Cosma Empire

Chapter 406: Challenge 1 [Three] "Send Star on Demand + Seven"

Colliers looked at Du Lin quietly after speaking, he was waiting for Du Lin's answer.

Du Lin thought for a while and said, "Fifty years is too long, twenty-five years!"

Colliers didn't have any unpleasantness due to Du Lin's bargaining on the issue of time, he took the initiative to stand up and reached out his hand, and Du Lin also held out his hand, "Deal!"

After reaching his intention, Colliers was very happy. He took three pieces of joy from his arms and gave them to Harry and Dooling, took out a pair of scissors with pure gold handles, cut his mouth and took a breath, The smile on his face seemed a little bit brighter.

One of the bad things about Land is that it makes people relax after smoking, as if nothing matters and nothing is at heart. However, it is precisely because of this strange effect of paradise that some people are willing to buy this thing, and it still costs a lot of money.

Obviously, both Harry and Colliers had strong resistance, and did not completely collapse. Du Lin just sucked a little, and caught it in his hand, and did not continue to send it to his mouth.

"After some time my son's birthday, you must come by then!", Colliers was very satisfied with this cooperation, he got what he needed, and naturally he will not forget what Du Lin did in this matter. Everything, "I'll send you a good thing by then!", This is the so-called "deal".

Colliers needed to contact his men immediately to start the operation. He left first and closed the door. Harry smiled and shook his head. "He is this habit. Once he has concluded the matter, he will do it immediately, but Twenty-five years ... ", Harry lowered his head for a moment and thought," Some are too long! "

Both Harry and Dulin know that Colliers' purpose is to operate for twenty-five years. In addition to the economic benefits, the most important thing is the right to speak. After the construction of these two railways is completed in the future, whoever can go here and who cannot go here, he has the final say. During this long period of twenty-five years, he was enough to exclude other capitalists who were not in his circle in this way, and thus gained political influence.

In the final analysis, it is still the battle between the capitalist camps. In fact, it has nothing to do with ordinary people, and only has advantages and no disadvantages. First of all, with the railway, the traffic becomes more unobstructed, and you can go to other cities without changing trains. Second, as the traffic conditions improve, more and more businessmen will gather here, increasing the prosperity of the city and making it here. Become the real pearl of the empire's heart.

The City Hall only needs to pay a small amount of money each month to get two smooth railways. As the imperial economy recovers, the speed of currency printing will only get faster and faster, and the purchasing power of the existing currency denomination will gradually decline. Ten years later, more than 100,000 "mortgages" a month are not as good as the current purchasing power of 20,000 yuan.

As for the right of operation, this thing actually doesn't have much meaning to the official. No matter who Colliers allows or who doesn't, there will be trains passing here. The frequency and ownership of trains cannot restrict the passage of ordinary people and the passage of businessmen. Pursuing the ownership of operation rights does not have practical value for Du Lin and the City Hall, except for their good looks.

And Du Lin believes that more than 10 million can never be done, it may be beneficial, and the benefits are many.

Of course, this is what will happen in the future.

"Well, I don't interfere in this matter. In addition to bringing Cole, there is another thing you need to pay attention to." Harry moved to sit beside Du Lin, he patted the deputy of the shabby sofa, "Voting will begin at the end of the month, and Otis also needs to cast a valuable vote here."

This is the unified caliber. In fact, the old party seems to be beaten by the new party on the ground, but in fact the old party still controls a lot of areas. If the mid-term election is overturned, it will definitely be remembered by history. joke. Harry knows that the city of Otis is a war zone with no standpoint. No standpoint does not mean that these people will not vote. If the people of the Old Party are connected in private, it is very likely to have an accident.

He didn't see the election posters on the streets, so he mentioned it a bit.

Du Lin nodded and said he knew, he asked, "Will we win?"

Harry was pleased with the word "us" that Durin used, which showed that he recognized himself with Magus and the New Party and was willing to stand with them. Doesn't the so-called politics change "you" into "us"?

He raised his chin slightly and said in a confident tone: "Of course, we are winning!"

Doolin didn't pay much attention to this aspect. In the George family ’s survey of campaign support last week, Magus ’support rate exceeded 70%. According to those experts’ analysis, this may have something to do with the economic recovery of the empire. In a direct relationship, they were all lamenting that Magus had a good time. The post-war trough has passed, and the economic problems of the empire have begun to pick up. Naturally, the economy will recover. Some experts believe that even the old party will gain a high support rate.

They used luck to describe the situation that Magus is now facing. In fact, this is just a way to cover up the real problems. Under the surface of their preaching of peaceful prosperity, fierce contradictions are more severe than people think.

The economic recovery of the empire did not come from the New Party's governing philosophy, but from the invasion of all aspects of society by a large number of capital forces. After the New Party came into power, the most scarce thing was the funds, so they let go of the dog chain tied to the capital's neck and let the capital start to bite the stubborn economic system. Capital has indeed brought great changes to society. As long as profit-seeking businessmen are profitable, they will be involved in all walks of life.

These actions will create a large number of jobs and solve the problems of the employment and food and clothing of the imperial citizens, but the power of capital behind them is no longer satisfied with the status quo and begins to invade the political system. When the New Party was preparing to restrict capital forces, it was discovered that the native dog was able to kick and fly from one foot, and quickly evolved into a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

It seems that this empire is really like the world in which people lived in the past, but the battle between the two great forces is heating up. Especially when supporters of capitalists and capital forces also appeared behind the politicians of the New Party and the Old Party, the top officials of both parties finally found out that something bad was happening.

It is too late to change at this time!

Putting capital in a cage will only cause social unrest, and a large number of unemployed people will be the trigger for turmoil and even civil war. In the end, the Second Civil War may erupt, so everyone is facing a limited confrontation. The situation is definitely not optimistic.

Just like this mid-term election, too many capital forces are involved, including the issue of posters mentioned by Harry just now.

Propaganda requires costs. Where does the cost come from?

The New Party certainly does not have the huge financial resources to carry out propaganda work and public opinion offensives throughout the empire. The money actually comes from the capitalists and their money. They support Magus' re-election, then Magus must give them sufficient returns, or they will transfer their camp to the old party. The capitalists have changed camps, and those workers who depend on their salaries to survive must also be transferred to the camps, which will lose a large number of votes or even lose votes.

But it helped these capitalists. Their greedy appetite became more and more difficult to fill up. They could only make concessions in repeated demands, so that they retreated to the last line of defense.

So the so-called optimism is just a decoration.

The high level of the New Party and the Old Party has long felt this crisis, and the battle between the old and new aristocrats originally belonged to the duel of capitalists. Perhaps ten or twenty years later, the election is no longer to see who has a higher level of governance and who has a better idea, but to see who is richer!

Du Lin complimented softly, Harry lifted his wrist and looked at his watch, "I have something to go to Emperor tomorrow. I won't be here with you anymore. Call me anytime!"

Du Lin stood up and wanted to see him off, but he waved his hand. "I'll just go by myself. You can do your business!"

Watching Harry leave after Du Lin sat back in his chair behind his desk, he looked up at the black spots that stepped out of the newly painted white paint, but was thinking about Colliers in his mind. These monopoly tycoons have become accustomed to trample on government and authority for profit, if it is not restricted in the future ~ ~ it is difficult to imagine what they will swell to.

In the first two years, Du Lin hoped that he would become a wealthy person, provide a better living environment for his fellow citizens, improve their social class, and become a person who knows his name all over the world. There is a circle in this world. But now, his state of mind seems to have risen a lot, and he began to consider more things.

Capitalist, empire, commerce, monopoly, competitiveness, one word after another flashed in his mind, he felt that he should do something.

This is not to be a great person everyone praises, just to challenge this power!

In the imperial capital not far from him, a very strange thing is happening. Many people find Stan Ein seeking a method to purify alcohol, but he is informed that this purification method has been patented for a long time. Out of his hands.

When people asked the patent owner, they all pointed to a company called Future Star and a guy named Clark.

This patent was not hidden, but was chosen to be public, and protected for ... a hundred years!

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