Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 411: Play big [two]

At night, Du Lin received a call from Heidler. He was very surprised that his relationship with this old guy had not yet reached this level. Calling others during non-working hours was only done by friends and relatives. After a few boring words, Heidler asked a question.

"Do you have a disagreement with Bucho these days?"

Just kidding, isn't it simple to divide?

How could Turin agree with the workers' union trying to raise the banner of Otis on the head of the city hall? Furthermore, Otis will be the largest "entertainment capital" and logistics center in the middle of the empire. There will definitely be a gap in terms of employment. If the workers' union is to bring all workers together, what else is there for the city hall? He was unwilling to devote his limited time to the conflict between the workers' unions and the capitalists, so he cut off the unrealistic idea of ​​Bucho when he came up.

Not to mention the rejection of the workers 'union, at least the workers must not feel the utility brought by the workers' union in this city. Only in this way can the employers take full control and the city's development will reach a peak.

He laughed twice, "What? He went everywhere to preach?"

Heidler echoed and laughed twice. "That's not the case, but I heard that I don't know if it's true or not. Bucho intends to use the injury of the workers to run a wave of strikes. He intends to call on all workers. Stand up for the strike. "

Du Lin's original gloomy eyes suddenly became sharp. There is no doubt that if a strike occurs in the current period of great development, it will cause irreparable serious consequences to all aspects of the city. If the construction period is delayed, once Bucho and the working class have benefited from the strike, they will most likely intensify in this way to threaten the city hall and workers to compromise with them.

After every class strike, there is a wave of pay rises. This is a compromise that the capitalists have to make to the trade unions and the working class to continue their work. Regardless of whether this is really useful or not, as long as one person proposes a salary increase in exchange for workers to return to work, the cost of employment in the entire city will skyrocket.

If a worker wants to raise a dollar, then tens of thousands of workers will have to spend tens of thousands more each month. Those who share in the subsequent investment in Otis will also feel the "inaction" of the city hall while suffering losses. To disappointed.

This Bucho is very clever, or this is the method that the workers' union has always used.

History has proven countless times that the simpler the method, the more often it will be able to reap sufficient returns. Yangmou is far from a conspiracy. As long as it is defeated, there will be no residual problems. What makes Yang Mou troublesome is that he must choose a confrontation or compromise.

"This news is very important. After my consideration, the land you applied for last time can reduce the approval for you, but the use right is still 30 years." The set of Du Lin, which is Tao Tao Bao Li, is still very clear, Hyde Le showed his kindness, so always give him a little sweetness, and the news is very important.

The two spoke a few words of nourishment and hung up the phone. Du Lin took a few steps back and forth, thinking about how to solve the most likely strike in the future.

He called to find Natalie. Natalie should be the director of the mayor's office according to her position in the world of Doolin Dream. She mainly manages everything related to the work of the mayor, and there is no specific content. Here she is the liaison and is responsible for uploading and delivering, but in fact she is responsible for more than the job content.

Natalie, who had already taken a bath and prepared to sleep at night, received a call from Du Lin, and her heart throbbed when she heard his request. There is a saying that is actually very good. I have no idea what scum is. She had the courage to face rumors. She thought that her love could withstand this kind of postgraduate study, but she was obviously wrong, and she was wrong.

The man she once loved abandoned her because of things that hadn't happened at all, even after she abandoned her and publicized her "everything" because of these unbearable things.

Very hurt!

That's why I was able to appreciate the momentary contrast when Du Lin pulled her to face the turbulent "mob".

People are always emotional, especially when a belief is needed. Facing Du Lin's "invitation", she immediately agreed, drew a simple makeup, put on a skirt and white shirt that are rarely worn now, and shouted quietly in front of herself in the mirror. Bao left the house.

Natalie lives in a house less than two hundred meters from the city hall, and the people in the city hall are basically close. There was nothing to entertain in the city before, even if there were two bars, the old men in their 50s and 60s consumed the fruit wines with their sour taste.

So for them, time becomes very special in this city, and the end of the day is the end of the day. Go home and look bored with outdated newspapers or take a hot bath and go to bed.

Natalie came quickly, but she didn't meet what she expected. Instead, Du Lin urged her to bring the situation of all the construction sites in Otis, and he needed to see it at night.

There will be a plan at the site of the city of Otis. This is what Du Lin asked them to do. In addition to helping Du Lin know everything about the city, it is also a reserve.

Natalie hesitated for a moment, and quickly returned to the archives to get the information. So far, there are 73 projects in Otis construction, and about 90,000 workers from overseas and local are working overtime. Add a little bit of brick and mortar to these projects. Du Lin sighed heavily after watching it. He thought about killing Bucho and letting his plan have an abortion, but then thought about it and thought it would not work.

He used to be a businessman, so it is reasonable to do something beyond the limits, but now he is an official, and the biggest competitor he faces in the future is also an official. Can't he think that this guy always kills him against him, and that guy also kills him if he doesn't deal with himself. What if the person against him is the top of the old and new parties? Is he going to send someone to kill Magus or the old party leader?

So when you need to use positive means, you cannot use negative means.

Natalie, who was a bit depressed, walked into Du Lin slowly. She was surprised that Du Lin came to her not to talk about life and ideals, but to ask her to open the archives and find the inside. data. Now that you are here, you can't just do nothing. She glanced at the documents she had reviewed on the table and asked softly, "What happened? Is something wrong?"

Du Lin nodded solemnly, "Bucho ... is the person in charge of the Workers' Union intends to initiate a strike. The total number of workers in Otis is almost 100,000. Once the strike of these people suppressed everything, it was very It could trigger a chain reaction! "

If the strike is so powerful, it will most likely spread to neighboring cities, so Du Lin ’s brain will hurt a little. If he ca n’t, he can only kill that guy. Although he does n’t want to do this, he wants to use “fair” Point to destroy each other's scheme.

"Why not talk to the workers?" Natalie asked curiously: "Those workers have their own foremen, we can't communicate with all workers, but we can communicate with the foremen. I think it should not be too difficult Thing, after all, they work to make money. "

When Du Lingang thought this idea was a bit naive, the whole person suddenly didn't move. It wasn't that Natalie provided a solution for him, but made him think of another solution. The so-called strike is nothing more than beating the city hall and the employers by not working. As long as this problem does not exist, the strike will become meaningless.

But what if they are not workers?

Du Lin waved his fist, immediately lifted the phone and dialed Sophia's number.

At this time, Sofia is preparing to rest, and the desire to go to bed always comes earlier when she is older. Without Du Lin's phone, she may fall into dreamland in ten minutes ~ ~ I It's Sofia ... "

"Dulin, I have one thing you need to do now." Dulin didn't have a shudder, and after assigning his identity, he gave Sofia a task. "Ask others immediately if they have any compatriots who are willing to go out to work. To Otis, I work ten hours a day, fifteen minutes an hour. Every month I personally subsidize another three dollars, and give me the news as soon as possible, be quick! "

Since the workers 'union wanted to pay a huge strike at the bottom, they were satisfied. Du Lin did not have the slightest favor for the workers who were willing to stand up with the workers' union to strike during the stagnation period. There is a way to negotiate everything, but such acts as strike have harmed the interests of all people, so let them be more thorough, and their own interests.

This problem can also be solved by this method. There are still many people who do not work or face exploitation. Even if all the workers went on strike and 100,000 compatriots came, Du Lin only subsidized 300,000 a month. Now he has not paid attention to this money, and it is a war that must be won.

The loser will lose all initiative and dignity, and he must win.

After hanging up the phone, Du Lin thought about it, and the whole thing began to flow smoothly in his mind, so that he did not notice that Natalie's hands were gently pressing his head. After a moment, he opened his eyes and glanced at Natalie with a few surprises, then raised the phone and called Colonel Thomas again. As soon as he picked it up, Du Lin asked: "Mr. Thomas, the Empire is on alert Does the Army of the District have acquaintances you know? "

Since Bucho intends to play a big one, Doolin doesn't mind making the scenes of this game bigger!

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