Cosma Empire

Chapter 310: New candidate 【二】

Jerez looked at the road to the farm, looking forward to the **** East to drive the truck quickly, but he did not notice that four cars were driving fast on the opposite road. Few such teams appear on Louis Street, after all, it's a suburb. The streets on the outskirts of the city still have names because a woman named Louis died here during the Patriotic War.

The war must be dead, but this lady named Louis is not the same as the ordinary sacrifice citizen. At the time, two injured Imperial soldiers were lying in her room, and she was treating them. The federal search team searched here, and some people reported that they saw the wounded on this street. When Ms. Louis's house was searched, she rejected the federal search because she was a female family member.

There will be no perfect ending to all similar stories. The woman was finally shot in public, and the two wounded soldiers did not escape the sacrifice. After the Patriotic War, in order to establish some typical examples, the empire named this street, which had no name, as Louis Street, to honor and remember these characters and their deeds that had illuminated people's hearts during the war.

No matter what the name of this street is, it is a remote place. There are no hordes of skilled women and no sweaty girls in the cold winter. They are constantly **** and sick girls. It is like the edge of all cities. Partly, poverty, no one paid attention.

The truck in the distance was already in outline, Jerez took a sigh of relief and was safe!

At this moment, there was a series of car driving sounds behind him. The moment the four cars drove together, Jerez's companion suddenly threw Jerez to the ground, and a piu box behind Jerez Shake it for a while and spray the broken newspaper pieces out. A gunshot alarmed the entire street, and few people on the road immediately ran into the houses, closed the door, closed the curtains, and waited silently for the gunfire to calm down.

The car was fast, Jerez rushed back into the house as they fought back, but even then four of their men fell back on the steps back to the house. The four cars were parked outside Gate 71. The people in the car did not get out of the car, and they kept pulling the trigger directly towards the house. The bullet easily penetrated these not-so-thick wooden walls, and the outer walls were punched with large holes and small eyes.

The approaching truck suddenly turned around and ran towards the city without turning back. At this time, the concept of "collective" and "honour" was absent from the minds of the exiles. To say that everything else is false, only to keep your own life is true.

A series of gunfire exploded, and sawdust fell on the exterior walls of the house, as if it were snowing. During the initial period, there were some counterattacks, and soon there was no counterattack. At this time, the talents on the car came down quickly, carefully approached the house, and surrounded the house.

Du Lin sat in another car parked across the road. He stared calmly at this battle with a serious gap in strength. Mengxi smiled scornfully. "Mr. Du Lin, these civilian armed forces are not our opponents at all, you There is absolutely no need to take risks to the scene, just find a place to wait for news. "Major Mengxi was very happy. He found three skilled girls yesterday to learn some techniques. Although the final kill was defeated, But the joy of the mind and the relaxation of the body made him smile a lot.

Not only him, but even the soldiers he brought out were the same. Not to mention finding a woman in the barracks, seeing a woman is enough to relax them for several days. Who would come up with a non-combat mission, and actually can go ashore to find some girls to relax, talk about ideals and life, and get to know each other in depth, it's so cool! And they also know that they can get such treatment, and all their expenses come from Mr. Du Lin, so today they also work extra hard.

There is a first time, there must be a second, right?

After a while, a soldier ran over and told Mengxi and Dulin in the car that they had found five bodies in the debris storehouse behind the house. Du Lin frowned, and immediately knew that his man had been killed. He was a little irritated, lit a cigarette, looked at the tentative offensive and counterattack houses, and said softly, "Burn the house, I'll take care of something."

Mengxi nodded and said, "Follow Mr. Durin."

The soldiers turned back immediately, and soon they collected some hay from the surroundings, piled them together, and the fire began to spread. The winter climate is already dry. There is still a distance from the seaside, and the Shanghai wind is constantly blowing, and wooden houses are very easy to catch fire. In just ten minutes, the fire began to spread towards the house. The billowing smoke spewed out of the window and rose into the sky, like a straight stick hitting the sky.

Jerez hid on the second floor, his eyes snotted with smoky eyes. He knew that if he didn't go out again, he might be killed alive. Anyway, he would die all the way. He took both pistols in his hand, took a deep breath, and made a sulking sound, jumping out of the window on the second floor.

He was hit with several shots before he landed, and gave up after struggling a few times after landing. Every time he gasped, his chest would make a crackling noise, and there was blood spray in his nostrils. His lung lobe was punctured, and he could only die if he couldn't get fast treatment. He was lying weakly on the ground, looking at the sky, and said that he would regret it. If he knew that the group of people behind Sebrai's stupid had the wealthy support, he said that he would not cooperate with Sebrai.

He felt that he had been pitted by Sebrei. This was an absolute disaster. Obviously, no one had offended him, but Sebrei came to the door and stuffed a thunderbag in his arms.

He wanted to see Sebry again, and asked if that **** thing was so fun.

Before he was dying, he tilted his head to the side and saw a young author in the car across the road. The young man's indifferent eyes touched his indifferent eyes and then moved away. He exhaled a weird smile and took a last breath.

For two minutes, all of Jerez's accomplices jumped out of the house. The fire in the house became more and more serious. There was really only one dead end before going out, but there might not be a living path when it came out. Successive rushing smuggling gang members fell one by one on the stairs outside the gate, and the gunfire completely subsided in less than a minute.

The sirens of the fire truck and the siren of the police car have been sounded in the distance. Five cars disappeared in the city soon, leaving only one body and a burning house.

Such a terrible case in the Montere area has affected the stability of the city, and tourists have already left early. The City Hall requested that the case be investigated immediately and resolved as soon as possible. Judging from the clues collected by the police at the place of the crime and the information of the deceased, they are more inclined to be a rally between smuggling gangs. Jerez's fame is still loud in Montere. The only thing that is not sure is that this guy offended. Whoever, or who wants to get rid of him, still has resentment for the territory and resources in his hands.

The pressure to solve the case has increased sharply, and more patrol police have appeared on the roads of the city, which can comfort the frightened tourists to some extent. Several rich people in the city even offered a reward of 10,000 yuan. If someone can assist the police in solving the case, then 10,000 yuan in bonuses can be taken away. More and more cluttered information emerged in a brain, but slowed down the pace of handling cases.

Under such circumstances, Doolin appeared in the slum of Monter and was walking brightly on the road.

A more prestigious Guart woman in the slums accompanied Du Lin. This woman named Sofia was 47 years old. Poverty and cheap clothes did not cover her unique temperament. Her husband died in the Great Patriotic War, and since then she has taken on the responsibility of supporting the family. She has never remarried and raised her children alone. She not only handled things in her home very well, but also helped other compatriots as much as possible, and she was respected by everyone.

Even the meager pension given to her husband by the empire, she took out to help those who live in difficulties, people respect her and love her.

It's just that Sofia rarely voluntarily strives for anything, and always pays silently, so Du Lin didn't really know that there was such a character here.

Du Lin never thought that in this place in Montere, there would be such a woman who could get the recognition and respect of most Guarts. He felt something inexplicable to this place ~ ~ It seems that Each of the selected characters made him feel a little "not suitable". The nature of the Sabre businessman made him take risks for his own benefit, prompting Du Lin to lose five of his men.

And this Ms. Sophia, who was selected again, Du Lin wondered if she could do it and do what she wanted.

The two walked into a wood behind the slum. Many people who were a little prestigious among the local Guarts gathered here. They talked and watched with their hands wrapped in gauze and tied to the thief who was kneeling on the ground. Whisper. When Dulin and Sofia arrived, people involuntarily gave way and let them walk into the crowd.

"This is Mr. Durin, from Irian. It is very regrettable that the last letter sent by Mr. Durin was obtained first by Sebrei. I have not heard of it and caused some losses. Sorry. "Sophia calmed down the whole wood in one word. She gave a step to reflect the status of Du Lin, and then said:" Mr Du Lin brought some news, I think it should be all It's up to someone to decide, not someone! "She glanced at Cebre, who was as dead as a face." Let's hear what Mr. Doolin thinks. "

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