Cosma Empire

Chapter 405: How to play [two]

When Dulin was in a dream, he didn't see the big guy's contact with the railway, so he was very unfamiliar with this. At this time, when Colliers made this proposal, Dulin was still very modest. .

"How to cooperate?", Du Lin raised his leg, and looked very interested. "I don't know much about this matter. You should know that I haven't touched it, and let us all be interested. "

Colliers glanced at Harry, Harry nodded with a smile, then got up to close the office door and locked it.

The next topic is not too convenient for others to know that Colliers can come here and speak out, but it is actually related to Harry's strong recommendation.

Dooling's good performance at the hearing saved him a few things, and the appreciation of Dooling in Magus's mouth made Harry quickly judge that Marx seemed to be between Dolling and he did not know Transaction? He is not worried that Doolin will become his "enemy". Doolin is too young. Even if he has the wisdom and wrist of Magus, he will not block his political path.

Because he is too young, the empire will not allow a prime minister in his twenties, and the New Party will not allow a major figure in the party in his twenties. Harry's competitor. On the contrary, if Du Lin is enveloped, his resources, financial resources, and influence can all become Harry's help, which will pave the way for at least twelve years in the future.

This is a win-win situation. Twelve years later, Harry has huge power and influence within the New Party. By then, whether it is a return on investment or a continuous win-win situation, he can do his best to hold Du Lin in his place. Just like Magus nominated him.

This behavior is called the continuation of factions. Although Du Lin is not aristocratic, although he may have many minor problems, these are not problems in the political field.

That's why I had the talk today, and I was pleasantly surprised by the visit of Colliers himself.

"Mr. Harry has always told me that you are a trusted friend. I like making friends very much, will we be friends?" Colliers did not immediately say his plan, but said such a seemingly insignificant sentence Then he looked at Du Lin with a smile.

Du Lin shrugged, spread his hands, and asked, "Aren't we friends yet?"

"I like your frankness, Mr. Doolin." Colliers licked his lips. What he actually meant was to seek the unity of Doolin and his politics and interests. He believed that Doolin could hear it. The meaning behind this sentence, and Du Lin did.

He changed to a more comfortable sitting position at this time, which didn't look very beautiful or polite. "You don't have that much money in your hand, right?" Qian also used "right" to deepen his affirmation, and to be honest it was very rude. However, considering that everyone has unified their interests on the surface, Du Lin did not deny his nod.

Colliers smiled slightly. "Don't be embarrassed. I have been building railways for more than 30 years. If you say from where to where, what problems will be encountered in the middle, I can estimate in a short time. An approximate cost. Until now, the error will not exceed 10% at the most. I have estimated after I heard your idea. It takes at least two years for the two railways from construction to completion. Twelve million, of which the two most expensive are the two valleys. "

"You have just been in Otis for two months. If this is Nami Lindes or Irian you have been to, I would not hesitate to confirm that you can take out the money, but Otis Here in the city ... "He made a regretful move with a smile," No money. "

Du Lin thoughtfully took out the cigarette case, and both of them wanted one. After the three lit the cigarette, Du Lin asked, "What do you mean? How can we cooperate?"

"Very simple!" When Colliers spoke the phrase, Doolin noticed a flash of green luster in his eyes. It was greed, slyness, and the devil!

"I can lend money to the city hall of Otis to build these two railways. Although more than 10 million is not a small sum, I can still get it. By the way, take the liberty to ask, you plan to do here how long?"

Du Lin looked at Harry, and Harry also looked at Du Lin. After the two eyes exchanged, Harry answered this question, "If there is no accident, at most two or three years, after the development of Otis City, he has Enough political achievements and word of mouth can be transferred to other places. "

Harry did not explicitly say that Colliers and Durin immediately understood what he meant. Harry intends to start his campaign for the next prime minister and party leader, so he will put more energy inside and outside the party. In the struggle, at this time he needed someone to manage the affairs of the entire state for him. Obviously he plans to do this with Radulin. According to him, Turin can first serve as a consultant to the governor's office to handle the affairs in the state.

This is a semi-official position and will not be restricted by age. After all, it is just a consultant.

After four years of Harry's success, then Du Lin will be eligible to become the mayor of the capital. After eight years, Du Lin will be almost in his thirties and will be enough to serve as governor. Office, even running for prime minister.

This is a very ordinary and complete political line. In the forties, it was when the young people were strong and powerful, and when the male charisma broke out, together with the beautiful "transcripts" and the assistance from Magus and Harry, The possibility of Doolin's summit is extremely great. In return, of course, Doolin must appoint the next successor, and this person's choice is to choose between Magus and Harry.

Of course, in the process, they may find a more suitable candidate than Du Lin, so it does not matter. Senior positions in the party, such as Bowers, will definitely leave, and Du Lin will be his position.

Why did you choose Durin? Harry asked Magus. Magus didn't explain the interests in detail. He only told Harry that Durin's attitude towards capital was consistent with him, and Durin had better control.

The place to be well controlled is that Du Lin belongs to a "halfway monk". He does not have a strong network within the New Party, the Old Party, and the society. Unlike the new party seniors of their noble origin, there are more New Party behind them. Capitalists and politicians and vested interest groups are supporting them.

What about Doolin?

He has nothing, and if he wants to sit in that position, he must obey their orders.

Indeed, in addition to Du Lin, there are actually several good seedlings, but these seedlings are not so well controlled. They all come from the cultivation of old nobles or capital forces, and they themselves carry a huge "halo". Once the two sides conflict on ideas and opinions, Magus and Harry will do nothing for them, because the other party may not be thinner than them.

Compared to those young political stars who have difficulty controlling their dazzling backgrounds, it is in the best interest of those who have no foundation such as Dulin to control.

Therefore, Harry began to strongly support Doolin.

They have at least twenty years to observe the young man, and if the young man meets all their requirements, they don't mind raising him to the highest throne of power. However, if they found that Du Lin did not meet their requirements or had more suitable goals, they could kick Du Lin without any consequences.

And in addition to Doolin, Magus has also trained several other young people, elsewhere.

Colliers didn't know so much about it. He just fancyed Harry's attitude towards Doolin. He was one of Harry's biggest supporters, and he would naturally follow the principles considered for Harry. He laughed and said: "Since Doolin will not stay here longer, then we will not put the plan a little longer, sign a 50-year contract, and pay it back by the city hall of Otis according to the interest of the bank paragraph."

"Before the last amount of money went into my account, I owned all the rights to use these two railways!"

Du Lin nodded his head calmly after listening, but was surprised at the big opening of Colliers' lion. This is not as simple as adding and subtracting millions and millions!

The more than 10 million he said is only a preliminary estimate. Once Du Lin agreed, the plan could cost as much as 20 million. Then 20 million loans will be paid according to the bank's interest for 50 years. At the current interest rate of 6.98% implemented by the imperial central bank, the city hall of Otis will face a profit of about 7,000. Heavy economic pressure of around 10,000 ~ ~ The only good news is that the money was not returned to Colliers at one time, but divided into six hundred months, with an amount of more than one million per month Return to Colliers.

And what about Colliers?

He earned 40 million without spending a single penny. He can still get the right to operate the two railways for 50 years. He actually earned more than 500 million yuan!

even more!

These veteran capitalists' plundering of benefits is even more fruitless. Do not care that Doolin is currently the mayor of Otis, and he has given such an appalling plan. But from the perspective of Du Lin himself, he did not think that this was actually a big problem. After he built the city and left here, whether the city hall could afford the cost had nothing to do with him.

And he believes that as long as his successor does not mess up, this fifty-year-old cost can be fully afforded, and there is still a surplus.

What if I ca n’t afford it then?


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