Cosma Empire

Chapter 375: Hearing [three] "[three] times this month added and changed"

The problem does not lie with the person responsible for promulgating the method and enforcement, but appears in the identity of one of the "first batch" of shareholders receiving compensation. Someone pointed out in court that a guy is a rich man and has more money than most people here. Why did he get the first batch of compensation, but they are not the poorer.

In this world, there is no saying that there is no unemployed, but most people's hearts are more than that. They have spines on their bodies and found a way to release them. That's okay, and it suddenly turned the sky. From blame and abuse to each other, to the hands-on, even the judge has suffered a pair of leather shoes ...

This execution process, like a farce, put an imperfect ending to DreamWorks' fraud. At least from today, Du Lin ’s money that has been in the Federation can be returned.

After the two laughed for a while, Du Lin's smile gradually converged, and his expression became a little clear, "Kevin, have you changed now?"

Kevin froze, "Sorry, what did you say? I changed?"

"Did you find that you are not the same as yours before? You in Tenell, you who have just arrived in the imperial capital, and you now, I think you are a bit swollen." Du Lin decided to tell the truth, anyway, he and Kevin's friendship was not mixed with much else. To say that they are friends, it is better to say that they are Chiguo's partners, and Doolin provides the money Kevin needs for his enjoyment and splurge.

Kevin provided the legal protections that Durin needed, could provide him with some connections when necessary, and lobby some important politicians.

Therefore, the two are very "clean", there are not so many unclear debts, and no one owes them. Every time Doolin will call Kevin's commission very promptly, so he does not What needs to be concealed, just say what you really think.

Kevin frowned for a moment and thought for a moment. He had really inflated a lot during this time. He used to rarely entertain and spend a lot of time enjoying fun. He spends more time on case studies and on the personality and hobbies of those members of the jury.

In the past, he always felt that time was not enough, and unknowingly it was late at night. Now he still feels that time is not enough, and it is already midnight without much trouble.

He did swell, and the moment he walked into the office, regardless of his gender, regardless of the identity of the person he was facing, he would respectfully stop his job and stood up and shouted "Good morning, Mr. Kevin." When those wealthy millionaires saw him, no matter how many times those people had turned over his worth, they would all come forward with a smile and hold his hand, asking him to help them solve some problems.

Even those ordinary people know that Emperor has a barrister called Kevin, no matter how troublesome the lawsuit, as long as he is willing to take over, he can definitely win.

He was like a celebrity. Everyone was holding him up and holding him high, making him forget the feeling of being down to earth.

Until this moment, Du Lin reminded him that he was flying so high that it was time to fall down and walk with his legs.

Only at this moment did he realize how **** he was during this time.

He rubbed his face and squeezed his eyes. "Sorry, you're right, I'm a bit forgotten."

In the next few days, Doolin turned around. After seeing Magus, he had already seen the nature of the hearing very clearly. This is a process, a process to plug other people's mouths. As for how the result is not important, what is important is that he got what he wanted most. With this hearing, the status of Otis will become unshakable in the middle of the empire. No matter what the future of the city is and who will take over, the city will always bear the shadow of Doolin.

The hearing was held on Friday in Court No. 9 of the Empire's Supreme Court. The ruling was made up of eleven people. In addition to seven members of the New Party, there were actually four true ordinary citizens.

Du Lin, who was sitting on the chair, glanced from the faces of those adjudicators behind the distant table. Some of them frowned and some of them were relaxed. Instead, they were four randomly selected from the residents of the Imperial City. Imperial citizens are serious.

One of the main persons responsible for this ruling is said to be the director of the Imperial Taxation Administration. The director is just an appellation. His actual political status is equal to that of the minister. Making the ruling by him is actually telling Du Lin that we have already arranged the results for you. You only need to make a cut.

"Mr. Du Lin, in your explanatory document, I noticed that you mainly mentioned the issue of taxation. Can you specifically talk about the taxation issue of Otis? Before, and after." The director's name is Rani, who is a bit thinner, but the person is very mental and his eyes are sharp.

The tax issue of the Empire has been plagued by the New Party. There is no tax at all within the sphere of influence of the Old Party. They always have various reasons to swallow the tax after dismembering it, leaving a pile of bone scum to the tax. General Directorate. Rani also used tax agents to inspect tax issues everywhere. As a result, he sent more than 30 people and only returned a dozen. There are more than a dozen people who are either missing or in a car accident, or the ship is overturned. In short, there are various natural disasters and man-made disasters that prevent them from living back to the moment when they returned to the capital.

It is also because the taxes collected within the sphere of influence of the old party could not be collected safely and healthily, so the ruling party began to rely on the capitalist and took advantage of the capitalist's money to develop the empire.

After all, there is still no money to make trouble.

In other words, the empire has no money, and the empire cannot represent individuals.

The documents in this regard were all sorted out and written by Kevin, so he has already grasped the core content in the content and question part, and answered it casually.

"When I was acting Acting Mayor of Otis, I took a look at the total tax revenue of Otis in five years, and the total amount accumulated over the five years was less than 4.3 million, of which 70% were from these three years. Taxes. Otis is a city located in the heart of the empire. There are two main reasons for this tax. "

"First, the city lacks commodity circulation, and most residents are self-sufficient, so they do not need to have transactions and naturally cannot generate taxes."

"Second, Otis is relatively backward compared to other places. There are no pillar industries, mainly small-scale agriculture, and this part of the output is not sold to the outside world, so naturally it will not receive taxes."

"But in the month after I took office, various taxes have been collected at 3.71 million, which is only 600,000 less than the total tax revenue in the past five years. This part of the tax comes from special taxes and high taxes. Surcharge. With the development of the city, I personally predict that within the next two to three years, the annual tax of Otis will be conservatively estimated to be over 60 million, which is equivalent to the total tax of the city in the past 40 years! "

The moment Du Lin finished saying this, the adjudicators sitting behind the table were shocked, and even Rani couldn't help touching his head.

60 million tax a year ... this number has passed the tax of the Imperial City, and this is not considered to be Du Lin's bragging. Because he has already done half of it, and it is still in the early days of the exhibition. If the empire internally adds a huge source of tax revenue, it will be very beneficial whether it will be governed by the new party or will be in power in the future.

Rani wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't ask, the question he wanted to ask was not suitable for such occasions.

Next, another ruling officer questioned. This guy is the director of the Imperial Prohibited Products Investigation Bureau. Although both the Prohibited Products Investigation Bureau and the Imperial Taxation Bureau are "General Administrations", he is inferior to the party in the party. At least two levels, administratively two levels lower than the ministerial level.

There is a place for him in this ruling because Du Lin's incident involved contraband, so Bowers directly pushed this Magus official out. This was not a good intention, but he wanted to use this opportunity to crack down on his prestige, and to fully prepare for the next step for Bobos himself to take over as the Director General of Prohibited Investigations.

If the Director General strictly adheres to his position, it is tantamount to stabbing him behind Magus. This is obviously a kind of bad betrayal. But if he doesn't insist on his position, it means that he is no longer suitable to continue in his current position.

This is a dilemma.

The director of the General Bureau of Prohibited Products Investigation is called Xin Shige, 38 years old, with a very strange short head. He looked at Du Lin with complex eyes and asked: "Mr. Du Lin, you know the second prohibition order issued by the Empire, And the laws on smuggling and trafficking of contraband? "Du Lin nodded, and he asked," So how do you think you escorted the contraband and acted as a smuggler's umbrella, what do you need to justify? ?"

Du Lin asked at once without a pause ~ ~ Mr. Xin Shige, Mr. Rani, and all of you here, have you ever had a drink? I believe you are honest people and disdain to lie. "

This question was a bit abrupt and a bit off-guard. Rani nodded his head. He was very interested in Du Lin, or he was very interested in collecting taxes. Du Lin's achievements are obvious to all. If the development of several so-called special zones according to the leader of Magus, does it mean that there will be several or even ten cities that pay more than 60 million taxes each year?

That's a tax of five or six billion a year. With such a glorious achievement, he can fly even higher in the next step, and no one else can say anything.

With Rani taking the lead and nodding, the four ordinary citizens nodded happily, then everyone else nodded, and finally everyone's eyes focused on Mr. Xin Shige.

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