Cosma Empire

Chapter 373: Conversation [1]

"You sit!", Magus raised his hand and pressed it, went to the cupboard, took out two glasses, poured wine, walked to the sand and sat down, and handed Du Lin a glass, "Butler I was surprised when a young man came to visit me, because my friends and colleagues were almost all old men who stepped into the coffin with one leg. I do n’t know any young people. Except for my son, they do n’t like it. Come see me, and one of them is already lying in the grave. "

Du Lin took the wine glass and held it in his hand. He didn't let it down hurriedly. His humble face was full of calm smiles. He was a little nervous, but didn't show, "I'm very bold to visit, I should inform you in advance."

Magus waved his hand and leaned on the sand. He didn't look as serious or rigid as he imagined, but was very easy-going. He could not see the official power and the so-called momentum of the empire and the new party leader. "No need. I'm usually not as busy as you think. Except maybe Monday to Wednesday, I'll be at home most of the time."

"I have to thank the scientists of the Institute of Science and Technology and Imperial Academy. They allowed me to work through the telephone line, which saved me a lot of time and energy!" He said he brought reading glasses and said a few words on the phone After a while, the housekeeper gave him a document bag.

He opened the document bag and took out the plan proposal. He opened it and put it in front of himself. "This is the plan proposal that Harry gave me last time. I have to say it is very exciting. How did you come up with the" Special Zone "? Words and ideas? "

Magus was really very focused when he got the plan. He carefully read it more than once and thought for a long time. He forgot to eat that evening.

In Du Lin's plan, the so-called special zone refers to the delineation of a more free and open business area under the premise of complying with the basic laws of the empire and ensuring that sovereignty will not be shaken and changed. Some of the things that the Empire has limited operations in can be released, and even the contraband is no longer "prohibited."

The idea was very unique, and he gave Magus a "suit". The empire encountered many, many problems in its economic recovery, especially those capitalists' erosive powers that were beyond imagination. Many things were originally thought to be immutable and unshakable, but there were accidents.

The most obvious example is the Navy. A large number of high-ranking navies were fired because of fear of war. After leaving, these generals became businessmen, relying on their past contacts and relationships to become naval tycoons, and in turn wrapped the entire navy with the funds in their hands. Bullying the Empire. This was an unimaginable thing in the past, but now it is difficult to reverse it. Even if the military is willing to allocate more budget to the navy, the navy will not necessarily re-enter the arms of the empire.

The power of capital is extremely destructive and corrosive, but some high-level members of the New Party, including the Old Party, have been blinded by the illusion of capitalists and capital power. In particular, those in the Old Party even thought that when they only needed to raise their butchers, the capitalists and the capital forces in their hands would actively enter the cage, which is ridiculous.

For the sake of huge benefits, many people will stand on the side of the capitalists with clear flags. At that time, once the ruling party's attitude is toughened, there is no second way to go except to explode the civil war.

However, this special zone plan proposed by Doolin gave Magus a huge enlightenment. At this stage, capitalists are competing for power with the empire's regime. If the special zone is used as a bait for these capitalists to get involved, everything and the current regime are generated. All the differences will be passed, and other areas will return to the control range, and it will be difficult to get out of control.

At the same time, the SAR government is also free to make some attempts on policies, laws and regulations, and try to intervene in the problems existing in the empire at this stage. If the intervention is successful, it can be modified as a successful case and promoted to the entire empire.

If it fails ... it's just a test field!

The city of Otis, where Doolin is located, is certainly not the only special zone. Magus has an idea to create at least six special zones in the entire empire, and even intends to completely hand over tax power to the district's governors.

Compared to other regions, the capitalists will like the special environment in which the SAR is more free, where they will enter the sea like fish, and the attraction is endless.

It was because of these ideas that Du Lin and Harai had some trouble this time, so he stood firm on this side. In the final analysis, no matter how intense the problems within the party are, they cannot be compared to threats from outside the party. From the perspective and level of Magus, smuggling, or crime, will have a certain impact on the empire.

Yes, the power of capital will not shake the foundation of the empire!

So, when he heard that it was Du Lin's visit, he made an exception to meet the largest smuggler on the east coast of the empire.

Du Lin took a sip of wine, then gently placed the glass on the table and said slowly: "Leader, if a lot of air is poured into a bottle, when the air in the bottle passes a certain amount of air After the level, the bottle will explode. "

"It's the same for people. We ban people from drinking alcohol and make laws for it, but have we done it? Have we made the empire non-alcoholic? Do we dare to smuggle alcoholic alcohol?", Du Lin shook his head. "No, people who need these things know where to buy it, and people who don't need it will not actively try because they are around."

"We can't stop people's desires. The effect in a short time will only make these desires leaven and become stronger, so I think we should give people a way to release. Whether it is drinking, or being addicted to Grimace Mushroom, or It ’s okay to indulge in women and even gambling. No problem. Compared to letting these people ’s strong desires breed something that is out of our control, then why do n’t we take the initiative to release them the environment of desire, but it must be in our Within the framework? "

"You may not know that when I came up with this idea and implemented it, I have seen outstanding results so far. The private liquor dealers who have gathered in Namindes have begun to move to Otis, other smugglers This is also the case. Their smuggled goods are no different from before and are still shipped to different places, but we have received a generous tax because of this, and we have a clear understanding of the specific amount and destination of each of their businesses. This empire plays a more important role. "

"Did we lose anything?", Du Lin shook his head firmly. "No, we did not lose anything, but instead we got a cake that we did not have. If anyone had to say that we had lost something, maybe we had lost a little bit. Decent, because we have become umbrellas for those people. "

Du Lin smiled slightly. "What's more, the empire is not ready to be hit by capital. Why don't we set up a laboratory for ourselves and try to solve some things that we don't know from a limited range? What happened? "

Magus has been listening carefully, and nodded from time to time. After Du Lin finished his thoughts, he suddenly asked, "What do you think of the current businessmen's group?"

Du Lin froze, then shook his head with a smile. "Leader, we may not understand the answer to your question, but I think the final result is the same."

"So do you have any good ideas?"


Du Lin answered a little hesitantly, which caused Magus's curiosity. He couldn't help but ask: "Are you unable or can't you tell me this old man? Do you think I can't understand what your young people think? Although sometimes I ca n’t understand it, I believe that our conversations and thoughts can find common ground and then go deeper around them. "

Du Lin held up the glass and took a sip. The wide-mouthed glass covered his half of the cheek. His eyes met the eyes of Magus with something flashing, "I'm just a mayor!"

He almost shouted this plainly, his status was too low, and his official hat was too small.

Magus smiled meaningfully, pointed at Du Lin, smiled and shook his head, "I thought you were a young man with ideals and revenge ~ ~ But I did not expect you and those old Like guys, my stomach is all about how to climb up. "At this point, he converged with a smile and groaned for a moment." It is good to have desire. If you can do what I want to see, I Why reject it again? "

The conversation was very pleasant. At least Dulin felt the personality charm of Magus. This is a very wise old man. He hides himself very well. People can only see his shell. Du Lin couldn't do it. However, there is one point that Du Lin is certain. This old man who will still be sitting on the stage for four years has already felt a sense of crisis to the businessmen and beware of the power of capital. I am afraid that will not be the case in the next four years. Calm down.

After the two talked a lot, before Mr. Durin was leaving, Mr. Magus asked, "It's presumptuous to ask a question, what would you do if your calf was bitten by a poisonous snake?"

Du Lin politely slumped, "Cutting off his calf will not die. Although it will be more difficult to walk, he will definitely die when the venom enters the heart, sir."

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