Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 410: Bucho [1]

Before he came to Otis, the president of the Workers' Union had talked with him separately to calm down the resentment that transferred him from the bustling area to the backward.

At that time, the president told Bucho that the development speed of Otis was very fast. According to the convenient transportation mentioned in the "Otis Development Plan" given by Mayor Doulin, Otis will be in a few years. Become a big city beyond Nami Lindes. At that time, Nami Lindus's business may face a complete contraction, and the migrant population will migrate to Otis. Therefore, before the city of Otis develops, it is necessary to firmly insert this banner of the workers' union. at this place.

The workers 'union looks like it is just an organization caring for the working class. In essence, the workers' union can also be regarded as a service company. In addition to collecting workers 'annual contributions, workers' unions also receive unpaid payments including, but not limited to, donations. They also have a unique business.

That is to cooperate with laborers and make money in a way that is often overlooked-agency fees.

The employer will inform the workers ’union of their gap needs and pay a certain fee. Then the workers’ union will publish the nature and salary of these positions on the advertisement blackboard of the workers ’union. As long as the workers successfully apply for this position, the workers’ union A certain introduction fee will be collected from the workers. The introduction fee is very small, only about 20 to 30.

But how many workers and migrant workers do the entire empire have?

Coupled with the medical examination and messy expenses, this is definitely an income that cannot be ignored, but because this income is scarcely poor when it is diluted to everyone, everyone does not think it is making money.

The glorious future of Otis is destined to have a wide range of labor needs in this city, and it is also related to the filling of the social responsibility of workers' unions, which highlights the political importance of unions.

After taking over this job, Bucho didn't regard it as a difficult job. In his opinion, he just set up a branch and proceeded according to daily work methods. When necessary, he stood up to represent the interests of the working class. The capitalist or those in power are fighting for justice, but what he didn't expect is that there is a different mayor here.

In many cities, those in power and capitalists, even if they are disgusted and hated by the workers' unions, at least they will not show it, because they represent a huge number of classes, and they have the killer to kill the workers.

It's really unexpected here.

The next day Du Lin returned, Bucho came to the door. He sat opposite Du Lin with a stern face. "Mr. Mayor, you know that a worker fell off the scaffold because of inadequate security protection a few days ago. And did it cause a serious injury? "Du Lin nodded and Bucho continued." I just returned from Namindes. The worker's condition is very bad. Here's a business report ... ", he Put the report from the doctor on the table and pushed it over.

"The injured person has not yet recovered. The doctor thinks that he may have injured the brain, so further observation and treatment are needed. At the same time, the doctor also made a point. He believes that the lack of timely medical treatment is one of the main reasons for the injured person's inability to wake up. After all, here is too far away from Nami Lindes, there are more than three hours away, the injury continued to worsen during this time! "Bucho sighed, some sad expressions appeared on his face," Audi The city hall of Slovakia has the next time and disadvantages in the infrastructure construction. The hospitals in this city have no doctors and only two elderly nurses. I think the city hall should also bear some responsibilities in this matter. I hope that the city hall The agency and you can pay for the medical expenses of the injured person as compensation. "

He looked at Du Lin, and Du Lin looked at him, and after a while Du Lin asked: "Did you finish?"

Bucho is a bit inexplicable, but he feels very bad, as if he said so much is meaningless, but the young man he is facing now no matter how young he is, he is a mayor and must be Give him some respect.

Watching Bu Qiao nodded, Du Lin took the business report on the table and took a few glances. Well, it was more comfortable to understand. After turning a few pages, he threw the business report back to the table, "I need to correct you some mistakes, Mr. Bucho."

"First, as far as I know, the worker violated one of the" Construction Safety Rules "jointly formulated by the Workers' Union and the Chamber of Commerce, which requires the use of seat belts. This is an illegal operation, and the consequences caused by the illegal operation should not be caused. It is up to anyone to take responsibility. "Du Lin made a phone call to Kevin at night to ask about related matters, and now he is well-informed." Second, according to the Empire Law, anyone is injured in public, especially It was a serious injury. I should contact the city's hospital and police station as soon as possible. I haven't seen any records about your report to the police from both sides. You can transfer the injured person without the consent of the police station and the city hospital. Going farther to Nami Lindes, you are responsible for this, not the city hall and hospital of Otis. "

"Third, the nature of the workers' union is a service-oriented social organization. You cannot represent the law or the official attitude. Until I and the more advanced judicial department of the empire do not grant you authorization, you are not qualified to ask anyone for financial information . "

"Based on the above three points, Mr. Bucho, do you think it would be appropriate for you to come and sit down with me today and then ask me for an injury report that I don't care about?"

Du Lin's counterattack was so sharp that Bucho hadn't expected it. He stared at Du Lin and didn't say anything for a long time.

It is not that he does not want to say, but that he does not know how to refute Du Lin's point of view.

More often than not, people are following a common rule, these rules gradually form a part of universal values. It cannot be said that these rules are wrong, but they are more detailed than written rules that are more detailed and have clear text and more legal benefits. Rules are not really competitive.

When others humiliate you, you can choose to use revenge by force. In terms of public sentiment, there is no problem in doing so, but the law does not allow it, which will make choosing a problem. If the authorities don't mind, counterattacks and revenge are the right thing to do, but when the authorities begin to strictly enforce the written rules, this is a problem.

Bucho did not expect Du Lin to be so familiar with these things. He was a little bit embarrassed at the time. His disposal methods were considered after taking into consideration the decisions made by referring to other chapters and his previous work experience. Everyone knows the medical situation in Otis. There is no doctor at all. What's the point of reporting to the doctor?

The alarm is even more meaningless. What the police can do is not a criminal case. They could not do anything except make a transcript. In order to consider the safety of the injured, Bucho decided to send the workers directly to Nami Lindes.

But it was his decision that seemed to be the most correct. Instead, he fell into a passive situation. He ignored the fact that the mayor of Otis did not seem to eat the workers union.

"In humanitarian terms, I ..."

Before Bucho finished, Du Lin waved his hand and stopped him from saying, "If humanitarianism is useful, there will be no civil war, no criminals and victims. I respect the humanitarian spirit, but This is a country with a legal system, Mr. Bucho. We should consider whether we should comply with humanitarianism on the premise of complying with the law. "Du Lin took out a cigarette case and lit a cigarette, shrugging his shoulders," In humanitarianism "I am willing to make a personal donation ...", he took it out of his pocket, took out a fifty-cent coin, and put it on the table. "A donation of fifty cents helped the worker."

"By the way, I remember that after the union paid a certain fee, should the workers' union advance the medical expenses for the workers?" Du Lin smiled cheerfully, and he played the dust that did not exist on the collar, "said I also used to be a member of the union! "

Bucho looked very embarrassed and looked at the fifty-cent coin on the table, which was shining with metallic luster. The smile on the coin was the emperor XVI emperor's smile. He stood up angrily, picked up the business report on the table and said a goodbye ~ ~ turned around and left.

Du Lin also shouted in the back, "Mr. Butcher, you forgot my donation, don't you think that fifty is not money?"

Bucho walked and stopped, he turned around and walked to the table coldly, trying to pick up the coin, but he didn't expect the small coin to be buckled twice. Roughly slid the coin into the hand along the table and turned to leave.

Du Lin shook his head. He knew that it would never end.

After Bucho left, he returned to the temporary office of the Workers' Union. The black-faced ones dripped water. If someone wanted to say anything to him, he raised his hand holding the business report and lifted them away.

When he returned to his office, the more he thought about it, the more reluctant he couldn't just give in. If the workers 'union could not show a decidedly different attitude from those in power and the capitalists, the workers' union would become a display.

He thought for a while and called in the lawyer. "Dulin is very uncooperative. Can we sue him and win?"

The lawyer froze, and then shook his head. "As far as I know, Kevin took over the lawsuits that Irene played in Ilian. Honestly, if we have a lawsuit, we can sue him, but we will definitely not win. "

Kevin is already a benchmark in the lawyer industry and wants to win him?

Every lawyer will have this idea before going to bed, but will not have it after waking up, because they know that it is impossible.

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