his own life and to become strong in order to ensure his own interests.

It's not cruel ...

Is a powerful!

He breathed a sigh of relief, patted the soot on his thigh, held his head tall, pushed the door open, and welcomed the sun shining all over the world!

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