Cosma Empire

Chapter 404: Railway 【1】

Dooling calmly watched Chester tilt his body slowly, then fell to the ground. After a moment, he thought about it suddenly, shook his head and lifted the phone to let Haight come up.

In fact, he was very surprised. He felt that Cister should be so smart that he should be able to protect himself, but it turns out that the safety of life has nothing to do with Satoshi's cleverness. To blame can only blame the creature is too fragile, there is no hard shell, there is no digestive fluid that can digest.

Hite came up quickly. He looked at Chester, who was constantly spitting black blood on the ground. He immediately closed the door of the room, went to the desk, and squatted down, pressing his fingers on Chester's carotid artery. on. He shook his head and pulled his fingers away. Although the heartbeat was still there, it was so weak that it was almost imperceptible, and the rhythm of the heartbeat was very chaotic. There was a possibility of death anytime, anywhere.

"There is a meat factory in the west of the city ...", Hite's first reaction was that this guy might have been killed by Dulin, and he immediately started thinking about how to deal with the corpse problem. Simple burial is not impossible, but it has to be transported outside the city circle to bury it. If the weather is so hot, maybe the odor of corpse corruption will start to be distributed at night, and there may be some unnecessary witnesses.

As for other processing methods, he has considered it, but this method of delivery to the meat factory is the most suitable. Make a phone call and ask them to bring a few goats. When you leave, put Chester and goat meat together and then pull them back. Meat factory, crushed and thrown into the leftovers to make pet food, almost perfect body treatment method.

In many places, many gangs will run some slaughterhouses and meat processing plants in order to handle the bodies more safely and reliably.

After all, even if some blood was flowing on the road during transportation, or some strange smell of corpses was exuded, others would only think that it was the smell of animal corpses and would not associate with human corpses. After the treatment was over, the pets happily ate the added pet food and the whole person disappeared safely.

Du Lin listened for a moment, and then laughed directly, "No, no, it's not what you think, he was poisoned. Check what the poison is, and see if he can find the poisoned person. . "

Soon the body was sent to the police station on the first floor instead of the hospital. The reason was that the two nurses at the hospital were scared when they heard that they would send a dead person to dissect their faces. They were not allowed to pull the body in and die. Dissect in the bureau. After the dissection, the forensic doctor came to a more ridiculous conclusion, which may not be murder but an accident.

He held Chester's sore stomach bag to explain his reasoning. He detected a chemical residue in Chester's body. This is not a potent poison, and it can even be said to be It's not a poison, it's not made to kill a certain kind of life. This kind of thing is mainly used in most places where there is a bathroom-it is a living chemical used in clean toilets that can remove stubborn urine and stool stains.

It only takes about ten milliliters and 500 milliliters of water to mix, and then spray to cover those places with urine and stool stains. About half an hour later, these stubborn stains can be washed away by water to ensure a clean and clean New toilet.

At least that's what the ad says, this kind of thing is strongly corrosive, and the operating instructions require that gloves must be used when operating. If you eat it by mistake, you must go to the doctor to clean your stomach immediately. If you operate it without looking at the instructions, the production and sales company will not bear any responsibility.

However, Doolin thought that Chester was conspired, which made him a little unhappy. Chester was very wise to propose a "public-private partnership" to operate public transportation, which is in line with Doulin's appetite. After the public-private partnership, the city hall of Otis only needs macro control, and the public transportation company is monitored immediately, without any cost, and at the same time, it can get a considerable cost every month.

What's more important is that his concept is very unique and can be said to have a certain degree of "directionality".

But he died.

He died in front of Du Lin.

"Check it and find this person. Someone died on our site. As the mayor of Otis and the chief of the police station, it is necessary and necessary to uphold justice for the dead. Understand? This is the law. The powers and duties given to you, I'm waiting for your good news. "Du Lin patted Haight's arm and returned to the office.

The blood on the table and the traces on the ground have been cleaned up. Thanks to the last mayor who did not know how long he has left, he left a nice office. At least there are no such things as carpets that are difficult to clean up. Only You need to wet the ground with water and then drag it.

Du Lin thought that the incident had ended so far. What he didn't expect was that the court gave him a subpoena four days later, hoping that he could testify for the plaintiff.

When Du Lin received this summons, he was confused and knew that it was later that Chester's wife brought the "clean toilet spirit" production and sales company to the court under the counsel of a lawyer. The reason was that The production of this dangerous chemical did not increase eye-catching colors and unique acrid odors to alert users and played a role in encouraging crime.

Well, this is a very magical reason, but at least it makes sense, Du Lin signed a power of attorney and commissioned Kevin's lawyer and colleague to appear for him in court. He didn't want to go to the Emperor's side and do nothing. Run back.

To Du Lin, this seemingly inconspicuous lawsuit has caused great repercussions in society. Many social groups have stood up in support of Chester's family, so that the "clean toilet spirit" Production and sales companies were suppressed by public opinion and had to publicly apologize in the newspaper. Even in the subsequent annual parliament, some members proposed a motion on the amendment and enhancement of the law, arguing that all dangerous chemicals must be added with eye-catching colors and pungent odors to prevent similar situations.

Since then, all dangerous goods have gorgeous colors and acrid smells. The colorful ones are like the bright animals in the natural jungle. One can tell at a glance that this thing is poisonous!

By the way, Chester's wife received a compensation of 160,000.

"This Mr. Colliers ...", Harry suddenly appeared in Otis on the weekend, and accompanied by a middle-aged man with a beard in his fifties, Harry introduced to Du Lin This gentleman, the name immediately made Du Lin know that it was a big man.

He reached out and shook hands with Mr. Colliers. "You look much younger than I thought!"

Mr. Colliers burst into laughter, holding Dulin's hand with both hands was less proud than he thought, and jokingly said, "I think so too!"

Colliers is a legendary aristocratic capitalist. During the imperial rule of the New Party, he began to engage in the laying and transportation of railways, and made this cause to the limit of what he could do. After the New Party took office, he resolutely changed his position and became a firm supporter of the New Party, which allowed him to reach the limit of the railway cause and once again make a leap forward.

At present, almost 60% of all the railways that the Empire operates are owned by this gentleman. He is a well-deserved railway tycoon. Whenever he comes up with an idea or a suggestion, the railway transportation system will be shaken for a period of time. Countless individuals and businesses that rely on the railway to survive must adjust their pace in time to ensure that it matches his rhythm.

Colliers, the true upper class of the Empire!

Harry watched the two men shaking hands with a smile, and talked about why he visited Du Lin today. Last time, Doolin said that he planned to open the east-west railway. He would cross two mountains and dig two tunnels or canyons, which aroused Colliers' interest. The huge amount of engineering means huge profits, but it also means that he put two railways in his own name.

To capitalists like Colliers and John who can influence the structure of the empire and politics, their purpose is no longer so vulgar as making money, but to seek greater political discourse and political interests.

In the heart of the empire, near the imperial capital, the construction of the railway and the impact of the railway is far more important than the money he earned by millions or tens of millions. After a few words, after saying a bunch of nonsense nonsense, Colliers took the lead to talk about the true purpose of his trip, "Mr. Mayor, do you have any ideas about the two railways you said?", Said He paused for a while, and put it another way, "I mean when do you plan to start this project, do you have a complete design and construction plan?"

"Building the railway itself is a long and complicated job. We need to consider many issues, such as geological issues, such as mountain structure issues, so the sooner some things start, the better for us!"

Du Lin laughed and said, "Sorry, I was too busy during this time. I didn't notice this work. Mr. Colliers, you are an expert in this field. Why not? I leave everything to you, including Design and construction, I just pay, what do you think? "

"There is no problem at all. In addition, I have another idea. I wonder if you are interested?" Mr. Colliers laughed like a breeze, but made Du Lin secretly alert.

Du Lin nodded calmly and asked, "What's the idea?"

"We operate these two railways together!"

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