Cosma Empire

: Chapter 374 Attitude [2]

"The kid went from here to see Bowers, sir." Magus' steward stood leaning against the door, while Magus was sitting by the window, using the light outside Looking at the book.

After a while, he lowered his head, his gaze shot out from the gap between the spectacle lens and his forehead, and hit the steward's face. Because of this eye-lifting action, his forehead was wrinkled, and the skin on both cheeks was pulled upwards. At this time, he seemed to have a harsh and mean feeling, and his eyes were like a knife.

"You shouldn't be so rude, anyone has the right to choose, we can't force others to accept our ideas, it used to be this way, it's the same now!", After speaking, Magus raised his head, gentle His eyes gathered on the writing through the lenses. He turned it over and changed a pose, "We have the right to choose, others have it! This is a new era!"

He closed his mouth, the housekeeper silently backed out, and carefully closed the study door.

Magus took off his eyes and took a deep breath, looking out the window at a world full of green life, his eyes were deep and far away.

But he may not know that Doolin's meeting with Bowers was not as smooth as Kevin expected, or that in Bowers' view, Doolin has not yet played a significant role.

Du Lin waited for more than twenty minutes before Bowers appeared in his sight with a blank face. The old man didn't apologize or shudder, but just let Du Lin pour a cup of scented tea. He sat directly on the sand opposite Du Lin and raised his leg. "Mayor Du Lin, my housekeeper said that you wanted to see me. Is there anything important to tell me?"

In the social process, this sentence is equivalent to driving people away. If there is no important thing you can't see, then this world may be polarized. On the one hand, it is okay and on the other hand, it is a big thing.

Bowers knows what Du Lin is doing, but he wants to weigh himself and sell himself for a good price. If Durin hadn't been to Magus before, maybe Bowworth would be a little happier than he is now. But when he knew that Dulin was the first to go to Magus's house, it was difficult for him to develop a good impression on Dulin.

Magus has suppressed him for twelve years, and will continue to suppress him for four years. Although there is no contradiction between the two in the strict sense, being a subordinate for one person is sixteen years and has not yet resisted. There is no room for anyone to think this is a happy thing. Coupled with the fact that there are always difficult to reconcile ideas between Magus and Bowers, and that Magus intends to push Harry higher, their relationship is worse than people think.

The reason why he was chosen as the third person in the party, that is, the party whip, was because of his identity. He was not aristocratic, nor was he from a merchant's family. He was just an ordinary imperial citizen. It was just that he was lucky, and climbed all the way to the position of Assistant Archon. He was also very capable, and had a few connections with Magus at the time. He is also the first member to join the new party, so he needs a person like him to mediate the contradictions between members of different identities within the party.

It can be regarded as an example for those non-noble party members. See, as long as you do well, you can become one of the important members of the New Party.

However, sitting in this position is sixteen years. He has been sitting since he was fifty-three years old, and now he is seventy years old, even without any dawn. How could he be willing? The more capable people, the more ambitious they will be. If Bowers is a mediocre person, he may be satisfied with the situation and hope to continue, but he is not, so the conflict with Magus becomes inevitable.

In his opinion, Mangla's protest and the upcoming hearings are the least important part. The actual battle has already begun. From the moment the mayor of Mangla raised his protest, he And Magus began to play in the invisible place. From the beginning to the end, there was not much relationship with Du Lin, even if he wanted to intervene, there was no room for intervention.

Plus this guy went to Magus first, so Bowers didn't see him very much.

Fortunately, Du Lin prepared a ladder for himself. He lifted the suitcase in his hand, opened it on the table, and took out two beautifully packed gift boxes. "Here are some special products brought from my hometown. Hope you I like it. "

"Special products?" Bowers nodded indifferently. He didn't like these special products or anything else. At his point, money and everything related to money could not move him. Only power is what he needs most and what he wants most. If it can't bring direct benefits, even the best things will be garbage worthless to him.

He doesn't like to belong to him, but there is a wife in his family who prefers local specialties, so he did not refuse, just like countless times before.

After receiving a gift, Bowers' attitude was finally a lot better. He put his legs up, went to a piece of paradise, and signaled that Dulin could take one. After Dulin refused, he cut He opened the seal of the happy land and squeezed it in his mouth. "Okay, what's the matter with you?"

"I want to ask you something about the hearing ..."

Ten minutes later, Doolin left Bowers's home, walked out of the heavily guarded road, and directly asked for a taxi to return to the villa where Kevin lived. He loosened his tie and directly took the value of three hundred. Multiple coats were dropped on the sand, revealing the back wet with sweat.

The ghost weather was a bit too hot. Kevin didn't go out at home. He was wearing a home shirt and beach pants and stepping on a pair of sandals and slipping on the sand to see the latest tape. Produced by Empire Star Media Tape, laughed from time to time by those third-class funny plot.

"This is really interesting. Who wrote the script? He is definitely a talent!" Kevin had a large glass of iced juice in his hands, and pieces of deformed ice appeared in the juice. Seems to be aware of Du Lin's gaze, Kevin ordered the maid to make a glass of ice juice for Du Lin, and then sat a little straighter, "How's it? Is there a harvest in the morning?"

Du Lin nodded, and sat on the sand, relieved immediately. The sand is made of a whole piece of cowhide, and it seems to be filled with a little bit of ice water. After sitting on this hot summer, the whole body's anger is almost gone. He sighed. "Bauworth can't beat Magus. The next leader must be Harry." He said that he had taken at least one liter of huge cups from the maid's hand. The juices and ice cubes of various tropical fruits are inextricably intertwined, and you should shout out if you are comfortable.

Kevin was very curious. He sat cross-legged on the sand, facing Dulin, and asked, "How can you be sure of this? Maybe Bowers can beat Magus?"

Du Lin shook his head and said, "In fact, it is very simple. Two people can distinguish their minds and courage from the attitude of doing things. I first talk about Bowers, he is too careful, he has been testing me , He pretended to be impatient and disliked me, but just wanted to know if I was going to give him a suit. Such a person can be successful, but it is difficult to forge progress. "

This is what Doolin knew about Bowers, and within minutes of seeing Bowers, he realized that all of Bowers' performance was actually an illusion. He was testing his true purpose of seeing him. Needless to say, he must have doubted that he had colluded with Magus and wanted to overcast him, so he showed that look.

The biggest difference between him and Magus is that he is too careful, but Magus is confident.

The two people's very different performances represent their inner attitudes at this time, one is questioning and the other is affirming affirmatively. Although self-confidence does not always mean success, he who succeeds must be confident.

Moreover, Magus has a broad perspective, and if such a person can be overthrown by Bowers, it can only be said that Bowers is hiding too deeply.

After Du Lin kept explaining, Kevin finally understood. He shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "It's just a matter of your own decision. If you need my help, just speak up. After all, you already paid, don't you?"

"Ah yes, I almost forgot, I have to tell you something, and you will definitely like listening!", Kevin looked cheerful or a sloppy smile, "The DreamWorks case is officially over to this day , They have confiscated all the property of the persons involved. I believe many shareholders have to thank your mining thug friend for mining. His mine is worth a little bit of money. Deceived shareholders. "

"When those shareholders went to visit Magus and Bowers, UU Reading staged an unexpected riot in court. It is really a pity that you didn't see it in person ..."

Any case that has risen to the national level can never be concluded in a very short time. There are many things that need to be performed after the case is closed. This is a very complicated verification and correction process. Until today, almost seven or eight months later, the case finally came to an end.

Immediately after that, another question was extended. Only one tenth of the amount was "recovered". Who should it be paid to?

So the judge in the court read the compensation plan given by the Ministry of Justice, which immediately led to riots in the court. They planned to pay the money to those families who had difficulty living and needed the money. As for the other part ... wait for the rest of the money to come back before you pay.

This was a proper way to deal with it, but there was a small problem here.

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