Cosma Empire

Chapter 311: Freshmen [3] Add "[Sakura]"

In fact, many Guarts do n’t know why Sebrei was injured and **** here. They do n’t know anything about what happened during this time. Only a few people know that it ’s like finding a new business. A lot of money. Not only did I buy a new house, I also changed cars and bought some luxury goods. Other people asked him, he didn't say it, just smiled humblely, although everyone didn't understand it, there were not many other ideas.

What else can you do to make money on your own, besides envy and hard work? If someone really dared to kidnap Sebrai, maybe the Guarts had already taken off, and wait for Doulin to take them to realize this possibility?

After Sophia said something like this, some people understood something faintly, and their eyes were focused on Du Lin's body, and they wanted this young and overly compatriot to confuse them.

Du Lin wasn't frightened at all. He didn't know how many times he had gone through this scene. It was just a slight smile. He opened his hands and said, "The wealth I bring ...", the palm of his left hand Hold up tightly, "It also brings destruction!", And then the palm of his right hand was also tightly folded into a fist. "Someone will ask me, what do I want to do, in fact my purpose is very simple, that is Let all our siblings live a good life as much as possible. "

"I will regularly send a batch of drinks from Irian to Montere. Montere has a very broad market and consumer group, and there is no shortage of consumers. These drinks represent a huge wealth, and these wealth can improve some people's Social status. This is a real world. When there is money, it is a gentleman or a lady. When there is no money, it is a **** or a female watch. "

"I give you the opportunity to have wealth, and you need to take up arms to defend this wealth and power. It's that simple."

Du Lin glanced at the deadly cypress above, and continued: "You need to fight to protect this wealth, to fight, we have been silent for too long, so there is always something to do to make others face us again. .We want to let them know that we are not a poor worm, we are not the **** abandoned by this society. We have had a glorious history, and there must be a bright future! "

"When we all become rich, no one can think of us as inferior, whether they respect us or the money in our hands, or they fear us, they Must bow to us! "

"Only then will we be able to truly stand up!"

Doolin walked to Sebrai, stroking Sebrai's trembling head, "This is a kind of fire, you can accept it or you can reject it. The Ogdin people broke free from the rule of the Kingdom of Guart and paid countless blood . Today, if we want to get rid of the shackles on our bodies, we will certainly pay the corresponding price. You can choose to wait quietly, wait for fellow citizens elsewhere to stand up, and then drive you to the future. "

"But you can also personally join this wave of national rejuvenation and create a glorious future for yourself."

"The choice is yours, not me, gentlemen!", Saying he nodded to Sofia, "Ladies!"

The guarts who were on the lookout were all people with a certain reputation in Montere or a good reputation, they gathered together and discussed fiercely. They can't say full faith in Du Lin's statement, but they haven't totally rejected it. Everyone knows clearly that money is a symbol of status in a society today. The number of barbarians in the north is the least, and their combat effectiveness is also the worst, but their social status is higher than that of the Guartes, and higher than the provincial yas.


Because the barbarians have money, although they are nomads, they have money. Whether it is all kinds of livestock or their woven blankets, it is money. It seems that these people cannot afford to live in a house and live in tents, but everyone has to say that money is considered to be a middle-to-high class. It is said that some people have conducted investigations. A normal family's barbarian has at least hundreds of livestock, which is tens of thousands of pieces. Their handmade products can sell for hundreds of yuan or more. At this time, there was no war in any place, and the weather was smooth. Nomads with thousands of animals in their homes were not rare. They were not poor.

The notion of poverty among nomads in most people's ideas comes from those barbarians who are not willing to spend a lifetime on the grassland and want to go out into the city. They are unwilling to inherit their ancestors and continue to graze. They abandoned the family and ran to the city in the anti-revolutionary period. Without the support of the family, they have no money. But this does not represent their family, their race is really a poor race.

So it looks like they are poor, but their status is higher than the Guarts, and that's why.

After a brief discussion, Sofia stood out as a representative to communicate with Du Lin. Everyone is willing to try Du Lin's plan, at least this is more positive than the young people have begun to have some distorted ideas. You must know that many young girls have given up their dignity and entered various types of entertainment venues and strive to become a skilled girl. They do not need to take any hard work to get wealth, but the money is hot .

No one wants their child to be a skilled woman, or a man, even if this industry is indeed very profitable. It would also be an opportunity for them if they could reverse something through Doolin's plan.

Sofia was their chosen agent, and Du Lin didn't intervene more. He didn't believe that a woman could do everything he needed her to do, and time would prove that some things always had to be done by men.

"Next ...", Du Lin glanced at Sebrai, "It's time to deal with the betrayer. Because of Sebrai's actions, we have lost five brave compatriots, all because of Sebrai's desire and greed According to the customs of our Guaerts, all those who betray their fellow citizens and all betrayals must be judged by the gods! "

The surrounding compatriots whispered, although the Guart Kingdom is dead, but less than a century ago, many ancient customs are still spread and passed on by this word of mouth. . Some people think that Du Lin is too cruel and bloody, but others think that at this time, it is really necessary to come up with a model to deter all selfish people, because this is not a small thing, but a big thing.

Once someone has betrayed the interests of the Guartes in the Montere area, it is no longer just five people who will die, but fifty or even five hundred people. Surrounded by many emotions, Sebrei was hung on the tree, and then he tightened his limbs with a rope, making him unable to struggle.

Dufo put on the rubber one-piece clothes that the butchers often wore, **** pointing at the madly struggling but limited Sebrai chest, and swiping down.

The clothes split into two pieces instantly, a blood mark appeared on the tight skin, and then quickly opened to both sides. No one saw the sword in the hands of all Buddhas, each of them with a look of shock.

The onlooking lasted only half an hour. When the last sword was over, only a few people with pale faces were still watching. Their calves shivered violently, forcing the desire to vomit, and persisted to the end. Du Lin propped up a complete piece of human skin with a branch and inserted it into the land next to Saibre. The whole Saibre was like a red-yellow monster with a trace of blood on the thick fat. At this time, the consciousness was still sober, leaving only despair in his eyes.

What surprised Doulin was that Sofia actually persisted, except that she was no worse than other men except that her face was a bit ugly.

Her perception was keen, and when Du Lin's gaze was cast on her, she responded, "My husband's body was buried by me. He looked much better than that at the time. I was almost fifty Aged, what haven't you seen? "

Durin suddenly knew, he nodded, reached out and shook Sophia, "I put things in the warehouse at the dock, and I believe you can do the rest."

"Hope!" Sophia smiled, "I will do my best!"

While Dooling resolved Montel's accident, there was an accident waiting for him in Theodore, and his child was born.

Alyssa was lying weakly on the bed, leaning her head on the child lying in the cradle, her mother's light on her face was as sacred as the new born sun. With a smile on her face that she did not know, the whole world seemed to be condensed into that child's body, he was her all ~ ~ more than ten days later than the expected delivery date, Fortunately, the mother and child are at last safe. Mr. Bain glanced away and left, and he still had a lot of work to do. Mrs Bain came over with a towel and unbuttoned Alyssa's shirt. She wiped Alyssa's chest with a towel, then picked up the child and gave it to her.

When she saw this child, even though Mrs. Bain didn't care much about Alyssa, she was still full of motherhood. She explained how to take care of this little point, and smiled and tilted her head to look at the eyes without opening her eyes. The little fellow fell on Alisha's chest and sucked in a big mouth, so cute, so peaceful, Mrs. Bain's heart was peaceful.

For a moment, she felt that Alyssa had done the right thing.

"What's your name?" Mrs. Bain wiped the child's face with pure cotton and steamed cotton. "What do you think of Kandy? Kandy Bain, I I think the name is OK. "

Alyssa smiled weakly, she didn't like the name.

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